Dexter fic, Hot Fuzz & DLM picspams

Nov 10, 2010 20:53

Responses to this challenge that I posted, like, eons ago. It resulted in one Dexter ficlet, one Hot Fuzz picspam, and one DLM mini-picspam.

(1.) Dexter - LaGuerta - LaGuerta's crush on Dexter from season 1 (for danniisupernova )

Title: Skinned Knees
Author: turquoisetumult/CriesofCapricorn/PsychoCynic = me
Rating: PG
Word Count: 161
Characters/Pairings: LaGuerta, ( Read more... )

picspam, tv shows, movies, hot fuzz, challenge, fic, dexter, dead like me

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Comments 11

chocolate_inyx November 17 2010, 06:29:13 UTC
DLM picspam is SO ADORABLE! I love George & Rube. And Hot Fuzz just makes everything more shiny. <3 those two.


turquoisetumult November 17 2010, 22:53:20 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I love George&Rube in DLM and I'm glad I highlighted some of their sweeter moments!

HOT FUZZ! WOOT! What a fantastic film! I can't wait for Pegg and Frost's newest film!

Thanks so much for the great feedback! Glad you liked! ♥


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