More Than The World (Thirty-Three)

Aug 03, 2012 01:30

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

“Hi sick girl,” I said, kissing Josie’s forehead as I rocked her. She grunted, grabbing a tiny fistful of my t-shirt. I smiled sympathetically, smoothing her hair gently. “I’m sorry, mama.”

I heard the door bell ring and I stood up from the rocking chair. I zipped my hoodie up, making sure Josie was tucked snugly inside. I wrapped my arms around her as I moved to open the door.

I found Travis standing on the other side along with the guy that had been our bartender.

“Hey,” I said, smiling and opening the door a little wider so they could come in.

“Hey!” Travis said, smiling before looking down at the baby. “Hey, Josie.”

He touched her hair softly and I smiled.

“You look like a kangaroo,” he told me, chuckling and I shrugged.

“It keeps her warm, and the close contact helps soothe her. She’s not complaining, so neither am I,” I said, sitting back down in the rocking chair as they sat down on the couch.

“She’s your daughter?” Vinny asked and I nodded, smiling. “She’s adorable.”

“Thank you,” I said, grinning and rubbing her back. “She’s a little cranky right now because she caught a cold.”

“That sucks,” he said, frowning.

“Oh! That reminds me!” Travis said, reaching inside his jacket and pulling out a little stuffed bear. THis is for her to help her feel better.”

“Awh! Look, sicko, Uncle Travis brought you a teddy bear!” I said, kissing Josie’s forehead and taking it from him. I set it next to her, seeing she had fallen asleep against my chest. “She’s sleeping.”

“Poor baby,” he said and I nodded. “Where’s Jack?”

“He and his mom went to get a humidifier,” I answered and he nodded. “So how’d the rest of your show go?”

“It was good,” Travis answered, nodding.

“He did awesome!” Vinny said and Travis rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know if I would go that far,” Travis said and Vinny scoffed.

“Of course you wouldn’t, you were singing,” he said. “But he did great. And I’m sure Flyzik is gonna be calling him back to play soon.”

“That’ll be great,” I said, smiling.

“So what are your New Year’s Eve plans?” Travis asked and I shook my head.

“Nothing considering Josie’s sick. Jack and I will probably stay up and watch the ball drop, but we won’t be going anywhere,” I said and he nodded.

“I’m sure you guys will have fun together,” he said. “At least you’ll have someone to kiss at midnight.”

“You should just grab someone and kiss them,” I said, chuckling. “It’s a good way to make friends.”

“I’ll just get Vinny drunk and kiss him,” Travis said, wiggling his eyebrows at his friend.

“Yeah right. I’ll be kissing my boss’s ass at midnight tonight,” Vinny said, rolling his eyes.

I chuckled, hearing the front door open and seeing Jack and Joyce walking inside with shopping bags.

“Hey,” Jack said, smiling at Travis and Vinny before walking over to me. He kissed me gently, touching Josie’s hair as he looked down at her. “How long has she been sleeping?”

“Like twenty minutes,” I said and he checked the clock, nodding.

“Did she eat already?”

“Like fifteen minutes before she fell asleep,” I answered.

“Good. She might actually stay asleep for a while then,” he said. “She needs it.”

“I know,” I said.


“I don’t like her couch,” Jack said, frowning as he came down the stairs. “It doesn’t sound good at all.”

“I think it has to do with the fact she’s so tiny,” I told him and he made a face. “No one wants to hear their baby sick.”

“I guess,” he said, sitting down next to me.

“Did you turn on the humidifier in her room?” I asked and he nodded. “That should help then.”

“I hope so,” he said, cuddling closer to me. “What is it?”

“11:38,” I answered. “We have twenty-two minutes.”

“Sweet,” he answered, grinning.

“I remember you being drunk off your ass this time last year,” I said, chuckling and kissing his neck.

“‘Cause you fed me like a whole bottle of Captain,” he said, giggling. “And Jaeger.”

“And jell-o shots,” I reminded him, grinning.

“Oh yeah!” he said, turning to look at me. “You got me so wasted and then took me home and had your way with me!”

“Like you didn’t want it,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Maybe I didn’t!” he exclaimed. “I wasn’t in the right state of mind to be making decisions! And then you got me pregnant!”

I rolled my eyes, kissing him.

“Sounds like you’re accusing me of something,” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“Maybe I am,” he said and I chuckled.

“I was just as drunk as you were, asshole,” I said.

“I don’t know that! Maybe you weren’t drunk at all!”

“Shut up,” I said, laughing and pulling him close to my chest. “You’re so ridiculous.”

“Whatever. At least I don’t take advantage of you when you’re drunk,” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“Shut up,” I said again, laughing.

I felt Jack cringe as we heard Josie cough over the baby monitor. He frowned and I snuggled him, kissing his shoulder.

“I wish the doctor’s office was open,” he said and I nodded.

“I know,” I said, frowning. “We could take her to Urgent Care. Although it’s probably crawling with drunk frat boys right now.”

“If it gets to that point we will,” he said and I rubbed his arm. “There’s five minutes left.”

I smiled, brushing my nose against his ear.

