Dexter fic, Hot Fuzz & DLM picspams

Nov 10, 2010 20:53

Responses to this challenge that I posted, like, eons ago. It resulted in one Dexter ficlet, one Hot Fuzz picspam, and one DLM mini-picspam.

(1.) Dexter - LaGuerta - LaGuerta's crush on Dexter from season 1 (for danniisupernova )

Title: Skinned Knees
Author: turquoisetumult/CriesofCapricorn/PsychoCynic = me
Rating: PG
Word Count: 161
Characters/Pairings: LaGuerta, Dexter
Genre: General
Disclaimer: I don't own Dexter or its characters.
Warning: This is unbeta-ed. But it should be a-okay to read considering English is my first language and all... Nevertheless, even though I reread it, if someone notices a mistake (typo or other), let me know and I’ll fix it.
Prompt: LaGuerta's crush on Dexter from season 1
Summary: Perhaps it was that very ordinariness of him that intrigued LaGuerta. // Insight on LaGuerta's crush on Dexter from season 1.

LaGuerta never knew why she was so attracted to Dexter Morgan.

There was nothing remarkably special about him. He worked from nine to five, had lunch with his sister most days, went home (presumably to an adoring pretty, young girlfriend), and came back the next day with doughnuts for the crew.

Perhaps it was that very ordinariness of him that intrigued LaGuerta. She imagined him as someone she could do the Sunday Crossword with, his hands, meticulously crossing out the answered clues, his fingers, neatly filling in the letters, all in caps. She imagines feeding him a jelly doughnut with her messy fingers, licking off the excess jelly off his lips, and him, smiling in return.

He never returned her feelings and, as it were, his endearing traits were the same that she soon began to see in Angel.

But still, it’s knowing that good-heartedness in Dexter that will have LaGuerta defending him ‘til the end, accused of murder or not.

(2.) Hot Fuzz - Nicholas & Danny - ain't it good to know that you've got a friend (for danniisupernova )


(3.) Dead Like Me - Rube & George - you know I've seen a lot of what the world can do, and it's breakin' my heart in two, because I never wanna see you sad, girl (for dist_reflection)

+Resources can be found here.
+FEEDBACK is greatly appreciated. Thanks. ENJOY! :)

picspam, tv shows, movies, hot fuzz, challenge, fic, dexter, dead like me

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