Title: Status Quo
Pairing: Kyusung [Kyuhyun x Yesung]
Rating: PG
Length: Oneshot
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters :(
Summary: Sometimes, it's simply too difficult to change the status quo and take a blind leap of faith.
10 Settings Challenge: #1 - Lake
The sunlight reflected off the lake as Kyuhyun closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of floating on the water. )
Comments 19
ARGH!! unrequited love is so frustrating!
both of them love each other!! WHY?!
the cruelty of status quo
sorry about that! I'm not good at keeping my feelings and thoughts XD
I think you can finish this very near!! So more KyuSung to go? ^^
Yes, totally agree with you - unrequited love sucks :(
Yup more Kyusung to come :D
I hate having unfinished projects ;_; So I'm racing through all the prompts LOL
just when i thought one would confess to the other, he just holds back..
Yeah this one's a bit more depressing... :(
But at least they both love each other!! :D
oh god... i felt some emptiness with them
it's horrible! I mean, i loved the fic but but but... they ;A; please develop more this plot
It's just a snapshot of their relationship, so who knows what happens later? :)
I don't think I'll develop it more, as it's a short one-shot for a fanfic challenge...sorry!
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