Organized Chaos (Fourteen)

Jul 22, 2012 05:37

Title: Organized Chaos
Author: Katie
Pairing: Jack Barakat/ OC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “Yes. You're scared. And, I mean, you should be. I'm telling you that I'm going to be forcing you to face your fears. And that's fucking scary. But what I'm also saying is that I'm going to help you through it. So it's going to be fucking scary, but I'm going to be right there with you helping you through it...okay?” Jack felt calm and relaxed. He regularly felt that way around Wyatt, especially in the wee hours of the morning. “So?” Jack asked. “You up for it?”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Sunny and I do own all members of Hyperinflated Illuminations. Thank you.
Warnings: Obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism

Wyatt stood back, out of sight from the roaring crowd. He could hear chanting, ‘All Time Low’ repeating over and over. He glanced over at Jack, who was grabbing his guitar and putting the strap over his head. Rian was already sneaking away behind his drums and Zack was fidgeting on the other side of the stage. He watched as Alex and Jack discussed something about the songs. They broke away a couple seconds later and Jack turned around, looking at Wyatt.

“Are you going back to your bus?” he asked, and the singer shrugged his shoulders.

“I was thinking about staying and watching you for a while,” Wyatt answered and Jack grinned.

“Okay,” he answered. “Only if you can handle all my sexy moves.”

Wyatt’s eyes widened only slightly, but Jack still caught it. He also caught the light blush that dusted his cheeks.

“Alright, guys!” Flyzik yelled, walking up to them. “Time to go on!”

Wyatt watched Alex rock back and forth on his heels, hips shaking as he sang softly to himself.

“Good luck,” Wyatt told Jack, and the brunette turned around and looked at him. He glanced over at Flyzik, who was moving to push him out towards the stage. He looked back at Wyatt, feeling Flyzik’s hand clasping onto his elbow. Jack leaned forward, and without warning, pressed a gentle kiss to Wyatt’s cheek.

Wyatt’s cheeks automatically flared red, and he watched Jack get pushed onto the stage as Flyzik grabbed a hold of Alex’s elbow next.

Music started up, all of the instrument kicking in as everyone took their places onstage. Wyatt moved closer to the stage, watching Jack move around. He had so much energy, and he connected with the audience as soon as he hit the stage. Wyatt was mesmerized with the automatic chemistry he had with the entire crowd in front of him.

Alex’s words quickly met the microphone, beginning the song.

You are a hand full of roses
Thorns and a cheap bouquet

True, I'm a walking disaster
They told you to stay away

Jack jumped up and down for a few minutes, before turning and running up to Rian’s drum set, jumping up onto it and singing to the drummer.

Seems like I'm making
A deal with the devil
Who's whispering softly to me

Are you sure that she's the one?

Jack ran back to the microphone, singing the backups to Alex.

'Cause I feel
Like a bad joke
Walk the tight rope
To hold on to you

Was it real?
Or a love scene,
From a bad dream
I don't think
I can forget about it

Alex looked down at a girl in the front row, who was very obviously happy to be here. He winked at her, and she screamed, making him chuckle to himself. He loved his fans.

You are a shining example
Of why I don't sleep at all

T-t-too many sheep on the brain
To make sense of a late night call.

Talking in circles and
Chasing a tale of
Love-drawn distant memory

Am I sure that she's the one?

'Cause I feel
Like a bad joke
Walk the tight rope
To hold on to you

Gotta know,
Was it real?
Or a love scene,
From a bad dream
I don't think
I can forget about it

(Gotta know,
Was it real?)

Jack dropped down on his knees in front of Alex, and Alex faced him, bending forward towards him. Jack leaned forward, bobbing his head in front of Alex’s crotch. The crowd screamed, and Alex laughed, watching Jack get up and run over to harass Zack for a little bit. Alex faced the crowd, making a serious face at them. He grabbed the microphone, letting his guitar hang down in front of him and stepping a little closer to the edge of the stage.

“You know,” he started out, hearing loud screams coming from the crowd in front of him. “There are some days when I really think this could work; like you and I are finally gonna get it right.” He paused, looking out into the sea of people. “Then there are days like today; when you make me wanna tear my fucking hair out.”

He quickly grabbed a hold of his guitar, moving right back into the song.

'Cause I feel
Like a bad joke
(Like a bad joke)
Walk the tight rope
To hold on to you

“Sing!” he screamed at the crowd, listening to the voices shouting his own words back out at him.

Gotta know,
Was it real?
Or a love scene,
From a bad dream
I don't think
I can forget about it

“Beautiful,” he said, grinning.

I feel
Just like a bad joke

Gotta know,
Was it real?
Waking up from a bad dream
From a bad dream
I don't think
I can forget about it

So just forget about it

Jack ran up to Alex, and the older of the two looked at the younger. “So just forget!”

“Oh god,” Alex said, running his fingers through his hair.

