Organized Chaos (Fifteen)

Jul 23, 2012 23:53

Title: Organized Chaos
Author: Sunny
Pairing: Jack Barakat/ OC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “Yes. You're scared. And, I mean, you should be. I'm telling you that I'm going to be forcing you to face your fears. And that's fucking scary. But what I'm also saying is that I'm going to help you through it. So it's going to be fucking scary, but I'm going to be right there with you helping you through it...okay?” Jack felt calm and relaxed. He regularly felt that way around Wyatt, especially in the wee hours of the morning. “So?” Jack asked. “You up for it?”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Sunny and I do own all members of Hyperinflated Illuminations. Thank you.
Warnings: Obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism

Wyatt had actually slept for a solid eight hours that night. He had had dreams, not nightmares. He had woken up at eight on the dot with a smile on his face. He pondered it as he walked into the front area of the bus. It was still moving, which meant they were still driving to their next venue. He checked the coffee maker to see if anyone had put fresh coffee in along with a filter, which they hadn't. He added both and turned it on, then opened the freezer, grabbed some waffles and put them in the toaster, just as his phone let out a beep from where it was charging on the couch. He unplugged it and checked the message.

Its 8am. Your awake right?

Frowning at the grammatical errors, Wyatt typed out a quick reply, saying he was awake. Two seconds later, his phone was ringing. He hit speaker, turned it on low and popped his waffles. “Hello?” he asked at the same time.

“Hey! It's Jack,” Wyatt could hear the grin coming from the boy on the other line. “We're stopping soon. Want to come on our bus? No one else is awake here, and won't be until noon. We can chill!” he seemed excited.

“Umm...yes, it is possible that we could chill...but it's more probable that I'd just be cleaning your bus the whole time,” Wyatt supplied, pulling a bowl of berries from the fridge to put on his waffles. He brought his berries, his waffles and his phone to the table and began cutting into the food.

“Well...” Jack paused. “It could be like an exercise! You're going to need to get used to the idea of a mess. Two hours of seeing a mess. I bet you can do it. I can distract you!” the older man insisted.

“Why don't you just come onto my bus?” Wyatt asked, spooning fruit onto his perfectly cut waffles.

“Because your bus is your comfort zone. You have to venture out. Every opportunity we're going to take. Look we're turning into a gas station now! Get off the bus and come to ours! See you soon!” There was a click, and then a few seconds later, a dial tone. Wyatt frowned at the device and then hit the disconnect button. He put some fruit into a small plastic bowl then put it away as the bus turned into the station, then he added two more waffles to the toaster. The idea of staying on his own bus had crossed his mind, but he knew he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to spend two hours with Jack.

He was carrying his own plate of food plus his make-shift make-your-own-fruit-waffles across the parking lot when Jack stuck his head off the bus, grinning when he saw him.

“Hey!” Jack grinned once he got to the door. “I thought I'd have to come get you myself. You weren't here right away,” he explained.

“No. I was making my breakfast when you called. And was still making it when you told me to come over. So I made you some. And left a note for Vina and the others so they'd know where I was,” Wyatt explained. He placed the food on the table in an empty place, easily and efficiently moving to clean up the entire table.

Jack stood back to watch the boy work. Once the clothes on the bench were folded and placed on the couch, and the papers and magazines were folded and closed and put into a neat pile, Wyatt finally sat down and smiled up at Jack.

“You made me breakfast?” Jack grinned.

“Umm...” Wyatt paused. “Yes. I thought it'd be rude if I came over with food. Is that weird? Do people not usually make other people breakfast in this sort of situation?” Wyatt's brow furrowed.

“I don't know,” Jack sat down opposite Wyatt and started to put his make-shift make-your-own-fruit-waffles together. “I've never been in this sort of situation, have you?” Jack asked.

“Yeah. Vina comes to my place at eight in the morning all the time. I make her breakfast along with my own. If someone comes over when I'm making my lunch, I make them lunch too. It's polite. Hospitality.”

“I see the similarities...” Jack took a bite and then groaned. “This is delicious!”

“Thanks. They're just toaster waffles and this fruit sauce Vina makes out of real fruit and sugar and I guess a masher?” Wyatt questioned, taking a bite of his waffles, watching as Jack cut and ate as he went.

“This is delicious!” he said again. “Does she cook a lot?”

“Vina?” Wyatt asked. “Umm, not really. She makes healthy things when she's in the mood to eat. Which isn't very often. She'll make something if we ask her to. She's a great cook...if you want to call it that. I think cook implies baking, when really a lot of the things she makes aren't baked at all. Just...created I guess.”

The bus suddenly started again and they were on the way moments later.

“Well, it's good.” Jack said, finishing off his food just as Wyatt took his last bite. He nodded at the older boy.

“So, is the rest of the bus bothering you yet?” Jack asked.

Wyatt immediately stood from the space and moved to the kitchen where he found several dishes piled in the sink. He looked from the dishes to Jack with wide eyes.

“Oh...yeah. Dishes. We do them...sometimes,” Jack supplied sheepishly.

“That's gross,” Wyatt stated, moving dishes out of the sink and onto the counter space that wasn't already filled. Then he started to fill the sink with steaming water and soap.

“Oh, don't do the dishes!” Jack insisted.

“I don't think my compulsive need to do these dishes is something I want to get over. I don't want mouldy dishes. That's gross. You guys really should do your dishes right away,” Wyatt was saying as he washed. Jack immediately took the clean dish and dried it, putting it away in time to grab the next one. “It's kind of gross. Really gross. You don't want mouldy dishes for your food.”

“Nope. I guess you can keep the dish washing. But you probably shouldn't compulsively do other people's dishes,” Jack pointed out.

“Well, wouldn't it be rude to move all your dishes out of the sink so I could do JUST my dishes?” Wyatt countered.

Jack opened his mouth, but paused. “I...guess. But don't just randomly do other people's dishes.”

Wyatt grinned and let out a half-chuckle. “I'll remember that for next time.”


Next chapter is one of my favorites <3 Get excited.

chaptered: organized chaos, rating: nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/ oc

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