More Than The World (Thirty-One)

Jul 22, 2012 05:25

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

“Ow, punk,” I told Josie, chuckling as she yanked on my hair. “I’m gonna shave all my hair off and then Deedee will leave me. And we don’t want that, so stop pulling on my hair.”

She stared at me, smiling and I wrinkled my nose.

“You’re a butthead, Jo-Jo,” I told her and she cooed. I lifted her up, feeling her feet press against my chest as she stood. “Aw, cutie. You’re still too small for all that. You gotta learn to sit up and crawl first.”

I kissed her and she squealed, kicking her feet. She pressed her hands against my cheeks, almost as if she was cupping my face.

“You’re so sweet,” I told her, kissing her again.

I heard my phone ring and I leaned forward, grabbing it off the coffee table. I sat Josie down in my lap, flipping my phone open and putting it up to my ear.

“Hello,” I answered, cuddling Josie.

“Hey, man,” Travis replied. “What’s up?”

“Just watching TV with my daughter,” I answered and Josie cooed, looking up at me.

“Aw, give her a kiss for me,” he said and I smiled.

“I will. So what’s up?”

“I was just wondering if you and your boy wanted to come out to a party with me tonight. Sort of like a pre-New Year’s Eve party,” he said. “I’ll be singing.”

“Yeah? That sounds cool,” I said. “Jack’s at work right now, but I’ll ask him when he gets home. And I’ll have to see if Auntie wants to babysit.”

“Alright, well just let me know. I’d love for you guys to come out,” he said.

“Yeah, definitely. I’ll call you later,” I told him.

“Okay. Later, man,” Travis replied.

“Bye,” I said before closing my phone and setting it on the table. I looked down at Josie, kissing her forehead. “That was from Uncle Travis.”

She smiled before making a face and sneezing.

“Oh, baby! Bless you!” I said, wiping her nose. “I hope you aren’t getting sick, honey.”

She laid her head on my chest, thumb automatically finding its way to her mouth.

“Awh, Jo-Jo,” I cooed, cuddling her close to me. “My sweet baby.”

My phone rang again and I raised an eyebrow.

“Daddy’s popular today,” I mumbled, picking it up off the table once again. I checked the caller ID, seeing it was Jack. “Hey, babe.”

“Hey,” he answered. “What are you doing?”

“Cuddling Josie,” I answered. “I think she’s getting a cold.”

“Why?” he asked and she let out a little cough.

“She’s been sneezing and coughing,” I told him and he cooed.

“Aw,” he said. “I’ll pick up some medicine for her on my way home from work.”

“When do you get off?” I asked.

“At three,” he answered.

“Okay. Travis wants us to come watch him play,” I told him. “He sounded kind of nervous.”

“Sounds fun. Did you ask May if she’d watch Josie?” he asked.

“Not yet. I wanted to ask you first,” I told him.

“Alright. Well ask May.”

“How’s work?” I asked.

“Really slow,” he answered, groaning. “I don’t even know why we’re open. I don’t know why we’ve been open at all this week.”

“I’m sorry, babe,” I said, chuckling.

“I just wanna be home with you and my baby,” he said. “All I’m doing here is picking out which shoes I like the most.”

“Pick me out a nice pair,” I told him and he laughed.

“I got you,” he said. “I see a nice bright pink pair that totally have your name on them.”

“Are you even supposed to be on the phone?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m on my break. I can do what I want,” he said and I rolled my eyes, running my fingers through Josie’s hair.

“Oh yeah?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “What are you wearing, baby?”

“I hope you’re talking to me,” I said, laughing.

“Of course I am!” he said. “So what are you wearing?”

“Sweatpants and a hoodie?” I answered.

“No underwear?” he questioned and I snorted.

“I am holding your daughter right now. I am so not doing this,” I told him, hearing him giggle.

“Right,” he said. “I have to go, anyway. I’ll see you in a couple hours.”

“Alright. I love you,” I told him.

“I love you too! Bye, baby,” he said before hanging up.

“Deedee’s silly,” I told Josie, setting my phone down. “But he’s so cute.”

She cooed and I smiled.

