Dexter fic, Hot Fuzz & DLM picspams

Nov 10, 2010 20:53

Responses to this challenge that I posted, like, eons ago. It resulted in one Dexter ficlet, one Hot Fuzz picspam, and one DLM mini-picspam.

(1.) Dexter - LaGuerta - LaGuerta's crush on Dexter from season 1 (for danniisupernova )

Title: Skinned Knees
Author: turquoisetumult/CriesofCapricorn/PsychoCynic = me
Rating: PG
Word Count: 161
Characters/Pairings: LaGuerta, ( Read more... )

picspam, tv shows, movies, hot fuzz, challenge, fic, dexter, dead like me

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Comments 11

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turquoisetumult November 11 2010, 21:07:43 UTC
Me too, until someone asked me to write about it. :)

Thanks for the feedback. I think writing for Dexter is pretty damn hard so I appreciate the comment.

Thankies! I miss George and Rube! And Simon Pegg and Nick Frost - but at least they've got a new movie coming out...


dist_reflection November 11 2010, 07:40:02 UTC
Oh my gosh. This is just so beautiful. Ive had such a long, stressful, busy week at uni & this...this is just what I needed. I wish I had a Rube I could sit next to right now. With wise words of wisdom to bestow on me, even if I have no intention of taking them to heart. This is gorgeous. Thankyou so much for making this for me. In all honesty I had forgotten about this and it was a wonderful surprise. *hugs*


turquoisetumult November 11 2010, 21:08:59 UTC
I know! I think we all need a Rube in our lives! Unfair that he's a fictional TV character!

I had it all done a while ago but never posted. Glad I finally did! So happy you like it, sweetie! ♥


ciaimpala November 11 2010, 18:33:58 UTC
SO perfect! Thanks so much!


turquoisetumult November 11 2010, 21:09:30 UTC
You're welcome! THANK YOU for the feedback. ;) Glad you like it!


xmarisolx November 13 2010, 11:42:06 UTC
thanx for sharing


turquoisetumult November 13 2010, 15:50:48 UTC
Not sure which fandom you came for, but I'm glad you liked the post! Thank you!


storyfan November 13 2010, 15:49:00 UTC
Wow! I thought I'd see some nice Hot Fuzz screencaps, but these are a-mazing! Thanks for sharing them with us.


turquoisetumult November 13 2010, 15:52:44 UTC
Thanks so much!! It took a lot of time to find the right quotes and such! (BTW, the images should be bigger, don't know why they look so blurred. You can right-click, copy the url, and paste in the url to see the images in their full sizes).


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