What to do;
Anyone can leave any number of prompts (one per comment), and/or any number of fills.
Prompts and fills must involve either: at least one of The Originals characters (Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah, Marcel, Camille, Hayley, etc) or at least one character from the originals family (Kol, Finn, Esther, Mikael, etc) as long as this is the case any other characters are allowed. For prompts that don’t specify any characters, the fills must still have one of these characters involved.
Label fills with titles, and include warnings. And please post a link in the fills thread.
Feel free to create and post any promotional banners or use the one here to promote the ficathon.
Use this to promote:
![](</span></span>http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i385/Jayphoto4/ficathon20152_zpsd44c11ff.jpg<span style=)
" border="0" alt=" photo ficathon20152_zps95cde7a5.jpg"/> Feel free to ask any questions.
Have fun.