Organized Chaos (Nineteen)

Aug 01, 2012 17:32

Title: Organized Chaos
Author: Kate
Pairing: Jack Barakat/ OC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “Yes. You're scared. And, I mean, you should be. I'm telling you that I'm going to be forcing you to face your fears. And that's fucking scary. But what I'm also saying is that I'm going to help you through it. So it's going to be fucking scary, but I'm going to be right there with you helping you through it...okay?” Jack felt calm and relaxed. He regularly felt that way around Wyatt, especially in the wee hours of the morning. “So?” Jack asked. “You up for it?”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Sunny and I do own all members of Hyperinflated Illuminations. Thank you.
Warnings: Obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism

Wyatt woke up in a slight daze the next morning. His cell phone was beside his head and he could hear soft snoring coming through the line. He squinted at it, pressed a button on it to show the time, and then the memories came flooding back. Once Vina had stumbled into bed from the bathroom the night before, refusing to speak to him, Wyatt had eventually convinced Jack to go back to his own bus with the compromise that they would talk to each other until someone fell asleep.

Wyatt groaned. He was going to have a massive phone bill. “Good morning,” he whispered into the phone. “I'm hanging up now,” he added, then clicked end.

Rubbing his face, he walked into the kitchen of the bus just as Vina stumbled up the steps. She had her iPod strapped to her arm, her black running shorts on and a bright pink sports bra. Wyatt blinked again, checking that it was indeed eight in the morning, and glanced back at Vina.

“Hey,” he said simply.

“Hi,” she gasped out, stumbling over to the couch and falling onto it. “Can you pass me some water?” she asked.

Wyatt opened the fridge, checked around inside and then shook his head at her. “We don't have any water bottles. You'll have to go to catering, or have some iced tea?” he offered.

“No, no,” she shook her head, sitting up. “I'll go to catering.” She slapped her cheeks lightly, “Get up. You can do it,” then hoisted herself off the couch.

“Wait, I'll come with you. We can have breakfast!” Wyatt ran his hand through his hair, scowling at its mess.

“Umm, I already ate actually,” Vina told him. “But I can bring you back something?” she offered.

“No, I'll get ready and go by myself. You get water, you look exhausted.” She did look exhausted; not just physically, but mentally.

“Gee, thanks,” she grinned at him, then sprinted off the bus almost running into Joel Madden. “Oops!” she grinned at him. “Sorry.”

“You off for a run?” he called after her. “Just finished one, off for a water!” she replied with a smile.

“Yeah? Do you run often?” he asked her, walking with her towards catering.

“Enough. I've decided to get back into the daily routine of it, why?” she asked.

“Can I join you in the mornings? What time do you run?” That was all Wyatt could hear from them as they walked away. He consciously registered that it was probably eavesdropping, but it was only a few words. He still felt bad. He turned to the kitchen skink's tap. He needed to style his hair better if the rest of the world were to see him, and he would need a proper shirt, pants and shoes instead of his track pants and Hyperinflated Illuminations t-shirt that he wore to bed.

Wyatt was just about to plunge his hands into the running water of the tap so he could get his hair wet when someone knocked on the bus door.

“Who is it?” he asked.

“It's me,” Jack poked his head on the bus with a grin. “What are you doing?”

Wyatt glanced over at him, “I'm about to do my hair...”

“Why? It looks great!” Jack grinned.

“No, there's this piece over here, and I slept on it last night, so it's not very clean, and I'm almost positive something weird's going on back-”

“You look great,” Jack grinned, wrapping his arms around Wyatt and kissing his cheek. “Lets go eat, then you can do your hair.”

“But, I want to do my hair now...” Wyatt complained as Jack tugged him toward the door of the bus.

“It can wait,” Jack insisted.

“I would really rather-”

“It can wait.”

“Can I at least grab some shoes?” Wyatt sighed.

“No. You're going bare foot.”


Alex was scowling as Joel and Vina spoke in the long line to catering. It seemed that half past eight in the morning was a popular time to eat.

Vina laughed with Joel, grinning at him and placing her slim hand on the older man's shoulder. Her outfit would be considered scandalous if it weren't so obvious that she had just been running. She had tight abdomen muscles and her skin was so tight to her body, Alex was sure he could see her ribs. What right did she have flirting with Joel and hating him? He had never done anything to her. Ever. She had no right.

“There's Alex,” Wyatt pointed out as they walked in. The older man turned to look at them when they walked in, but their presence seemed to only increase his scowl as he took a bite out of his toast. “He doesn't like me, does he?” Wyatt asked.