“Are you sleepy yet? This is your nap time,” I said, looking up at the clock. “I’ll make you a bottle and rock you.”

I stood up, setting her on the floor with her toys and going into the kitchen to make a bottle. I poked my head out the door as I let it heat up, watching Josie coo as she reached her hands up to play with her toys. I smiled, leaning against the door frame. I loved being home with her. It made my Christmas break that much better. A part of me really didn’t want to go back to school next week, but I knew I had to. It would all pay off in the end.

I heard the timer go off, going back into the kitchen and grabbing the bottle. I put the nipple on it, testing the formula on my wrist. It was a good temperature so I carried it out to the living room to get Josie. I took her up to the nursery, sitting down in the rocking chair. She looked up at me as I pressed the bottle to her mouth and I smiled.

“Hi, mama,” I said, caressing her cheek. “You want me to sing to you, huh? I don’t even know what to sing.”

She drank from her bottle, rubbing her eyes and continuing to look up at me. I made a face, leaning my head back and thinking before I picked a random song.

“Look at the stars, look how they shine for you and everything you do. Yeah, they were all yellow. I came along. I wrote a song for you and all the things you do and it was called ‘Yellow.’ So then I took my turn. Oh what a thing to have done, and it was all yellow.

“Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones turn into something beautiful. You know, you know I love you so,” I sang to her, smiling as her eyes grew heavy. “You know I love you so.

“I swam across, I jumped across for you. Oh, what a thing to do. ‘Cause you were all yellow. I drew a line. I drew a line for you. Oh, what a thing to do, and it was all yellow.

“Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones turn into something beautiful. And you know for you I’d bleed myself dry. For you I’d bleed myself dry.”

I paused, humming as I took the bottle from her mouth. She stayed asleep, curling closer to my chest as I rocked her.

“It’s true, look how they shine for you. Look how they shine for you. Look how they shine for, look how they shine for you. Look how they shine for you. Look how they shine for

“Look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and all the things you do.”

I kissed her forehead, standing up carefully so I didn’t wake her. I settled her in her crib, tucking her in and turning the baby monitor on.

I shut the door gently as I left the room, stepping into mine and Jack’s to grab a change of clothes and the other monitor. I ran into May when I stepped back into the hallway.

“Hey,” she said, smiling. “Was that you singing to Josie?”

“Yeah,” I said, chuckling. “It helps me get her to fall asleep.”

“It’s sweet,” she said.

“Yeah,” I shrugged. “Hey, you wanna babysit tonight?”

“Sure,” she said. “Where are you guys going?”

“Travis is gonna perform at a small club tonight. He wants us to go support him,” I said and she nodded.

“Yeah, I’ll watch Josie. No problem.”

“Thank you,” I told her. “I’m gonna take a shower now while she’s napping.”

“Alright. I’ll listen for her just in case,” May told me and I nodded.

“Okay, thanks,” I told her, walking away to the bathroom.

I set my clothes and the monitor on the counter, beginning to strip off my dirty clothes. I stepped into the warm shower, letting the water cascade around me.

As I was rinsing the conditioner out of my hair I heard the shower curtain pull back. I opened my eyes, looking into Jack’s smiling face as he grabbed onto my hips.

“Hey,” he grinned, bumping my nose with his before kissing me gently.

“Mmm, what are you doing here? I thought you got off at three,” I said and he smirked.

“I got off early,” he answered, kissing my neck. I grinned, grabbing his hips and squeezing them. “Wanna celebrate the anniversary of when you put a baby in me?”

I laughed, feeling his hands run over my chest.

“That would technically be tomorrow,” I told him.

“Oh well. I wanna celebrate now,” he said and I chuckled.

“Let’s do it,” I said and he grinned.

“Yes!” he cheered, grabbing my face and smashing our lips together. I groaned, tangling a hand in his wet hair as I pressed him back against the shower tile. “That’s fucking cold,” he muttered, back arching and making me laugh.

I kissed his neck, nibbling on his collarbone as I wrapped a hand around his hardening erection. He gasped, tightening his grip on my hair and tugging roughly. I pumped a few times, enjoying the delicious noises that slipped past his lips.”Fuck, Alex.”

