Stamped; Tutu Items Theme

Dec 01, 2007 01:59

Name: Nyeh, and I thought I said I was never going to use my real name on the internet again…
Nickname: You know, it’s fascinating how many ways people butcher my name! Mon (which I hate), Monnie (which I hate even more), Momo (which I don’t mind so much), Moe (I suppose my brother thinks he’s being cute by making my name sound like his?)
Age: 18
Gender: Cogito ergo femina sum

How do you perceive yourself? I’m always thinking about how I perceive myself so one day when someone asks “what the hell is wrong with you?” I can present a list. I don’t really know yet, all I can see is how heavily flawed I am; my thoughts are always repeating themselves, and sometimes they go so fast I have to shout ‘STOP!’ before I can act normally. I have no inner monologue anymore, I just can’t keep my thoughts to myself, I have to say them aloud as if to affirm them. I’m afraid of saying the wrong thing, committing a faux pas because of how different my line of thinking or sense of humor is. Somehow, things that happen always feel like they’re my fault, like if my friend was in trouble I would want to help them and would worry excessively. “What if something happens to them? It would be all my fault, I’d be a failure!” ah, but I’m being FAR too angsty. Let’s try the lighter side of things, like how sometimes I can actually make people laugh, or how most of the time I just worry because my mind forces worry onto me. So, don’t worry, if I say we’re all going to die, we’re probably not. That’s just me being obsessive about disaster again. What a moron I am. If I say something pseudo-insightful towards you I’m probably wrong, I can’t really read into other’s feelings and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to. *shrug* There’s just some kind of mental block of naïveté there. Oh-and I am useful for storing a wealth of random/useless facts, identifying irony and being a curmudgeon before my time even comes. I also have the same birthday as The Penguin and Karl (or is it Carl? I don't care, I like using Karl for him better!) Jung, which is cool. I…also…abuse…ellipses… */random useless fact*
How do you think other people perceive you? “That weird girl in the corner.” “That sad girl.” “A manipulative, irreverent, lazy girl.” (Thanks, mom.) “We can be crazy cat ladies together! …With our kids we’re probably going to have, despite us hating children.” (Oh, the best friend. XD) “A DUCK!” (No, seriously.)
What do you do in your spare time (hobbies, if any?)? Read (whether about interesting things or interesting stories), gather information, draw, write, make up and develop characters (of course, I seem to like tormenting them. Why I like Drosselmeyer becomes scarily apparent.) Take care of cats, play video games, agonize over not being motivated enough to finish a stupid, 2000 word essay. OOH! AND-! AND-! Making things. I like making things, whether it be something girly like a meal to a craptastic paper doll. And made-up dialog; very few will know what I mean by this, I'm sure.
Stuff you love: Animals, interesting books (it’s a tradition for me to get a Guinness book every year. And a book of Ripley’s, and I’m still trying to hunt down a hardback, illustrated Wizard of Oz-well, more like I still need to start hunting it down. I also need to find that book of cat fairy tales again), strange, quirky things (like my barometer that I accidentally killed and my music-uh, not box, scrap metal man), irony, cute things (…I LIKE HELLO KITTY AND HAVE A PINK DS. I’m such a girl when it comes to those…), jewelry (no, no, not gemstones, more like Luna’s radish earrings :D), hats (I so would wear Drossie’s hat for Halloween.) If this isn’t what the question meant…eh, I don’t care, I’ve already said it.
Stuff you dislike: Boring things (“Ah, nail polish that I’m never going to use? A dull romance book with a terrifying cover?...A collection of For Better of For Worse? You’re trying to make me mad, aren’t you?”), clichés (…well, sometimes. Sometimes I think something like, “That princess should totally kiss him and do the thing like Freddy Krueger did to that girl. That’d be vaguely horrifying, but funny.”) Overly girly things (“So…exactly why did you think giving me a pink frilly dress that looks like something out of a CCS Valentine’s special that would NEVER suit me was a good idea?”

