More Than The World (Forty-Seven)

Jun 29, 2013 22:35

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

“Ah, ah!” I whined, threading my fingers through Jack’s black hair and tugging. “Holy shit, babe!”

He hummed, swirling his tongue around me and making me groan.

“You’re so fucking good at this. Damn it,” I panted, hearing him chuckle. I moaned, squirming my hips to try and stop myself from bucking up and choking him. He moaned, taking a deep breath in through his nose before taking me in all the way.

“Fuck!” I gasped, curling my toes as he deep throated me. I could feel myself growing closer to the edge, orgasm building deep in my groin. “J-Jack!”

He brought his mouth up, scraping his teeth lightly against the vine on the underside of my dick before swallowing it back done.

“So good. So fucking good,” I groaned, scraping my nails against his scalp. “Babe, fuck- I-I’m gonna-”

I squeaked as he circled my entrance with his thumb, hearing him giggle. The vibrations ran straight through my cock, making me choke on my words and pull on his hair tightly.

He pulled off with a pop, smirking at me as he sucked one of his fingers into his mouth.

“Hey! You’re supposed to be sucking my dick, not your dirty fingers! Come on!” I whined and he giggled, sliding the lubricated finger from between his lips.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he teased, licking a stripe up the underside of my cock.

I moaned, eyes rolling back as he deep throated me again. He bobbed his head up and down, swirling his tongue around the sensitive muscle. He slid up, tonguing the slit and pumping the shaft before sliding back down. I moaned, bucking my hips up and hearing him let out a small gagging sound. He growled, holding my hips down and dragging his lips up agonizingly slow.

I gripped onto his hair, pushing his head down onto my dick and hearing him grunt. He looked up at me through his eyelashes with a glare and I chuckled before letting out a groan as he pressed a finger into my ass.

“Motherfuck! That hurts! You can’t just do that without warning me!” I whined, watching him smirk around me.

He brought his lips up, slippery, swollen lips curling into a cheeky smile.

“Maybe I could if you didn’t force your dick into my mouth,” he remarked and I glared.

“Shut the fuck up and put that pretty mouth back on my dick,” I told him, watching him smirk. “Finish what you started.”

“Yes, sir,” he teased, running his tongue along my slit teasingly while looking me straight in the eye. I moaned, watching him hollow out his cheeks as he slid lower and lower on my cock.

“Shit, babe,” I groaned, feeling my eyes slip closed. He began bobbing his head again, moving at a faster pace than he had been before.

The fire in my groin was growing hotter and hotter, and I could feel myself slipping over the edge. I gripped onto his hair with scrambling fingers, curling my toes and tensing my thighs.

“J-Jack-” I stuttered, looking down to see him staring up at me through his dark eyelashes. I whined in my throat, feeling him suck harder than before. He hummed in recognition of what I was trying to tell him, swallowing around me and making my hips stutter.

It only took a few more pumps and swirls of his tongue before I was coming undone. I moaned, tugging on his hair as I came.

Jack kept sucking, trying to swallow down as much that filled his mouth as he could. He pulled off when I was finished, wiping the corner of his mouth and taking deep breaths as he crawled back up my body. I pulled him into a kiss, wrapping my arms around him and laying him down next to me.

“So, what was that for anyway?” I asked, hearing him chuckle and watching him shrug his shoulders.

“It seemed like a nice way to wake you up,” he answered and I grinned, kissing his lips again.

“You’re so perfect,” I told him, sitting up and searching for my briefs.

“It’s so nice to wake up next to you in the morning and you not having to rush off to school,” he said and I nodded.

“I know,” I told him, yawning and stretching my stiff joints. I found my briefs on the ground, pulling them on before crawling back into bed with Jack. “Where’s Josie?”

“Nan wanted her for a few hours,” he answered and I nodded.

“She’s a baby thief,” I said and he laughed, pulling me close and wrapping the blanket around us. I laughed, kissing his nose before he grabbed my chin, guiding our lips together. “How late is she keeping her until?”

Jack pulled me into a quick kiss, humming in the back of his throat. “She said she’d call.”

“Works for me,” I told him, kissing him. “In the meantime, I feel some making out is in order.”

“Sounds great,” he hummed, grinning at me.

I pulled the blanket over our heads, tangling our legs together as I moved in to kiss him.

It was only a few minutes later that my phone began ringing. I pulled away from Jack, hearing him groan as I moved out of our little sheet tent.

“Speak of the devil,” I said, accepting the call and putting the phone up to my ear. “Hey, mom.”