“Mm, baby,” I sighed breathily, moving my mouth up to his ear. I sucked the lobe into my mouth, hearing him groan as his hips bucked forward into my hand.

“God, I need you,” he whined, pulling my hair.

“I don’t have any lube,” I told him and he groaned.

“Damnit. When we have our own house, there will be lube in every single room,” he said.

“Sounds good to me,” I said, making him cry out as I swiped my thumb over his slit.

“Gu- Fuck! Just use the conditioner,” he said, whining when I pulled my hand away.

I grabbed the bottle, guiding Jack’s leg onto my hip as I popped the cap open. I poured some of the liquid onto my finger, pushing two of them inside of him. He groaned, making a face as I moved them. I kissed his lip, biting down on his bottom lip and hearing him groan. I nibbled on it as I slipped a third finger in, feeling his finger tighten in my hair.

“Alex!” he gasped as I brushed his prostate. He moaned as I pressed my fingers against it again, pushing hips down against my hand.

“Feel good, baby?” I smirked, biting along his jaw and hearing him groan.

“Fuck yeah,” he grunted, letting me pump my fingers in and out a few more times before pushing on my chest. I lined myself up with his entrance, pushing in as he smashed our lips together. He groaned, digging his nails into my back as I pushed in all the way. I kissed his jaw as I waited for him to adjust, moving lower and finding his pulse. “Alex.”

I pulled my hips back, pressing back in and hearing him moan. I picked up the pace a little, lifting him so both of his legs were wrapped around my waist. He dug his heels into my lower back, urging me to move faster and deeper.

“Fuck, Jack,” I grunted, biting my lip as I thrusted harder.

“Alex!” he moaned, letting out small noises as he ran his nails down my back. “Shit, baby. Uhn!”

I shifted my thrusts a little to the right, feeling Jack’s body jolt as he let out a loud cry I had to silence with my lips.

“Shh,” I chuckled, listening to him mewl and whine as I hit his prostate again.

“O-oh fuck,” he groaned, letting out a shaky breath.

“Feels so fucking good, Jack,” I moaned, nuzzling my face into his neck as the water dripped down it. “So tight.”

“Oh god,” he whined, voice rising in pitch slightly. “A-Alex! Touch me!”

I wrapped my hand around and his leaking dick, pumping it in time with my thrusts.

“A-ah!” he gasped, walls clenching around me. “Fuck. I’m gonna come soon.”

“Me too, babe,” I said, squeezing his hip with my free hand. “F-fuck.”

A few minutes later I could feel the fire bubbling over in my stomach, biting down on Jack’s collarbone.

“I’m gonna come,” he whined, tightening his legs around me. “Sh-shit!”

“Do it,” I mumbled, lifting my mouth from the outline of his clavicle. “Come for me, baby.”

I sped up my sloppy thrusts, squeezing his swollen head in my hand and listening to him cry out. His back arched as he let go, throwing his head back and moaning out my name. The sensation of him tightening around me pushed me over the edge soon after. I moaned out his name as I exploded inside of him.

I paused as we both came down from our highs, panting and resting our foreheads against each other's. I grinned, kissing him lazily.

“Fuck,” he said as I pulled away. “I need a nap now.”

I laughed, pulling out of him and letting him stand on his own shaky legs.

“Me too,” I agreed, watching pour soap on the loofah before he rubbed it over my chest.

I cupped his face, kissing him lovingly.

“I love you,” I told him, swiping my thumb over his bottom lip and watching him grin.

“I love you too,” he answered, “and your weird dick.”

“My dick’s not weird,” I said, frowning.

“Yes it is,” he said, kissing me again before rubbing the loofah over me again.

“No it’s not!” I said and he giggled.

“Calm down. I just told you I love it.”

♠ ♠ ♠Song: Yellow by Coldplay

Shit. I have like, no time frame anymore, lmfao.
I don't even remember what day it is so I can update. That's why this is so late. Plus I've been super busy.
I'm sorry!
I hope you guys can forgive me <3

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: more than the world, rating: nc-17

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