2010 sign-ups: authors

May 23, 2010 01:24

Rules for authors

» Your story must have a minimum length of 10,000 words.
» You can only write a story or create art, not both.
» All genres are accepted; slash, het, gen, AU, RPF/RPS, femslash, etc.
» Your story must center around 1 or more characters from The Vampire Diaries.
» Both the books' canon and the television show's canon applies.
» Crossovers are ok, but the story must center around a character from this canon.
» RPS/RPF are ok, but 1 or more characters from this canon must be included.
» The post containing your story, on your livejournal/site, must be public.
» It's forbidden to post your story before your assigned date.

» A beta must read through your story before you post. You can request one (and/or a cheerleader) in this post and we will assign you one when someone who fits your requirements (genre, pairing, etc.) shows up. You may get in touch with someone outside of this community to be your beta and/or cheerleader as well, as long as you have your drafts read through and you feel supported.

Dates of importance

June 20th » Authors sign-ups close. You should've signed up by now.
August 20th » Authors rough drafts are due. You can edit your story after this date. This is just to ensure all of our authors have been doing what they signed up for.
August 30th » You will be assigned your artist. You can then get in touch with them, let them read through your full draft for inspiration and discuss any possible requests of yours, regarding their art.
October 1st » An assigned posting schedule is revealed. Posting begins the same day.

Signing up

Still with us? Good. Please comment with the form below:
First name:
Email (optional):
(The following are optional)
Are you planning on writing TVD or RPF?
Are you planning on writing slash, gen or het?
What pairings are your favorites?

Thanks so much for signing up!

!sign-ups: authors, !sign-ups, (mod)

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