I heard a few whines coming from the baby monitor before Josie began to cry.

“I’ll go get her,” I said, untangling myself from Jack. I hurried towards the stairs, going into the nursery and picking Josie up. I cradled her in my arms, hearing her cries already beginning to quiet down. “Shh, baby.”

I grabbed a diaper and wipes before carrying her downstairs.

“Hi, Josie,” Jack cooed as I laid her down on the couch. He wiped the snot away from her nose before rubbing it off on his sweatpants.

“Oh god, now we’ve picked up gross parenting habits,” I said and he laughed.

“We need to suction her nose again,” he told me and I nodded.

“She loves that,” I said sarcastically and Jack laughed.

“She probably thinks we’re just finding ways to torture her,” he said and I snorted.

“Shoving turkey basters up her nose, giving her shitty medicine. She’s gonna hate us by the time this cold is gone.”

“It’s only ‘cause we love you, snookums,” Jack cooed to her, kissing her nose gently.

I looked up at the television, seeing the countdown had started. I fastened Josie’s diaper, picking her up and holding her between Jack and I.

“Ready? Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,” Jack chanted, holding Josie’s tiny hand, “five, four, three, two, one!”

“Happy New Year!” we both yelled, leaning in and kissing each of Josie’s cheeks. I smiled as we pulled back, cradling her to my chest as she rubbed at her sleepy eyes.

“Awh,” I said before turning to look at Jack. He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me lovingly before pulling away. I grinned at him and he giggled.

“Awh,” he cooed teasingly and I rolled my eyes.

“Josie’s so unimpressed. Look at her,” I said, laughing and stroking her hair.

“She’s just so exhausted,” Jack chuckled, rubbing her back. “Poor honey.”

“I think she’s sleeping already,” I said, kissing her forehead.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Jack said, turning off the television. He grabbed our stuff, standing up and going towards the stairs. I stood up with Josie, tossing her diaper in the trash before going up the stairs after him.


“Alex,” I heard someone say, feeling them shake my shoulder. “Alex!”

“Hmm?” I asked, opening my eyes.

“Do you hear that?” Jack asked, sitting up. I sat up next to him, listening. I heard a noise coming from the nursery, almost like a bark.

“I think it’s Josie,” I said, jumping up. Jack was right on my heels as I swung the door open, hurrying into Josie’s room. I opened the door, moving towards her crib and picking her up.

She coughed again, but the cough was similar to a seal barking. I held her close to me, hearing her breathing was high-pitched and squeaky.

“What’s wrong with her?!” Jack demanded, looking at me with panic in his eyes. “Alex, why is she making that noise?!”

“I don’t know,” I said, holding her to my chest. “Go get your mom.”

He ran out of the door and I could hear him yelling for Joyce. I rubbed Josie’s back, not knowing what to do to help her. My hands shook as I rocked her, listening to her cough again.

There were footsteps and the light turned on. I looked up see Joyce standing in her robe, coming closer to me.

“What’s going on?” I asked her, watching her touch her hand to Josie’s forehead. The baby coughed again and Joyce nodded.

“She has croup,” she answered, and I looked down at the fussy baby.

“What’s that?!” Jack asked from where he was standing at the door. I could see the tears threatening his eyes.

“It’s something kids get. Joe used to get it when he was little,” she answered. “Take her into the bathroom and turn the shower on as hot as it goes. The steam will help. I’m going to get some medicine and to call the doctor.”

She left the room and I nodded at Jack. I followed him into the bathroom, sitting on the counter as he turned the hot water on in the shower. Steam began to fill the room and Jack came to sit next to me. He buried his face in his shaking hands as Josie began to cough again.

“It’s fucking horrible,” he mumbled, voice cracking. “Knowing she’s sick and not knowing what to do to help her.”

“I know,” I mumbled, rocking her gently.

Joyce came into the room a few minutes later, holding the infant Motrin.

“What did the doctor say?” Should we take her in?!” Jack asked, looking at his mother with pleading eyes.

“Jack, honey, you need to relax,”Joyce told him and he sighed. I saw him cringe as Josie coughed again.

“How can I relax when she sounds like that?” he whined and I put a hand on his shoulder.

“The doctor said the steam should help and to give her Motrin for her fever and to reduce swelling,” Joyce said, mostly looking at me. “And if she doesn’t seem any better by tomorrow or if you’re still worried, bring her in then.”

I nodded, kissing Josie’s forehead again. Her breathing has become less labored and wasn’t as high-pitched, but she still continued to cough.

I looked over at Jack’s worried face, reaching for his hand and feeling him squeeze mine.

“She’s gonna be okay,” I told him, seeing the tears welling up in his eyes again. “Here.”

I slid Josie into his arms and she squirmed until he cradled her and cuddled her close. He kissed her forehead, pressing his cheek against it.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered to her. “You need to feel better. I love you.”

♠ ♠ ♠I'm sad that nobody acknowledged Vinny or Flyzik last chapter :( haha
And I'm freaking scared right now because my friend is making me watch scary ass videos, so leave me beautiful comments to make it better <3

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: more than the world, rating: nc-17

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