Westbound Sign (Three)

Aug 21, 2012 13:31

Title: Westbound Sign
Sequel to: All Pretty and Petite
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: Alex
Summary: It's been a month since Alex left for Malibu, and Jack has been miserable ever since. Alex won't answer his phone calls, his text messages, his tweets, or even his e-mails. He's tortured by his regret of not getting the chance to tell the boy how he felt, and he's determined to find him and beg for his forgiveness.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.


“Veronica, if you do not shut the fuck up and let me sleep-” I growled, opening my patio door and seeing the girl on the other side, smiling brightly as she pushed me aside and skipped into my house.

“Oh, hush, Alexander. Don’t be such a bear,” she responded, moving through my room and into my bathroom. I rolled my eyes at how comfortable she was moving through my home, crawling back into bed and yanking the sheets over my head. “What?! There’s no sleeping! Get your ass up!”

I groaned, feeling her begin to tug on my blanket and kicking my leg out at her.

“Knock it off! I’m hungover because somebody thought Tequila shots would be fun last night!” I grunted, trying to pull my blanket back up to me.

“Oh, boo hoo! I took as many shots as you did and I’m fine! I even went for a run along the beach this morning!”

“How are you not hungover? I swear you’re not fucking human!” I groaned and she rolled her eyes.

“I don’t get hangovers. Hangovers are for the weak. Now get up,” she said, prodding me with her finger. “I’ll make you breakfast, sweet cheeks.”

“So make me breakfast,” I said. “I don’t need to get out of bed for you to make me breakfast. It’s called breakfast in bed!”

She laughed, sitting on the bed. “Uh, no. The only way I give a guy breakfast in bed is if he’s my boyfriend and we just had mad hot sex all night before. And considering you rejected me, the only way I’m giving you breakfast in bed is if you have me for breakfast.”

“Ew,” I said, wrinkling my nose. “Get your vagina away from me.”

“That’s what I thought. Now get your lazy ass out of bed,” she said, giggling.

“You’re annoying,” I told her, sitting up and stretching. “If I would have known being your best friend was a full time job, I would have left you at the bar.”

Roni laughed, standing up from the bed and waiting for me expectantly.

“Oh shut up. You know you love me,” she said, pulling on my hand.

“Only because I have no other friends,” I said and she rolled her eyes.

“No, because I’m amazing,” she corrected and I chuckled.

“Just make me my breakfast before your head gets too big and you float away,” I told her, walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the island.

“We’ll be fine as long as you don’t open a window,” she told me and I laughed. “So, what do you want for breakfast?”

“Eggs and bacon? I don’t know, you’re the chef,” I said and she rolled her eyes.

“You’re not helpful at all,” she said, taking eggs out of the refrigerator.

“Whatever. You want some coffee?” I asked, getting up to turn the coffee pot on.

“Of course,” she answered. “When have I ever turned down coffee?”

“Never since I’ve met you,” I said, chuckling.

“So how was your night? It looks like you slept like shit,” Roni said, adding bacon to the pan and filling the room with the sound of it sizzling.

“I didn’t, honestly. Wasn’t really having that good of dreams,” I told her and she nodded.

“Nightmares?” she asked and I shook my head.

“They just... sucked,” I said and she frowned, but I saw the understanding cross her face so she dropped the subject.

“Your phone’s ringing,” she said and I looked up.

“Is it?” I asked and she nodded.

“Guess all that loud music is affecting your hearing,” she teased and I rolled my eyes. I ran into my room, picking it up just on the last ring.

“Hello,” I answered.

“Hey, Alex,” I heard Flyzik greet on the other line.

“Hey,” I answered, glancing at the clock and seeing it was about ten o’clock. It would be one back in Baltimore.

“What’s up?” he asked as I walked out onto my back porch.

“Just having breakfast with my friend,” I said.

“A friend?” he asked, and I could hear the curiosity in his voice. I rolled my eyes, leaning against the railing and looking down at the sand.

“Yeah, just a friend. Her name is Roni,” I told him. “She lives down the street from me.”

“Oh, well that’s nice,” he said.

“Yeah,” I said, moving to sit down in one of the chairs. “What’s up with you?”

“Just going through some tour stuff,” he answered. “And I got back from seeing Jack a little bit ago.”

I felt my heart tug at the mention of Jack, frowning.

