2010 sign-ups: artists

May 23, 2010 00:44

Rules for artists/vidders

» You need to create at least 1 piece of artwork or fanvid to accompany a story.
» You cannot create art and write a story - please choose one or the other.
» The art can be of any kind; manip, cover art, drawing, original illustration, etc.
» Your art/vid can be any rating, but discuss this with your author before posting.
» The post containing your art/vid, on your livejournal/site, must be public.
» You're not allowed to post your art before your assigned posting date.

Dates of importance

August 20th » Artist sign-ups close. You should've signed up by now.
August 25th » An anonymous list of story titles and summaries will be posted. You will then be able to claim the prompt you want on a first come, first served basis.
August 30th* » The prompts will be posted again along with their authors and assigned artists. You can then get in touch with your author, discuss the art and read the full draft. *This date is only preliminary.
September 25th » Artists drafts due. You can alter/edit your art after this date - this is only to ensure all our artists have been doing what they signed up for.
October 1st » An assigned posting schedule is revealed. Posting begins the same day.

Signing up

Still interested? Please comment with the form below:
First name:
Where do you post your art?
Email (optional):

Thanks for your interest!

!sign-ups, (mod), !sign-ups: artists

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