Control (Six)

Jan 04, 2013 01:01

Title: Control
Author: Sunny
Pairings: Jack Barakat/ OC, Alex Gaskarth/OC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Recovering from an eating disorder is not easy. Recovering from one while on tour is even harder.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Sunny and I do own all members of Hyperinflated Illuminations. Thank you.
Warnings: Obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism

As Vina pulled on her clothes, the reality of what she had done slowly began to sink in. She had let Alex Gaskarth see her at her most vulnerable. She couldn’t believe she had given herself to him so easily. It made her feel sick.

She hurriedly brought her sweater over her head, staring down at the man who was still laid across her couch. He had his arms behind his head, eyes closed and smiling in postorgasmal bliss. She turned her nose up, looking at him with disgust. She couldn’t believe she had let him touch her.

“You need to leave,” she stated, picking his jeans up and dropping them on his bare lap.

“What?” he asked, opening his eyes and looking up at her.

“You heard me. You need to leave. Now go, please,” she said and he furrowed his eyebrows.

“Are you serious?” he questioned, and Vina took a deep breath, trying to keep her cool.

“Yes,” she answered. “Now go before Wyatt comes back. I need to clean the couch.”

“You’re kicking me out? We just had amazing sex and you’re kicking me out?” Alex asked in disbelief and Vina rolled her eyes, growing annoyed.

“Yes, do you speak English?!” she demanded. “And it wasn’t that amazing.”

“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” Alex said, sitting up and running his fingers through his crazy hair. “Can we at least talk about this?”

“No! I don’t want to talk to you, ever. Now go!” she said, glaring at Alex.

He shook his head, standing up and shoving his feet into his jeans.

“Guess I can cross "pent up sexual tension" off the list of reasons you hate me,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Good to know you’re back to being a bitch. I thought I was starting to get somewhere with you.”

“You’ll never get anywhere with me,” she said, settling her hands on her hips.

Alex stepped forward, feeling his shirt against his foot as he took Vina’s wrist, pulling her close before settling his hand on her hip. He looked her deep in the eyes, leaning down to come face to face with her.

“You can keep telling yourself that, but we both know what happened. And we both know what we felt,” he said, voice low.

Vina stared up at him, forcing herself not to crumble under his gaze.

“Get your dirty hands off of me,” she said through her teeth, pushing him away and pointing to the door. “And get the fuck off my bus.”

Alex looked at her for a few more seconds before bending over, picking his shirt off the ground and tossing it over his shoulder as he walked to the bus door.

“Babe, will you calm down?” Jack asked Wyatt for the millionth time. His boyfriend still had his phone up to his ear, continuing to call Dubs to try to get a new couch.

“No! They’re in there fornicating on my couch and you won’t let me go in and stop them! I have to get ahold of Dubs!” Wyatt exclaimed and Jack chuckled.

“Because I know you’re going to go in there and spray them with a spray bottle or something,” Jack said and Wyatt sighed, putting his phone down and searching for the number of anyone else who could help him.

“Well that would stop them!” he insisted and Jack grabbed his hand, swiping his thumb over his knuckles to try and calm him down.

“They aren’t cats, Wyatt. They’re grown adults,” he reminded his boyfriend. “And if they want to have sex, they can have sex. Maybe they’ll stop being so hostile to each other now.”

“I don’t care if they have sex! I care that they’re having sex on MY couch!” Wyatt exclaimed and Jack giggled.

“Is this like that night where you went crazy and woke me up from my sex dream because you were scared I was going to come on your bed?” Jack questioned, grabbing Wyatt by his belt loops and pulling him closer.

“Oh my God! What if something gets on the couch?! That’ll stain! That won’t come off, Jack! What am I gonna do about that?!” he demanded, and Jack rolled his eyes.

“Stop freaking out,” he told him, cupping his face in his hands. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

“No it’s not!” Wyatt said and Jack brought his face forward, kissing his lips gently.

“Yes it is,” he said, rubbing their noses together in an Eskimo kiss.

He heard the bus door slam shut, glancing over to see Alex walking away from it. He looked pissed off, t-shirt slung over his shoulder as he walked.

“Hey, I’m gonna go talk to Alex, alright?” Jack said, and Wyatt glanced around until he saw the singer.

“Does that mean I can go on my bus now?” Wyatt questioned and Jack rolled his eyes, nodding.

“Yeah,” he said. “I’ll call you when I’m done, okay?”

“Yeah! I’ll see you later!” Wyatt said, giving him a quick kiss before albeit running to his bus. Jack shook his head, chuckling to himself as he began to walk in the direction his best friend had stormed off in.

