May 16, 2005 19:55
thanks for all your support, i think i will eventually get over it. but it is hard and frustrating :( i luv you all a lot thanks for always being there!! and john we def. have to do something be4 u leave for college maybe a group of us could go out to a movie or sumtin! and if any of you know a go massage therapist, let me know lol.
May 13, 2005 18:17
my life is full of suprises, 90% of the time they are bad. i just dont get it, what do i do SO wrong to be hurt emotionally? what is it?
May 13, 2005 16:52
Apr 29, 2005 20:16
Woah ! i figured out how to write in color!!!!how exciting!!!! my life lately has absolutly sucked. Other then that today was awsome i had soooooooo much fun!!!! :) it made me feel better!!!!! well anywho i am going to work on a project ::wooo::: how much fun!! lata gators!
Apr 09, 2005 22:00
clothes are over rated.....i think everyone sohuld go around naked ;)
Apr 03, 2005 19:58
mer. wat a busy weekend. next weekend should be lots of fun though!! WOOT HOLLY AND HEATHER!! lol. well im off to decorate my planner with pics. cuz im bored!!!
luv yall,
p.s. travis and cesar i think you both need to declare that you hate each other and leave it at that. it would make ur lives easier.
p.p.s. im glad u had fun at prom
Apr 02, 2005 23:10
P.S. john (i spelled your name rt!!lol) why is everything according to "carly" i dont get it lol