Title: Status Quo
Pairing: Kyusung [Kyuhyun x Yesung]
Rating: PG
Length: Oneshot
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters :(
Summary: Sometimes, it's simply too difficult to change the status quo and take a blind leap of faith.
10 Settings Challenge: #1 - Lake
The sunlight reflected off the lake as Kyuhyun closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of floating on the water. )
Comments 19
I really like your writing style! It's simple yet descriptive and beautiful <3
Thanks for writing this! :D
Thank you! :) I'm glad you enjoyed reading this ^_^
I'm glad you liked this! :)
I will wait before reading the other one, just because I hate character deaths x___x but if it's written by you, it must be great anyway :3
Just keep writing, that's awesome ♥
I'm glad you enjoy my fics ^_^
Yeah...the other one was a bit of an experiment - never going to kill a character off again. Too painful LOL.
Sad :((( Im not first anymore~
You're good at descriptions that I know even without conversations you can definitely pull it off :D You have a natural gift in writing and you're definitely one of my favorite writer...keep it up!!
Can't wait for the next 8...Gotta be quick in commenting this time..I have to protect my image of a ninja anyway..xDDD!!
Hwaiting Nana!!!
I'm glad you liked this! :)
Hwaiting! I'm looking forward to reading your fics too! :D
Of course I like this,,Yesung didn't die..LOL!! But no,,this is really beautiful...
Oh,,Im taking a rest for a while so I don't know when will that be :D
It was sort of melancholic and bittersweet, that both of their feelings were mutual but they were unaware of it, but so beautiful! Great work!
I try to make it work well for our two precious boys :3
Thanks for reading & all the sweet comments!
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