Round 6 Skip Post

Feb 02, 2009 20:41

Each participant at tv_lims automatically get's one "skip" which entitles them to skip one challenge in this round. Each participant may earn two additional skips by pimping tv_lims in another community/journal. Just comment here with a link and I'll give you your extra skips.

music_fun - 0 skip
sugarfixx - 0 skip

round 6, skip post

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Comments 7

americangrl69 February 5 2009, 00:25:50 UTC
Pimped here.


Second Pimp: icequeen3101 February 6 2009, 23:14:31 UTC

music_fun February 6 2009, 19:41:13 UTC

realproof February 18 2009, 01:29:45 UTC

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