Here's the temp mod speaking. I've been doing some stuff like stamping and tagging, but since we have a whole month here I'm wondering about having a theme or not to keep it interesting. I doubt I'd be able to make an entire new theme by myself, but I'm curious about what people think about maybe reinstating one of the old themes, e.g. the soundtrack theme, for the people who came in just afterward and maybe wanted to give it a go.
Since I can't post polls, I'd love to get some feedback via comments on what you guys think of recycling a theme(s) for this month, or helping to put together a new one, or even if you think just not having a theme is fine too. :D
All right, so I'm keeping a tally on themes so this is as official a poll as I can manage. :P Comment to vote! (Bold your vote as in apps to make it easier for me please XP )
Try and keep it to one, but if you just can't decide you may vote for two. :)
(Vote tally on new themes)
1 - [NEW] Tutu items (possible holiday theme?)
3 - Minor characters
0 - Tutu animal characters
0 - Locations
0 - Episodes
1 - Your Tutu Love Match (could also be a February Valentine's theme?)
1 - Which Ballet?
0 - Manga Tutu theme
1 - Character You're Least Like (Your Antithesis)
0 - Fairy tales, stories, operas (in anime)
0 - Halloween theme:
Spirits (previously planned)
(Reprised themes)
0 -
Soundtrack Music0 -
Heart Shards (continue September's theme)
Also, there are a few apps that
need votes, especially one that is two weeks in coming. Please get some votes in so it can get stamped finally! ^^;;