“What?! Of course he likes you!” Jack insisted.

“You're lying,” Wyatt pointed out.

“No...he just, isn't too fond of our relationship,” Jack offered.

“Why?” Wyatt grabbed a plate and pouted in Alex's direction, causing Jack to let out a giggle.

“Don't frown,” Jack ran his thumb across the bottom of Wyatt's lip. “He's just mad at me, that's all.”

When Wyatt continued to pout, Jack leaned forward ever so slightly and pressed his lips gently to Wyatt's. “Did that make you feel better?” he repeated Wyatt's words from the night before.

Wyatt's lip twitched up into a grin.

Jack smiled back, pecking Wyatt's nose quickly then ushering him forward when the line started moving again.

“WAYTT!” Wyatt turned quickly at the sound of his name. Dubs was running up to him, looking extra stressed for how laid back he usually was. He held a clipboard in his hands, his hair was messy beyond recognition and he had a freaked out look in his eyes. “Did you forget?” Dubs asked when he finally reached Wyatt, panting.

“Forget what?” Wyatt asked, turning to watch as Vina grabbed a water bottle. She glanced back at the food, then a look crossed her face and she turned back to Joel, laughing at what he said and placing her hand gently on his arm.

Dubs stared dumb-founded at the younger boy. “We're in Chicago. You specifically requested that I arrange a meeting with you...” Dubs trailed off, hoping Wyatt would catch on.

Wyatt blinked at Dubs and then a horrified look crossed his face. He glanced down at his wrist. “I DON'T HAVe MY WATCH ON!” Wyatt glared at Jack. “What time is it?!” Wyatt asked Dubs frantically.

“The car's going to be here in ten minutes to pick you up,” Dubs supplied.

“What's going on?” Jack asked.

“Stay out of this!” Wyatt yelled at him. “If I had gotten ready like I wanted to, I would have remembered. This is all your fault!” Wyatt ran away from catering, jogging as fast as he could back to the bus. He stumbled up the steps, turned the taps on full blast and shoved his head under the water. He ran his fingers through his hair, jogged to his bunk and added his watch, then smoothly reached into the bus's closet to grab a white button up shirt, dark grey fitted pants, a black belt, a pair of black socks and one of his many pairs of fancy black shoes. He stripped down, changed quickly, then walked into the bathroom to wash his face and fix his hair. He grabbed Vina's hair spray since he had managed to make his wet hair into perfection, and sprayed it all over for a hold. Grabbed his wallet, his keys from the hook and his phone just as a shiny black car pulled up outside the bus.

Vina was just jogging up followed by Jack, Alex, Dubs and Adele when Wyatt walked out. He didn't spare a glance at any of them, he simply waited while the driver got out and opened the back door for him, and then he entered the vehicle.

“Are any of your friends joining us today Mr. Daniels?” the driver asked before shutting the door.


“Very well,” the man shut the door and walked briskly to the driver's door, getting in and sending apologetic smiles at the confused people before him. He turned back to Wyatt as he started the car. “Our estimated time of arrival is in sixteen minutes.”

“Thank you,” Wyatt said, staring straight ahead as his friends stared, confused after him.

“Where's he going?” Vina asked Dubs.

Dubs swallowed the lump in his throat. “I'm not at liberty to say.”

“What do you mean you're not at liberty to say?!” Jack asked. “He just yelled at me...” the boy trailed off quietly.

“I know. I'm sorry Jack, but I can't tell you.” Dubs turned to Vina and Adele, “for legal reasons.”

Vina's eyebrows raised, a surprised look on her face, “Oh.”

Adele blinked. “I'll go get Landon then. When is Wyatt expected to be back?” she asked.

“Exactly twelve-thirty,” Dubs replied.

“Exactly?” Alex asked.


“Why would he yell at me?” Jack asked.

Vina turned to him sharply. “What did you expect Jack? That he would just let you change his OCD?! It's not that easy! It's a compulsion. He was doing it because he wanted to please you, but he can't always please you! HE CAN'T! Sometimes he just needs to clean up a mess or make things perfect! It's not his fault! It's-”

“A legal issue if you bring it up!” Dubs jumped right in.

Vina glared at him. “It's not his fault.”

Someone's phone chirped. Vina and Adele quickly went to grab theirs, but Jack already had his in his hand.

From: Wyatt
I'm sorry for yelling.

chaptered: organized chaos, rating: nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/ oc

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