More Than The World (Twenty-One)

Apr 14, 2012 08:49

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

"Jack! There's someone at the door!" I called out, playing with Josie's feet.

"That's nice! Answer it," he responded and I stared at the kitchen doorway.

"I'm playing with Josie!" I exclaimed and he walked into the room.

"I'm so sorry. Let me just get that for you," he said sarcastically as he walked by.

"Deedee's grumpy," I told Josie. "I think he's just jealous I'm playing with a baby and he's not."

Josie smiled down at me and I grinned. I bounced my knees a tiny bit, holding her hands to keep her sitting up.

"I'm bring home a baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me. I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee, ouch! It stung me!" I shook Josie's hands and she smiled, eyes alight.

"I'm squishing up the baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me." I squished her hands together a few times. "I'm squishing up the baby bumblebee. Oooh! It's so yucky!" I held up her hands, making a face at her.

"I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me," I sang, wiping her hands on her shirt. "I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee, now my mommy won't be mad at me. Yay!"

I clapped her hands together and she cooed. She smiled at me and I grinned back, bringing her forward and kissing her.

"I love you, Jo-Jo," I told her and she cooed, touching my face.

"Ba," she cooed and I leaned her back against my knees.

"No. I'm Da. Say 'Da'," I told her and she stared at me. "Da!"

"Alex, she's two months old. She's not gonna say Daddy yet," Jack said, walking into the room with Travis. "Plus she's gonna say Deedee first."

"She is not!" I said. "She's Daddy's girl, duh!"

"We have a special bond."

"So do we. You see this? Daddy's princess," I said, smiling at our baby.

"Yeah? You see this?" he asked, lifting his shirt up and showing the scar on his lower abdomen. "Nine whole months of the most special connection you could ever have with another human being, ever."

"Don't play the mommy card," I said and he smirked.

"'Cause you know I'm right," he answered, kissing Josie's forehead.

"Yeah, whatever. We'll see in a couple months," I said as he walked back into the kitchen. I looked over at Travis, giving him a friendly smile. "'Ello!"

"'Ello!" he responded, smiling back at me. "Hi, Josie!"

She looked at him with wide eyes, and I laughed.

"Eventually you're going to have to remember Travis and not look terrified every times he talks to you," I told her. She continued to stare wide-eyed, moving her gaze down to me. She tapped me on the nose with her palm in a smacking manner. "Hey! That's not nice!"

"Ba!" she exclaimed and I glared.

"Be nice to your father!" I scolded and she stared back at me. "You brat."

Travis giggled, watching her.

"I don't know how you can possibly get mad at her. She's so freaking cute," he said and I looked over at him.

"I really can't. It's kind of a problem," I said, looking back down at her. "I'm gonna get your face off, Josie."

I heard a knock on the door, looking towards the kitchen.

"Jack!" I yelled out. "There's someone at the door again!"

"Then answer it!" he yelled back, hearing him sigh loudly.

"You are so useless," he said as he walked by and I giggled.

"I love you, baby!" I called to him.

I heard loud conversation and about ten minutes later Rian and Zack entered the living room.

"Hi, Josie!" Rian said, kissing the top of her head.

"We bought you a present," Zack said, dropping a bag next to her.

"Oh, Jo-Jo! Uncle Zack got you a present! Let's see what it is!"

I opened the bag u, pulling a purple Ravens cheerleader dress out.

"Aw! They bought you a Ravens outfit! How freaking adorable!" I exclaimed, looking it over. Rian and Zack laughed. "Say thank you!"

I laid her down, taking the tags off the dress and putting them on the coffee table.

"Jack!" I yelled.

"What?" he asked. "I'm not answering the door anymore! They can stay out there!"

"I need a diaper, actually," I answered, pulling Josie's jeans off. She wiggled her toes, watching me curiously. I smiled at her as I unbuttoned the onesie. "We gonna try on your new dress, mama."

She smiled, grunting as I pulled the onesie over her head. She made a sour face as I did so and I chuckled, leaning forward and blowing a raspberry on her belly. She squealed and I grinned, grabbing the diaper from Jack as he showed up to hand it to me.

"Don't pee on me, chubette," I said, undoing the straps on her diaper. I removed it, using a wipe to clean her up. I put the new diaper on, ticking her thighs after I got it all closed up.

"You got a new dress?" Jack asked, locking at it as I picked it up.

"Yep. Uncle Rian and Uncle Zack bought it for her," I answered, putting the dress on her carefully.

"How cute!" Jack cooed and I smiled.

"I know. Now you match Daddy and Deedee," I said, referring to the jerseys we were wearing.

Jack grinned, kissing Josie's cheek.

"What a cute family," Zack said, smiling at us.

"Yeah we are," I said, nodding and looking smugly at Jack. He laughed, leaning forward to kiss me.


"What happened?" I asked, walking back into the room and hearing a bunch of cheers.

"Touch down!" Jack yelled and I looked at the television, seeing we were up ten points now.

"Damnit! I miss all the good plays," I said, laying Josie in her swing and starting it.

"Oh the disadvantages of being a parent! You miss touch downs because you're off changing diapers!" Jack teased as I sat down in his lap.

"It's awful," I said and he laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist.

We watched the game intently, all yelling as the other team intercepted the ball.

"Get him! Get him!" Rian yelled.


"Get his ass!" I yelled at the television, sitting up straight.

The defense tackled him and we all clapped, but Travis jumped up, screaming.

"Geez, Trav. I thought you didn't care about the Ravens," I said jokingly and he shook his head.

"No, but that's a huge ass fucking spider!" he yelled and I raised an eyebrow.

"A spider?" I questioned and he nodded, grimacing. "Where?"

"It just dropped down right there! Ew! Oh my god!" he exclaimed.

"Calm down!" I said, laughing and then feeling Jack push me away

"Ew! It is huge!" he exclaimed, eyes widening. "Alex, kill it!"

"I don't even see it!" I exclaimed, and he pushed me off the couch. "Jesus! It's just a spider! Will you two relax?!"

"Kill it! It's gonna bite someone! What if it's poisonous?! I could bite Josie!" Jack said, shoving me away from him. "Protect your daughter!"

"It is not poisonous!" I said and he shoved me. "Okay! Is anyone gonna help me?"

I looked around, seeing them stare at me.

"Seriously? Zack, help," I said and he shook his head.

"Fuck no. I hate spiders," he said and I sighed.

"Rian, you're my last hope," I said and he shook his head.

"Hurry! It's crawling across the wall," Jack said and Travis screeched.

"Travis, quit being a bitch!" I said, laughing and grabbing a magazine. I rolled it up, looking around the wall. "I still don't see it..."

"It's right there! Ew!" Jack exclaimed. "Just fucking kill it before it tries to eat you!"

"It is a spider. Shut up," I said, rolling my eyes. I held the magazine, winding back before aiming at it. I missed and it scurried away, making Travis shriek again.

"See! You missed and not it's going to try and eat us!" Jack yelled and I rolled my eyes again. I aimed once again, smacking it dead on and squishing it.

"There! Happy? Now you can stop screaming like bitches," I said, tossing the magazine down.

"Hey! No! Throw that away! It has spider guts on it!" Jack exclaimed as I fell in his lap again.

"Because you freaked out and made me kill it," I said and he glared.

"It was trying to eat our family," he said and I laughed, shaking my head at him. "Now throw that magazine away!"

He pushed me off his lap, causing me to fall to the floor and everyone else to laugh.
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