More Than The World (Thirty-Four)

Aug 10, 2012 10:49

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

“Hey, bro,” I heard Travis say as he approached me. I grunted from where I had my head resting in my arms. “Long weekend?”

“Josie’s still sick, and she didn’t sleep at all last night,” I told him. “Meaning Jack and I are both exhausted and he’s getting pissy with me. And right after I leave class today I have to hurry home, get both of them, and rush to the doctor’s office. I just want to sleep for the next three fucking days.”

“Damn. Sorry, dude,” Travis said, smiling sympathetically.

“Being a parent is hard,” I told him, groaning.

“I bet,” he said, patting my head, “but you love your daughter, and that’s all that matters.”

I smiled softly, nodding.

“I’m just sick of seeing my baby sick,” I said.

“I know,” he answered and I sighed, sitting up. I adjusted my beanie, scratching the scruff on my chin as I looked around the room. My eyes settled on a head of familiar blonde hair and I cringed, sliding down in my seat slowly.

“Fuck,” I mumbled, looking down at my notebook and running my hand over my face.

“What?” Travis asked, glancing down at me.

“That’s my ex-girlfriend in the front row,” I said, closing my eyes.

“Oh,” he said, sitting up a little straighter and looking around. “Bad breakup?”

“She had her cousin beat the shit out of me ‘cause I broke up with her after I found out about Josie. So yeah, she fucking hates my guts,” I told him and he grimaced.

“I’ll say,” he answered.

“Just my fucking luck to have her in this class,” I mumbled, laying my head back down on the table and resting my notebook on top of it. “Don’t let her see me.”


“Yes, it’s over!” I said happily as Travis and I stood up. “Now I just have to go pick up my babies and take Josie to the doctor and then I can home and relax in my bed! I’m so excited!”

“I’m sure they’re all excited to see you too,” Travis chuckled.

“I hope so. I would be so heartbroken if they weren’t,” I said.

“Alex?” I heard a voice say behind me and I froze. I tried to hide my grimace as I turned around, seeing Brynn standing behind me. “Hey! I thought that was you!”

“Uh, hey,” I answered, glancing over to make sure Travis hadn’t left me.

“Are you in this class too?” she asked and I nodded. “Wow, that’s cool.”

“I guess,” I answered, fighting the urge to raise an eyebrow at how weird she was acting. She was talking to me like we were old friends.

“So how have you been? How’s your baby? I bet she’s beautiful,” she said and I bit my cheek. I didn’t like her talking about Josie.

“We’re all good,” I answered, looking back over at Travis, “but I have to get going. Jack’s waiting for me.”

“Oh, okay,” she said, smiling. “Tell Jack I said hi. I’ll see you later, Alex.”

“Right. Bye,” I said, turning around and hurrying towards the door. Travis followed behind me, falling in step next to me.

“Well that was... uncomfortable,” he said and I snorted. “I thought you said she hates you.”

“She does, I don’t know what all that was about,” I said, shaking my head. “And she’s always hated Jack. That was just weird.”

“I don’t know, man,” Travis said, shaking his head.

“Me either, but I’ll talk to you later. I need to hurry up and get home,” I said as we exited the building.

“Alright, Al,” Travis said, giving me a wave. “Later.”

I walked to my car, unlocking it and sliding into the driver’s seat. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, finding Jack’s number and hitting send as I started the car.

“Hello,” I heard Jack answer.

“Hey, babe,” I answered, hearing the baby crying in the background. “How’s Josie?”

“Fussy,” he answered. “She’s been crying off and on all day. And she’s been tugging on her ear so Mom thinks she might have an ear infection.”

“That sucks,” I said, frowning as I stopped at a red light.

“Yeah. So where are you?” he asked.

“I just left school. I should be home in like ten minutes,” I told him and he sighed.

“Okay,” he answered. “I have to try and calm Josie down, so I have to go. I’ll see you when you get home.”

“Alright, babe. I love you,” I told him.

“Love you too,” he answered and I heard the cries growing a little louder as he walked closer to Josie. “Bye.”

“Bye,” I said before I heard him hang up.

I sighed, setting my phone in the cupholder and picking up my speed slightly. I didn’t want Jack getting mad at me for taking too long to get home.

I pulled in the driveway about ten minutes later, shutting the car off and grabbing my bag. I set it next to the door as I walked in the house, going upstairs where I could hear the baby still crying.

