Yuletide Recs!

Dec 26, 2012 22:00

I hardly ever do rec posts, b/c I hardly ever read Yuletide fics in such a way that make them feasible. Sure I'll go through the whole collection...by June. Anywho, this year I seem to be on a mission, possibly inspired by receiving three (!) fics for myself this year, all of them amazing. (Thank God for the bookmarking feature on AO3.)

For the few readers that I have who are here for the fics, not the random, the recs are behind the cut. Come, let us sing of yuletide...um, whatever that next part is.

Written for me
The Fall of Ile-Rien by Martha Wells: When the Sea Is - Tremaine had been living in Cineth for more than a month now, and so far, none of her more pessimistic predictions had come to pass. She hadn’t gotten anyone killed, not even Cletia; she hadn’t added Ilias to her previously dismal record of broken relationships; and she hadn’t been homesick for Vienne at all.
- This is such a slice of the original series, it felt like it was part of the series. I have to admit, every time I've asked for Fall of Ile-Rien fic I've gotten really, really good work. This is no exception. Tremaine, Gil and Ilias are spot on. The sketches of the other characters make a vibrant setting to the series. Even the ending is fitting. Really loved it, and it's only made better b/c it was written for me.

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen: The Absent Harp - Fanny Bertram feels she's stumbled into a play when Mary Crawford shows up unannounced after ten years.
- Finally! No need to fight to justify Fanny (as my anonymous creator said) but rather an honest depiction of who Fanny is vs. Mary Crawford...and an honest look at who Edmund wanted Mary to be. The author also managed to pull in Pride & Prejudice, bless their heart, making this an amazingly awesome fic. As perfect as the Fall of Ile-Rien fic was b/c of how perfectly it fit in with the established world, this is perfect for making the established world of Mansfield Park more plain.

My Secret Identity: Flight of Fancy- The 21st century has some new challenges for Andrew.
- A Yuletide Treat! I'm so glad I requested this fandom, b/c it was one of my first scifi/fantasy loves. Anywho, the author takes a look at a grown up relationship between Andrew and his sister, and how being super in the modern world effects something as simple as going home for the holidays. The author has also now created a desperate wish for someone to write a fic in which Andrew's a dad... Maybe that's for next year :D

A League of Their Own
Hear That Call - Dottie goes home to bury Bob, then returns to see Kit pitch the World Series. Jimmy deals with the second year of the AAGPBL.
- Between Jimmy yelling at Stillwell at random moments, Mae and Doris getting everyone in trouble, and just getting to see Dottie back in the game, this is a most excellent fic. Jimmy and Dottie argue about the game constantly, and Jimmy's always trying to take a trip back into the bottle...it totally works.

If You Hit it Right, That is Heaven - Rogers Hornsby once said, the first rule of baseball is to get a good ball to hit. Jimmy, Dottie, and the sweet spot.
- The tension between Dottie and Jimmy, between Dottie's awesomeness and her being "just a girl" this fic is wonderful. They're ballplayers, and winter just isn't for them.

Alice (2009)
Lingering in the Golden Dream - Hatter slips into Jack's old life.
- And it doesn't quite work (slipping into Jack's old life). The author explores the insecurities betw Hatter and Alice, and brings it all to a nice conclusion if I say so myself.

Reflections - Alice and Hatter dance between two worlds.
- Like Wonderland, this fic wiggles and moves and doesn't quite take a straight path anywhere...but it does it so well and so skillfully, you are fully satisfied by the end. I promise. It explores the weirdness of Wonderland and why it works (b/c Alice loves Hatter and has given in that it just does), how odd Hatters & Alice's relation ship is and why it works (b/c Hatter loves Alice and is willing to be "boring" for her), and just some of the tension of wanting to finally enjoy Wonderland while being semi-obligated to help fix it. Read it.

Five Times Hatter Explained Himself - (Although most of the time, naturally, he only told people what they wanted to hear.)
- A mini Hatter character study, which feels even smaller when you're not looking at it on your smartphone. But I digress. Anywho, 5 snippets of Hatter being every inch himself, and in the last one...Alice gets it. Sort of. Good stuff.

Allstate Insurance "Mayhem" Commercials
And I'm the Obstacle You Never Expected - "He looked like a washed-up actor who had mugged an accountant on his way to the local bar." Mayhem meets his match...or does he?
- I am still crying tears of laughter and joy over this one. Omigosh. I can not put into words the funny. If you have ever seen a Mayhem commercial, you will love this. I promise. Oh, how do I promise.


Okay, so it's not much but it's better than I've done in years. But there's more to read, right? Right!

yuletide, non-fiction

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