Always - BigBrother!Dean&Sam Vid

Jul 13, 2008 18:13

New Supernatural vid! Maybe some of you won't agree, but I really love the final product of this thing. The song gets me every time. Damn you, Rube Sofer and your insistence in singing this to your daughter... *shakes angry fist*'

Okay, enough of me rambling...


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vid, supernatural, tv shows

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Comments 25

gregor_asmadi July 14 2008, 23:03:05 UTC
Sorry my comment is so tardy, but it took a while to download it, then stupid work happened. :-) Lovely vid, Maria!!!


turquoisetumult July 14 2008, 23:34:19 UTC
Argh, work! *shakes angry fist, not unlike the one shook at Rube Sofer for making Maria cry with that song* :D

And, please, you weren't tardy AT ALL. I'm just glad you liked the vid. Thank you, Steve. :)


ageless_aislynn July 15 2008, 05:49:33 UTC
Awwww, that was just gorgeous! That was so cool how you used the dual windows like that! (And thanks for the "WB" shout-out there! ;) ) You did a lovely job with that and it really fit the theme of the vid so well, like flipping through a book of old photographs. It's a really beautiful ode to their strong, undeniable brotherly love! ♥!

I thought that was a really good choice to avoid making it all about "the deal" because, as you said, it's hardly like that was the only thing Dean's ever done for Sam to show that he cares. And I loved how you showed them as kids towards the end, indeed reminding us that he's been looking out for his little brother for a very long time now. :D

Love is not defined by a single moment, but by an entire lifetime.

That just sums it up perfectly! Fantastic job! *applause applause applause* ♥♥♥!!!


turquoisetumult July 15 2008, 23:13:56 UTC
You inspired it, so you get the shout-out, gratis! :D Eep! I'm so glad you picked up on that. I was really trying to go for the "life flashing before Dean's eyes" idea, focused on his life and love for Sam.

I thought that was a really good choice to avoid making it all about "the deal" because, as you said, it's hardly like that was the only thing Dean's ever done for Sam to show that he cares. And I loved how you showed them as kids towards the end, indeed reminding us that he's been looking out for his little brother for a very long time now. :D

You got it right on the money! There have been so many vids where "the deal" is considered the be all and end all of Dean's love for Sam, and I'm like "Hey, wait a minute! Dean loved Sam PLENTY before the season 2 finale" and I just really wanted to show that. And I loved the wee!chesters clip myself because it really hits the nail on the head, doesn't it?

Love is not defined by a single moment, but by an entire lifetime ( ... )


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turquoisetumult July 15 2008, 23:18:04 UTC
Aww, thank you, Karolina! I'm really glad you were able to enjoy this vid with little knowledge about the characters (except that Dean, the older brother, really loves his little brother. lol)

I've been on this kick where I tend to vid very unique songs. The vid before this one was made to "Castle on a Cloud," a very melodic song sung by a little girl in the musical, Les Miserables, and I also applied it to Dean. I really like that because, like you said, the songs are refreshingly new and it almost presents a challenge because you have to make something not very associated with SPN fit. :)

Thank you so much, Karolina. And I'm also very, very glad that we now have a way to talk outside of LVI. :)


starrylizard July 16 2008, 02:55:42 UTC
Oooh very different. (Sorry I'm slow to comment these days) Nice, um, do I call it a texture? Very nice anyway! :) For some reason I don't like the song at all, but I can see how much effort went into this vid and the theme is really well done, with all the brotherly love so very clear. Very nice! :)

I'd also like to point out there's a new Supernatural vidding forum, The Roadhouse. Always open to new members and the vids posted there get listed on The Impala database as well! I'd love to see you there! :)


turquoisetumult July 16 2008, 23:29:58 UTC
Hey, better late than never.

I didn't appreciate the song at first either, and then it grew on me. It might grow on you as well. ;)

Um, I consider texture something that goes over the vid. So, uh, book/photo album might work. lol.

Thank you, Lizzie. I'm glad you enjoyed the evident brotherly even if you didn't like the song... :)

Um, I'm a little hesitant in roading the Roadhouse because I don't really have time for forums (I barely visit the ones I'm in now) and I do already post at Impala Database. Maybe sometime in the future. :)


maichan July 16 2008, 05:10:59 UTC
Oh Maria, that was simply beautiful. I really like the photo album motif. The effect was so simple, yet so effective and different. And all the scenes you chose were really well matched to the lyrics.

But no fair using Mandy Patinkin - singing a cappella, no less! You got me totally verklempt from watching. However, I must admit that when the musical accompaniment came in behind the vocals, it was oddly discordant at first. It lent an almost unsettling feel to the ambiance, adding a touch of tragedy behind the outward display of unconditional love. Very poignant, indeed.


turquoisetumult July 16 2008, 23:49:09 UTC
I'm glad you like the photo album. I tried to search for one online but couldn't, so I finally settled on a book and added photo-like slots. :) And thank you about the lyrics association. I swear, I spent more time figuring out the lyrics (since they were so broad) than working on the actual vid. I'm really glad you liked that aspect of the vid.

Man, I couldn't help it! He sang this song to his dying daughter in Dead Like Me. It was TOO unbelievably sweet for me to pass it up.

It did feel kind of uneasy with the music, didn't it? I didn't actually notice it until you mentioned up, but you're right. It does kind of mellow out, though, to a bit of bittersweet and forebodingly tragic tune. Dude, I didn't think they delved into a 1:45 song this much (*hearts Dead Like Me*). Anyway, all the more reason for me to use this song.

Thank you so very much for the awesome comment, Christel! ♥

P.S. Have you ever watched Dead Like Me. You totally should if you haven't. *ends pimping ( ... )


maichan July 17 2008, 00:02:18 UTC
I did watch a few eps of Dead Like Me when the show first aired, but never got into it. I know it's the same producer behind Pushing Daisies (which I absolutely adore), so I might give it another shot.


turquoisetumult July 17 2008, 03:28:13 UTC
Even though Dead Like Me and Pushing Daisies come from the same creator, they are vastly different. DLM is very cynical and almost bitter, while PD is the complete opposite, light-hearted and fantasy-like. So it's understandable if you like one and not the other. I personally loved DLM because it was so easy to relate the main character and I loved the sense of humor and all the characters...

But you should give it a shot if you'd like. You might have a different experience the second time. :)


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