I opened our bedroom door, seeing Jack pacing the room, holding Josie in his arms.

“Hey,” I said, walking up and seeing the frustrated look on his face. I took the baby from his arms, pressing her to my chest and rubbing her back.

“Good luck,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “I’ve been trying to get her to stop crying for the past twenty minutes. Nothing works.”

“Well hopefully she’ll fall asleep in the car,” I said, rubbing his arm as I rocked on my heels. “Hey, relax.”

“I’m trying,” he answered. “I’m just really fucking tired. And I have to work tomorrow and with Josie like this I won’t get any sleep tonight either. And I want Josie to not be sick anymore. I want her to be my happy, smiley baby and not my grumpy, crying one.”

I kissed him gently as I rocked Josie, leaning my forehead against his.

“I know, that’s why we’re taking her to the doctor. Now come on, we don’t wanna be late,” I told him, tugging on his hand.

I led him down the stairs, grabbing Josie’s carrier and pulling it over with me. I sat down on the couch, taking her coat out and sitting her up in my lap. She let out a cry as I began putting her arm into the sleeve, scrunching her face up.

“Sh, baby,” I cooed, kissing her forehead. “I know you hate your seat, but we gotta go see the doctor and get you medicine so you can get better.”

She let out another cry as I zipped her coat up, putting her hat on and settling her into her carrier. I buckled the straps, zipping her cover up and smiling.

“There! Now we’re all ready to go!” I said, smiling at her. She let out a cry in response and I kissed her forehead. “You’ll get over it when you feel better.”

I stood up, seeing Jack had his coat on and was holding mine out for me. I smiled, giving him a kiss before slipping my arm into the sleeve.

“Ready?” I asked, adjusting my beanie and watching him toy with his scarf.

“Yeah,” he answered and I bent over to pick Josie up. We walked out to my car and I settled Josie in the backseat while Jack got in the front. I slid into the driver’s seat once I was sure Josie was securely strapped in.

“You could take a fifteen minute nap on the way there,” I told Jack as I buckled my seatbelt.

“Maybe,” he said, shrugging. “Depends on if the baby ever stops whining or not.”

I grabbed his hand as I drove onto the road. He squeezed my fingers gingerly, making me smile.


“Okay, Jo-Jo! Time for your medicine!” I said cheerfully. She whined and I laughed, walking into the kitchen to get her antibiotics out of the fridge. I carried it back into the living room, watching Jack sit her up in his lap.

“Yay!” Jack cheered, kissing the top of her head.

“It’s banana flavored,” I said, chuckling. I measure out the dosage, turning to face them. “Ready, boo?”

I pressed the medicine dropper in her mouth, squeezing a little bit in first and then the rest. I wiped away the excess medicine that dribbled from the corner of her mouth as Jack cheered.

“What a big girl!” he cheered, clapping Josie’s hands together.

“See! It’s not so bad,” I said, kissing Josie before screwing the lid back on the medicine.

I got off the couch, going into the kitchen and rinsing off the spoon. I put the antibiotics back in the fridge. I walked back into the room, sitting next to Jack as he cuddled the baby.

“You’ll feel better in no time,” he told her, letting her wrap her fingers around his pinky. “Sweet baby.”

I smiled, kissing her forehead before turning my head and catching Jack’s lips.

“So you’ll never guess who’s in my Algebra class,” I told Jack, running my fingers over Josie’s soft blonde hair.

“Who?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Brynn,” I said and he scrunched up his nose.

“Ew,” he said. “Did she talk to you?”

“Yeah, she talked to me like we were long lost best friends. It was fucking weird,” I told him and he rolled his eyes.

“She’s got fucking issues, babe,” he said. “I see her at the grocery store every time I go. She looks like shit now.”

“Well she definitely looks different than when we were together,” I said, nodding.

“Just don’t bother with her,” he said, looking over at me. “Like, don’t even talk to her. I don’t trust her.”

“Don’t worry, babe. I have no desire to be anywhere near her. I was happy thinking I had washed my hands of her awhile ago,” I told him and he nodded.

“I’m glad,” he answered, smiling. He nuzzled his nose into the space behind my ear and I grinned.

“I don’t need crazy bitches. I got my man,” I said, hearing him chuckle as I pressed our lips together.

♠ ♠ ♠Remember the summary?
You ready to find out what that's all about?

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: more than the world, rating: nc-17

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