“Your father forgot his lunch on the counter this morning, so I have to take it to work for him. I’m going to drop Josie off on my way through, if that’s alright with you boys,” she said.

“Of course that’s alright,” I said, sitting down on the bed before laying back and resting my head against Jack’s stomach.

“Okay. I’m leaving now. I’ll see you in a few minutes,” she said and I nodded. “I love you.”

“Alright. I’ll see you then,” I told her, grabbing Jack’s hand and lacing our fingers together. “Love you too, mom.”

I hung up the phone, setting it on the bed and sitting up.

“The princess is on her way home,” I told him, pulling him up into a sitting position.

“Oh joy,” he said and I laughed.

“Let’s go downstairs and roll out the red carpet for her,” I said, hearing him giggle.

I grabbed a pair of shorts out of my drawer, pulling them over my legs and following Jack down the stairs.

“Will you make me some food?” I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

“What do I look like? Your servant?”

“Please,” I whined, pouting. “I’m starving.”

“You can make yourself food. You’re not helpless.”

“Yeah I am,” I told him and he laughed.

“Shut up. I’m not cooking for you,” he said, sprawling out on the couch. I groaned, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

“You’re the worst boyfriend ever,” I huffed and he laughed.

“Yeah. The worst boyfriend ever that just gave you the best blow job of your entire life,” he teased and I sighed.

“See? I fed you. Why can’t you feed me? That’s not fair,” I told him and he laughed.

“Shut up!” he said, kicking me playfully. “You’re such a dick.”

“Suck my dick.”

“I already did, fuckface,” he said, smirking and I laughed.

“Well, I guess I’ll just make my own lunch since you don’t love me,” I said, standing up. Jack looked up at me with a smile, blowing me a kiss as he grabbed my laptop off the coffee table.

“Make me a Hot Pocket,” he said and I scoffed, rolling my eyes as I walked into the kitchen.

I grabbed the box of Hot Pockets out of the freezer and taking two out. I popped them into the microwave, setting it for the time on the box and walking back into the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” I asked Jack, watching him scroll down the computer. “Are you snooping?”

“No, I’m just scrolling,” he answered. “This Facebook thing is weird. Who are all these people?”

“Mostly people from school,” I answered, hearing the timer go off on the microwave.

“What in the fuck?” I heard him say, taking the plate out of the microwave and walking back into the room.

“What?” I asked, sitting on the couch and leaning against him slightly.

“That,” he said, turning the laptop so I could see it.

“I can’t see. Hold on,” I told him, taking the computer off his lap and bringing it to mine.

I could tell that he had opened someone’s photo album, looking closer and seeing the title was ‘Flashbacks’. I scanned through the pictures, trying to figure out what Jack was freaking out about.

“I still don’t see it,” I said, hearing him huff.

“And I’m the blind one? Right there,” he said, pointing to a picture of two people kissing.

I clicked on the picture, watching it open up and wrinkling my nose.

“Why the fuck would she put that up there?” I said as the picture of Brynn and I loaded.

“‘Cause she’s a fucking stupid bitch and I’m gonna knock her teeth out,” Jack said and I raised an eyebrow.

“No, ‘cause you’re not going to jail,” I told him and he snorted.

I clicked on the comments, choosing the option to add my own.

“You better tell her off or I’m gonna break your fucking fingers,” he told me and I chuckled.

“Don’t take your anger out on me,” I told him.

“Pussy,” he said and I laughed.

“Shut up. I’m reporting it so it gets taken down,” I told him and he glared at the screen.

“When was that picture taken?” he asked and I shrugged.

“Years ago? I don’t even remember,” I told him. “I don’t even know why the fuck she would post that.”

“To fucking start shit. The bitch has some twisted idea that you still want her.”

“She’s a dumbass.”

“You don’t sound very upset,” he said, giving me a look and I snorted.

“Because she’s a dumbass,” I told him, setting my laptop to the side. “Don’t even worry about her. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I hate her,” he said and I laughed.

“So do I.”

“It’s your fault she’s in our lives. Fucking whore.”

“Whatever,” I chuckled, running my finger over the scruff on his chin. “You’re the one that’s stuck with me for the rest of your life.”

“Not if I kill you,” he told me and I laughed.

“Is that a threat?”

“It’s a fucking promise. I will mount your goddamn head on the wall like a trophy.”

I laughed, leaning in to kiss him lovingly.

“Whore,” he said when I pulled away and I shook my head.


“I’m gonna marry you one day.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Of course not. I don’t even fucking like you.”


pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: more than the world, rating: nc-17

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