Organized Chaos (Twenty-Three)

Aug 15, 2012 15:53

Title: Organized Chaos
Author: Sunny
Pairing: Jack Barakat/ OC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “Yes. You're scared. And, I mean, you should be. I'm telling you that I'm going to be forcing you to face your fears. And that's fucking scary. But what I'm also saying is that I'm going to help you through it. So it's going to be fucking scary, but I'm going to be right there with you helping you through it...okay?” Jack felt calm and relaxed. He regularly felt that way around Wyatt, especially in the wee hours of the morning. “So?” Jack asked. “You up for it?”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Sunny and I do own all members of Hyperinflated Illuminations. Thank you.
Warnings: Obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism

Vina had everyone filter off the bus once Wyatt got back. She could tell he didn't want to be rude, but everyone was getting in his way of re-cleaning perfectly clean things. She knew how his mother could be. Being put back into that environment for even five minutes could set someone on edge, and when Wyatt was on edge, he reverted back to his safety feature: being obsessive and compulsive. His band and crew had easily found out that it was easiest to just stay out of the boy's way and let him get the most intense of feelings out of his system through cleaning.

When it was twenty minutes before their soundcheck, Dubs enlisted Vina to go check on the boy. He needed to be there as a crucial part of the band. Plus, he had that magical ear that happened to help others successfully tune their instruments.

Since Hyperinflated Illuminations had joined the tour, the other bands and crews were still curious over the obsessive compulsive boy. They still showed up to watch him interact with people at catering, to watch him tune his bandmates' instruments by ear and even more frequently to watch Jack break down his walls and teach him that he could control his compulsions. People were interested.

Vina typed in the code to get onto the bus and stepped inside. Of course, the place was spotless, but what surprised the girl was that on the immaculately perfect couch she could see only the slightest bit of Wyatt as the rest of his body was being covered by one Jack Barakat. Their lips were locked, clothes were riding up and soft, encouraging noises were escaping their throats.

Vina slowly backed out of the bus, closing the door silently and ran across the parking lot, ready to tell everyone she saw, but she stopped before telling a random boy who had served her pancakes at catering the day before and decided that she should simply tell her band. It was a big deal. With kisses came germs. With intense, passionate kisses, like the one Wyatt had been participating in came lots of germs. Tongues exchanging spit. Potentially dirty hands roaming over bodies. Vina was excited. It seemed that Jack really was helping Wyatt get over his fears.

Vina was pondering if Wyatt had made Jack brush his teeth and wash his hands first, or if that would have ruined the mood, when she bumped into Alex. That ruined her mood. The giddy smile wiped off her face and she scoffed at the man. He was always getting in her way, always so annoying and trying to get his way. Why couldn't he keep his mouth shut and understand that she knew what the hell she was talking about.

She moved to step around him, but he caught her arm, spinning her around to him.

“What's your problem with me?” Alex burst out. “I've never done anything to you!”

“Don't touch me, Gaskarth,” Vina moved to pull out of his grasp, but he held tighter. She set her jaw and glared at him. His strength was far greater than hers. “Does it make you feel good that you can use your physical strength to subdue me?” she questioned.

The boy immediately let go of her arm, pulling back with a horrified look on his face.

“Don't touch me again, Gaskarth.” She checked over her wrist for the bruise that was sure to form there, then stomped off to find Adele, Landon and Dubs.

She was still pissed by the time she got into the dressing room.

“Where's Wyatt?” Landon questioned.

“Making out with Jack in the bus,” Vina growled out.

“Aww! How sweet!” Adele grinned at the girl. “Why are you pissed? He's always been gay. You didn't think you had a chance, did you?”

“Ew, gross. I don't want to hook up with Wyatt. I ran into Alex and he gripped my wrist. The asshole. I probably have a bruise,” she sighed, falling down on the couch. She didn't have much energy to stand anyways. She hadn't eaten in days, and the things that she had been given either went in the garbage or down the toilet. She took her open water bottle from the floor and chugged it. Her stomach was mad at her, wanting to be full. It could be filled with water.