“Oh god,” Jack moaned, shoving his face into Alex’s microphone.

“Get the fuck away!” Alex exclaimed, shoving the younger away from him. “This is my fucking microphone.”

Jack ran over to his own microphone, grabbing it and glaring at Alex. “This is my fucking crowd.” He adjusted the guitar strap on his shoulder. “This is my fucking half of the stage. You’re not invited past this line.”

“There is no line there!”

“There will be. Matt!”

“Anyway. How are all you fucking sexy people doing tonight?!” The crowd screamed back at him, and he nodded. “Nice. Very nice. Well, we’re All Time Low. We’re here to play you some music, and now we’re gonna do just that!”


Jack stepped offstage, using a towel to wipe the sweat off of his face. He looked up at the side stage, surprised to see Wyatt still there.

“Hey,” he said, grinning. “You stayed the whole time?”

“Y-yeah,” Wyatt answered. “You guys were doing so good.”

“Thanks,” he grinned.

“You… I really like watching you,” Wyatt said, before a blush coated his cheeks.

Jack laughed, nudging him with his elbow.

“Come on. We’re gonna go back on the bus for a few minutes before we go sign,” Jack said.

Wyatt nodded, following behind him as he moved backstage. He was met with Flyzik and Colussy herding the band out of the door and to the bus. They all stepped on the bus, the band moving back towards the bunks. Jack turned and looked back at Wyatt, licking his lips. He watched Wyatt’s eyes flickering around the lounge.

“You don’t have to stay here if it makes you really uncomfortable,” Jack told him, and he clenched his fingers together.

“I-I- I’m okay,” he mumbled, trying to ignore the mess on the counters and stray t-shirts and hoodies on the couches and the cups and bottles on the floor.

“You’re freaking out, Wyatt,” Jack pointed out, and Wyatt shook his head.

“I’m fine,” he insisted.

Jack eyed him skeptically before shrugging off his t-shirt and throwing it onto the couch. “Don’t pick that up. I’ll be right back.”

Wyatt watched Jack walk back into the bunks, shutting the door behind him. He tried so hard not to, but his eyes eventually traveled down to the t-shirt on the seat next to him. He took a deep breath, staring at the bundle of black fabric and trying to will himself not to pick it up. He stuck his hands in his pockets, continuing to take deep breaths. He stared at the bunk door, telling himself that Jack would be out in a minute. There was no reason for him to pick the place up.

He felt his phone buzz, and he took it out of his pocket, thankful for the distraction.

He saw Vina’s picture flashing across the phone, and he quickly answered.


“Where are you?” her voice asked, and he looked around.

“I’m on All Time Low’s bus,” he responded.

“Oh. I just haven’t seen you in like two hours. I wanted to make sure you didn’t get kidnapped,” she responded. “What are you doing on ATL’s bus? Hanging out with Jack?”

Wyatt didn’t miss the teasing tone of her voice, and he blushed.

“I-I was watching them perform. They just got down and came back here to change. I think they’re going out to sign, so I’ll probably be back in a little bit,” Wyatt told her.

“Mhm. Have fun, lover boy,” she said, and Wyatt blushed deeper red, quickly ending the call.

Jack stepped out about five minutes later, zipping his hoodie as he walked up to Wyatt. Wyatt watched his dark eye flicker down to the shirt on the couch, and he grinned.

“You didn’t pick it up? Good job,” he answered.

“Y-yeah,” Wyatt mumbled. “What are you doing now?”

“I’m gonna wait for Alex to get done getting dressed and then go outside to see the fans,” he told Wyatt, moving slightly closer. All Wyatt could smell was the Old Spice Jack had obviously covered himself in, and he had to say, it smelled pretty damn good.

“Oh. I guess I’ll just go back to my bus when you do,” Wyatt said, and Jack shrugged.

“You’re welcome to come out with us. I’m sure the fans wouldn’t mind getting your autograph too,” he said, and Wyatt cringed. “Right. Too many germs.”

“It would be so uncomfortable,” Wyatt said.

“Well, maybe we should work on that. You don’t want your fans to never see you or never meet you. They’ll think you don’t give a shit about them,” Jack told him, and he frowned.

“I never thought about that,” he said.

“Yeah. So not saying you have to come out and meet a huge crowd of All Time Low fans, because they’re fucking crazy and they like to touch you,” he said, and Wyatt cringed.

“Our fans get fucking weird,” Alex agreed, coming into the room. “I can’t tell you how many girls have ‘accidentally’ grabbed my junk.”

“My ass is fondled all the time,” Jack agreed. “But we’ll work you into it. Maybe meet and greets would be easier for you. More organized and not as many kids.”

“Maybe,” Wyatt agreed.

“You ready to go, bro?” Alex asked Jack, and he nodded.

♠ ♠ ♠Song: "Forget About It" by All Time Low

chaptered: organized chaos, rating: nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/ oc

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