“Alex!” he called out, picking up his pace a little as he caught sight of Alex. “Hey, wait up, man!”

He caught up with Alex a few seconds later after the man finally stopped, turning and waiting for him to approach.

“Hey,” Jack said, looking into his best friend’s face. “What’s going on? Why do you look so pissed?”

“Fucking Vina!” Alex exclaimed, and Jack raised an eyebrow.

“Fucking Vina pissed you off? It sounded like you were enjoying it when I walked in there,” Jack joked and Alex sent him a death glare. “Okay, calm down. It was a joke. Let’s go on our bus and we’ll talk about this.”

Alex rolled his eyes, following Jack onto their bus. They made their way through the bus, going to the back lounge and sitting on the couch.

Jack looked over at Alex, who still looked pissed off.

“So what happened?”

“Well, apparently you already know we had sex,” Alex answered, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, Wyatt and I were walking on the bus and I saw you guys,” Jack told him. “So how did that happen?”

“I don’t fucking know. She was just standing there, yelling at me for no fucking reason at all. And this feeling to just grab her and kiss her so she would shut the fuck up came over me, so I did it. Then one thing led to another and we had sex,” he said, picking at his jeans. “And it was great, shit, it was amazing! And we really connected, so I thought maybe we had something going then.”

“Then what happened?”

“After we were done, she just went right back into bitch mode. She put her clothes on and told me to get out,” he said and Jack raised an eyebrow.

“So you just left?”

“No. I asked her what her problem was and she got pissed. I just don’t fucking understand, dude. I swear she’s like bipolar or something,” Alex said, shaking his head.

“Man,” Jack said, scratching the back of his neck. “I thought all you two needed was a good hump and then all this tension would be gone and you’d quit hating each other. Guess I was wrong.”

“No, according to her I’m an egotistical maniac alcoholic who doesn’t deserve to breathe let alone be graced with her perfect presence,” Alex said, rolling his eyes. “She’s got this irrational hatred for me I don’t get. Like, what did I ever do to her?”

“I don’t even know,” Jack said, shaking his head.

Alex sighed, resting his head on Jack’s shoulder.

“If I could just get her to talk to me for more than five minutes without her screaming at me, I feel like we could have something, ya know?” he asked his best friend, and Jack made a face, resting his head against Alex’s. “I mean, she’s a bitch, but there’s just something about her that I’m really attracted to.”

“You like the challenge,” Jack told him and Alex bit his cheek.

“Something more than that,” he said, shaking his head.

Meanwhile, Wyatt hurried onto his bus, looking at the couch to inspect the damage. It appeared clean on the surface, but Wyatt knew it was crawling with germs.

He side-stepped past it, going back into the bunks. The bathroom door opened as he was moving past, revealing a guilty-looking Vina.

“Hi, Wyatt,” she said, and he gave her a stern look.

“How could you have sex on the couch?! People sit there, Vina! It’s for the whole band to use! Why couldn’t you have just gone back to your bunk?” he demanded and the petite girl cringed.

“It wasn’t exactly premeditated, Wyatt,” she responded, looking down at her feet.

“Well it would have been the decent thing to do! Now I have to find a steam cleaner and clean the couch where you and Alex-” He stopped talking as he saw a tear run down Vina’s cheek. “Why are you crying?”

She took a deep breath before letting it all tumble from her lips.

“I don’t know how it happened. He was just standing there pissing me off like always and then he grabbed me and--I don’t know! It was a complete lapse of judgement! And I feel so disgusted with myself. I mean, I hate Alex! I don’t know why I even let him near me, let alone allow him to see me in such a vulnerable way. I just feel stupid and disgusted! If anything’s indecent here, it’s me!” she blubbered and Wyatt frowned.

“Oh, Vina,” he said, moving forward to wrap his arms around his best friend.

“I’m sorry,” she said, throwing her arms around his neck as she cried into it. “I’m so sorry, Wyatt! I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“Vina, it’s-”

“No! I’m really sorry! I’ll clean the couch, I promise!” she said, letting go of him and straightening herself out. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Vina, I’m more worried about you right now,” Wyatt said, grabbing onto her dainty wrist. “Why don’t you come sit with me? I’ll make you some tea.”

“I’ll be fine,” Vina said, nodding her head as she dried her tears.

“Okay,” Wyatt said, giving her an uncertain look. “But still, come have some tea with me.”

Vina nodded, taking the singer’s hand as he led her towards the small kitchen of the bus. She held her head high once again, knowing she would be alright. She would be just fine, as long as she never had to speak to Alex Gaskarth again.

pairing: alex gaskarth/oc, chaptered: control, rating: nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/ oc

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