Title: You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You
turnthepageover Rating: NC-17 Overall.
Pairing: Eventual Jalex.
Point of View: Third.
Summary: "You think this is fucking funny?! You're sick, Alex! I'm not some animal! I'm not something you can just keep for your entertainment! Come the fuck down here!"
Disclaimer: I do not own them. Story title comes from Poison by All Time Low.
Warning: Violence.
turnthepageover.livejournal.com/24842.html Matt closed his laptop, sighing and unlocking his phone. He scrolled through it for a few seconds, glancing at the calendar and shaking his head. He opened up his contacts, calling Alex’s number. It automatically went to voicemail, the way it had for the last two weeks. He tried Jack’s only finding the same response from that one also.
“Hey, Matt.”
Matt looked up, seeing Rian standing in the doorway looking at him.
“Hey,” the older boy answered, setting his phone back down on the desk.
“What are you doing? Organizing stuff for a new tour?” Rian asked hopefully, and Matt sighed, looking up at him with an unsure look.
“I don’t think there’s going to be a new tour any time soon, Rian,” he answered. “Unless you’ve heard from Alex or Jack, they’re still MIA.”
“I haven’t,” Rian answered sadly, sitting down in the chair next to Matt. “I haven’t spoken to Alex since the morning he left. He said he was picking up Jack and they were taking a trip back north.”
“He never said when he was coming back?”
“Actually, no... I didn’t think to ask either,” Rian answered and Matt bit the skin around his lip ring, rolling it between his teeth.
“It just doesn’t sit right with me,” he said, looking back down at his phone. “Why would they just take off without telling us?”
“I don’t know. Alex has needed a break for a while now, though. He was acting pretty different before he left,” Rian told him, looking down at desk top, “a little strange, honestly.”
“Strange?” Matt asked, looking up at Rian quickly. “How so?”
“He was just... standoffish. He spent more and more time in his room, and wasn’t really talking to me. He just wasn’t being Alex, y’know?”
Matt chewed his lip again, drumming his fingers against the desk.
“I tried to talk to him about it. He just pushed me away. He wouldn’t open up to me at all. Which isn’t like him. We’re close, he’ll usually tell me anything,” Rian said, watching the way Matt fidgeted nervously. “D-did you know something? Do you know what’s going on with him?”
“No,” Matt answered, “but I have a sneaking suspicion.”
Matt stood up, pushing his chair in. Rian watched him tidy up his papers before turning his brown eyes unto him.
“Let’s drive over to your house. I want to see if I can find anything in Alex’s room that will give us a clue,” Matt offered and Rian nodded, furrowing his brow.
“A clue to what?”
“Just... a clue,” Matt answered, turning to walk out of the room.
“What exactly are we looking for? I’m not sure Alex would really like us going through his room,” Rian told Matt as he opened the door and entered the room.
“You don’t have to go through anything. I just want to poke around. You don’t even have to sit up here with me,” Matt told him.
“It’s okay. I’d rather hang out with you. This house is kind of lonely since both Alex and Cassadee are gone,” Rian said, sitting down on the tidy bed sheets.
Matt stood in the center of the room, looking around curiously. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, really. He just knew there had to be something in this room that could show him what had happened with Alex. Something must have caused him to want to leave, and Matt feared it had something to do with a relapse.
“Was he eating in his room a lot?” Matt asked, seeing a few paper cups sitting on the nightstand next to the bed.
“No, he ate downstairs with us. He drank in his room a lot. He drank a lot more than he generally would, actually.”
“That’s not good,” Matt said, shaking his head. “I hate his drinking.”
“Me too,” Rian agreed. “He’s gonna drink himself into an early grave.”
Matt sat down on the bed, looking at the area near the nightstand. He pulled a notebook up, flipping through the pages quickly, too quick to be able to read the words or scribbles. He didn’t want to invade Alex’s privacy.
“He’s been writing a lot,” Matt informed his younger friend, who gave an enthusiastic smile.
“That’s exciting,” he answered. “Can I read it?”
“I wouldn’t,” Matt shook his head, “not yet. You know how Alex is about his music.”
“Oh yeah,” Rian said, looking slightly deflated.
“You’ll hear them eventually. You know it’s always better to hear them come straight from his mouth than to just read them anyway.”
“True,” Rian answered, nodding and glancing around the spacious, lonely room. “I miss them.”
“Me too,” Matt agreed, frowning as he looked back down at the floor. He noticed the glint of a bottle peeking out from under the bed, and he leaned down, picking it up.
It was an empty bottle that had been filled with Alex’s favorite red wine. Matt turned it over in his hands, settling the bottle so it was upright and he could read the label. Inside, he heard the rattling as small white capsules fell to the bottom, settling there.
Matt’s eyes widened and he looked up at Rian, who looked extremely shocked and concerned.
“Shit,” Matt mumbled.
“W-what? Is he on drugs? Alex is taking pills?!” Rian demanded, sitting up straight. “Is that his problem?!”
“No,” Matt said quietly, “the problem is he wasn’t taking his pills.”
“His pills? What did he have to take pills for? Wh- why are there so many? Jesus!” Rian exclaimed and Matt shook his head.
“This isn’t good. C’mon, we need to find them. We need to get Jack,” Matt said, standing up.
“He might possibly be in danger,” Matt said, pulling his phone out and dialing Jack’s number. He was met with his voice mail once again.
“Why would he be in danger?! What are those pills for, Matt?” Rian asked hurriedly.
“I’ll explain on the way there. Now come on,” Matt said, grabbing Alex’s notebook before rushing towards the door. “We’re going on a road trip.”