request a beta!

May 30, 2010 18:03

I'm opening up sign-up posts for both beta's and cheerleaders now. You, authors, will then be able to comment with the wish to get in touch with a beta and/or cheerleader and we will assign you one when we have enough signed up. Hopefully it will all work out!

This will be the post you comment and request a beta and/or a cheerleader. Follow the instructions below and we will assign you one, or both, who fits your requirements (genre, pairing, etc.)

Keep in mind..
» You may get in touch with someone outside of this community to be your beta or cheerleader.
» You can request both a beta reader and a cheerleader, since they serve completely different purposes.
» If the beta/cheerleader assigned to you isn't doing their job or treats you and your story badly - let us know!
» Remember that even if you don't need a beta now, you can still request one later on. You story must be beta'd.
» Comment to this post using the form below..

Do you need a beta reader?
Do you need a cheerleader?
What genre is your story? (het/slash/crossover/etc.)
Which pairing(s) does your story have?
What rating is your story? (pg-13/nc-17/r/etc.)
Any warnings? (violence/incest/tentacles/etc.)
Anything else?

Don't worry if there's a question you can't answer yet, just leave it empty!

request: beta readers, request: cheerleader, (mod)

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