“How’s he doing?” I asked and Matt sighed.

“Not very well, actually,” he said and I bit my lip.

“Why?” I asked.

“He’s miserable,” Matt said and I bit my lip. “He misses you, Alex. We all do, but Jack misses you most of all.”

“I miss you all too,” I said, playing with the bottom of my shorts.

“When are you coming back?” he questioned and I sighed.

“I don’t know, Matt,” I answered. “It’s hard.”

“We’re all going out to Vegas in about a week. Maybe you could come out and spend some time with us,” Matt offered. “You don’t have to come home right after, but I mean, it would be nice to see you.”

I stayed quiet for a minute, watching the tide roll in.

“Alex?” Matt asked again and I sighed, shifting the phone to my other ear.

“I’m just... I’m not sure that would be the right setting or the right time for a reunion. I mean, yeah it would be fun and I love Vegas, but I want to be home when I see everyone again. Especially Jack,” I told him.

“Yeah, I get it,” he answered. “I just wanted you to know you’re invited, and that we’d all love for you to be there.”

“I’m glad,” I said, a small smile forming on my face. “‘Cause I do miss you guys, a lot.”

“I know I can speak for everyone when I say we miss you too,” he said and I smiled. “Anyway, I’m gonna have to let you go.”

“Alright, man, I’ll talk to you later,” I said.

“I’ll see you soon, yeah?” Matt asked and I bit my lip.

“Yeah, hopefully,” I answered.

“Alright. Bye, Alex.”

“Bye, Matt,” I answered before hanging up my phone.

I sat back in my chair, putting my feet up and sighing as I looked out onto the ocean. I heard the door slide open and shut, smelling bacon as Roni brought a plate over to me. She held it out to me along with a cup of coffee.

“Two sugars, one cream,” she said and I smiled.

“Thanks, doll,” I answered, taking the plate and the coffee cup from her. She disappeared inside for a moment to get her own food and coffee, sitting down in the lounge chair next to me.

“So who was on the phone?” she asked curiously, taking a bite out of her toast.

“Matt,” I answered, and she raised an eyebrow. “One of my close friends. He’s our tour manager.”

“Oh. Are you guys leaving for tour soon?” she asked and I made a face.

“I would imagine. We’ve had a bit of a break lately,” I said, toying with my bacon before taking a bite of it. “He was actually calling to see if I wanted to go to Vegas with them next weekend.”

“Sweet! I’ve never been to Vegas! Are you gonna go?” she asked and I shrugged.

“I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m ready to face Jack again yet,” I said.

“Ohh,” she said, nodding in understanding. “It might be fun, though. I’m sure it would be nice to see all of your friends.”

“It’s probably gonna be all of the band and crew, and I’d definitely love to see all of them,” I said, scrunching up my nose. “I’m just not ready to see Jack. I’m not over him.”

“I hate to break it to you, Alex, but you might just have to accept the fact that you’re never gonna get over Jack. He obviously means a lot to you. You aren’t just gonna get over him in a matter of two months. And you definitely aren’t gonna be able to just go back and expect all of your feelings for him to be gone. You’ll be in for a very rude awakening if you believe that.”

“I just don’t know what to do,” I said. “I don’t know when my life got so fucking complicated.”

“I’m sorry, Lex,” she said, “but you’re gonna have to face it eventually.”

“I know,” I said, sighing.

“But anyway, don’t let a phone call ruin your entire day! Finish your breakfast and we’ll go do something fun!” Roni said and I glanced over at her, seeing her smile.

“Like what?” I asked curiously.

“Well, we live on the fucking ocean for one. Do you realize how many opportunities that presents?” she asked and I laughed.

“Go on,” I said, taking a big gulp of my coffee.

“Have you ever tried surfing?” she asked and I laughed.

“Once. In Hawaii, actually. I failed miserably,” I told her and she giggled.

“Well, you have a leg up on me, anyway. I’ve never tried,” she said and I chuckled.

“So, a day of surfing?” I questioned and she nodded.

“Which will probably end up translating to me falling off my board until I get pissed and we just go to a bar and get drunk of our ass,” she said and I quirked an eyebrow.

“Sounds like a kickass day to me!” I said, clinking our coffee cups together.

♠ ♠ ♠This is slooooow to me right now.
My apologies! :)
But it's about to pick up, like, next chapter!

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17, chaptered: westbound sign

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