Are you more...
Idealistic/realistic? Realistic
Introverted/extroverted? Introverted, but more in the creepy “I’m watching yooooou…” way.
Calm/hyper? In between, sometimes I feel like DANCING! running. And I ran, I ran so far away….
Mature/immature? In between, I think it comes from mostly hanging out with guys my entire life.

Princess Tutu Related
What are some (2-4) scenes that are your favorites in the show? When raven!Mytho was flying off and Rue was running after him, screaming and begging for the Raven King to take her instead and that she loved Mytho. That damn scene almost made me cry, it did. Second was the Ebine episode when Ahiru was trying to warn Mytho and he just gave her a blank, swirly-eyed smile. All glory to Hypno Mytho. Let’s not forget to mention that ALL FAKIR AWKWARD SCENES ARE CUTE and that Autor/Rue scene made me go “awwwww…:(”
Who's your favorite major character (i.e. from the regular stamps) and why? I love them all, but Rue is my favorite. Why, I’m not quite sure, whether it was her design, her background, her friendship with Ahiru and her struggle with herself. Or perhaps it’s the fact that Kraehe’s one of the coolest female villains I’ve seen in a while. Oh, and ALL GLORY TO MR. CAT and raven!Lilie and Pique were so unbearably cute I feel they had to be mentioned. Also, Edel deserves a mention, just because that scene where she touches Ahiru’s cheek was so poignant and the fact that she really was there until the end.
Who's your favorite minor character (i.e. Malen, Femio, Mr. Penguin) and why? FEMIO. Oh, Femio, you win by your fail. He’s such a ridiculous character, but I love his design and the facial expressions he makes, from his “AH SQUEE!” face to his “if I were a girl I would MARRY YOU--!!” face. Ha-ha, moodswings! Also, I love shipping him with Lilie because him being the masochist that he is and Lilie amuses me to think of him being in such agony over realizing he wants to give his love to just ONE PERSON. DDD: And Lilie deciding that he's dramatic enough for her and reveling in his 'SO ADORABLE! <3<3<3' pain. Mr. Penguin deserves a mention because I loved how he also struck up a song and turned around with a sort of “’Sup?” air to him. That, and I said to myself “he turned into Ray Charles, cool!” when I saw his human form. *does the sign of the Cross* I’m going to hell for that, but before I do, let me just say this-Crocodilia’s human form is one of the cutest things about the end. OH! OH! AND HERMIA AND LYSANDER ARE UBER DORKS IN LOVE! They’re so lovey-dovey.
Who's the character you like least (can be major/minor) and why? I don’t dislike any of them.

Gift Related
Have you been naughty or nice this year? Mostly nice, any naughtiness can be attributed to my mind not being under my control, thanks.
Did you believe in Santa Claus? Of course, I still believe that he’s real-but dead-due to the loophole of ‘hey, St. Nick!’
Would you rather give or receive? (Be honest. XD) Eh, give; people have given me so much throughout my life and I’ve never been able to return anything. I want to.
If you don't mind saying so, what are some of the actual things on your holiday wishlist? I don’t think about that. What I get, I get and I accept it.
What style of gifts do you like receiving? (e.g. cute, elegant, crack-y) Oh, all of the above! :D…But seriously, I think I answered that with stuff I like. Oops.
If you could have one thing from the Tutu item list, what would it be and why? (Note: This doesn't mean people will/should vote you as this. :P But still.) Drosselmeyer’s pocket watch. I have…always wanted a pocket watch; I love old, cool things like that. I like clocks in general, whether it be the old ones with their resonating clicks and grinds, bell towers chiming, or small watches with their tiny sounds.

Links to 3 apps you voted on (update as you go on): Winter is the precursor to Spring so it is, in fact, the season of hope for a new beginning.

Anything else? Sooooo…who else hates Easter? My brother was named Joseph because he was born near Christmas time. :3 Happy future 22nd, Joe-Joe.

ahiru's duckie pillow, !christmasthemestamped, femio's bull, drossy's pocketwatch

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