“You can come in,” Wyatt's voice infiltrated the air as the door opened. He had his fingers interlocked with Jack's, his clothing had just the slightest wrinkle and more than one hair was out of place as the younger boy dragged Jack into the dressing room.

“Hey guys,” Jack grinned at the people there. “What's up?”

“Hey,” Landon nodded at Jack, then turned quickly back to Vina. “Is your wrist okay?”

Wyatt dropped Jack's hand and immediately walked over to Vina, picking up her wrist even though she protested. It was thin, too thin, and limp as if she didn't have the energy to hold it up. “Vina, when was the last time you ate?” he asked her.

“I had a salad a few hours ago,” she lied.

“With dressing?” Wyatt asked.

“Yeah. The Italian we have in the fridge.”

Wyatt glanced at her, then down at her wrist. “What happened here?”

“Alex almost ripped my arm off trying to stop me from leaving,” Vina glared off into the distance.

“If you ate regularly and didn't lie to me about the salad dressing we have in our fridge, then him tugging you back wouldn't have caused a bruise,” Wyatt pointed out, standing up and walking to the cooler where he pulled out a bottle of juice, rummaged around and found a trail mix bar. He walked over and handed it to the small girl. “Eat.” It wasn't an option. It was mandatory.

“We have sound check in two minutes,” Vina complained.

“I don't care. None of us are leaving this room until you've eaten that and drunk at least half that bottle.”

Vina bit her lip. Everyone was relying on her. She could eat it quickly, they could sound check quickly and maybe it wouldn't have started to digest by then. Maybe she would have enough time to throw it back up.

She took the package from him, delicately opening the wrapper. This was all Alex Gaskarth's fault. First he calls her fat, then he pits her best friend against her. She hated him. With a passion.


Cleaning had helped. Wyatt felt much better, and the impromptu make-out session with Jack had helped as well. This was all new to him, being helped. He was used to being the one who helped others, but he found himself enjoying Jack helping him.

As they sat around the back lounge of the bus after the show, leaning against each other and watching some ridiculous reality show Jack had put on, Wyatt turned to the boy and grinned.

“What?” Jack chuckled.

“Thanks for understanding today,” Wyatt offered. “I know I was sort of a dick, and you deserve an explanation.”

Jack raised an eyebrow. “Dubs said that it was a legal issue to talk about it.”

Wyatt shrugged. “I trust you.”

Jack waited. Wyatt opened his mouth to begin several times before he finally blurted it out. “It's my mother.”

“Your mother?” Jack asked.

“Yes. I went to go see my mother.”


“She lives here, in Chicago....and she's....she's perfect. Her husband is perfect, her house is perfect, her plants, her food and her air is perfect. She is perfect, so it's logical that she expects her child to be perfect,” Wyatt tried. “And so, I learned at an early age, how to be perfect and to keep everything perfect. But perfect is never good enough. There's always one thing wrong. But she's my mom and I love her.”

“Your mom forces you to be perfect?” Jack questioned.

“She doesn't force me to. She expects it. And I try to give it.”

“That's your mom. She's supposed to love your imperfections. That's fucking messed up, Wyatt.”

Wyatt blinked at the boy. “There's nothing wrong with wanting everything perfect,” he whispered out.

“There's nothing wrong with wanting everything perfect. There's something wrong with expecting everything to be perfect. She's a parent. She should know that her expectations affect you negatively. Why did you arrange the meeting?” Jack huffed out.

“She's my mom...” Wyatt told him. “I arrange a meeting every time I'm in town.”

“Arrange a meeting,” Jack scoffed. “She doesn't even let you just pop by, does she?”

Wyatt gave him a horrified look. “Of course not!”

Jack let out a soft chuckle. “I should have known the idea of someone popping by would horrify you.”

Wyatt paused as he stared at the sympathetic boy beside him. He reached up and tentatively touched his face. “I like when you pop by.”

chaptered: organized chaos, rating: nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/ oc

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