More Than The World (Five)

Nov 25, 2011 01:01

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

“Alex,” Jack grunted, shoving his knee in my back. “Get the baby.”

I opened my eyes, waking up and focusing on the room. I heard Josie’s loud crying and I groaned. I pushed the blankets off of me, sitting up and stumbling out of bed.

“Josie,” I mumbled, blinking the sleep out of my eyes. “Shh, Josie.”

My request was met with another loud wail, and I cringed.

“Okay, okay. Shh,” I soothed, picking her up. I held her to my chest, rubbing her back in hopes of soothing her cries. It didn’t work, and she just continued to scream. “Let’s get a bottle, then.”

I carried her out to the kitchen, swaying her gently and rubbing her back. I opened up the cabinet, grabbing a bottle but dropping the lid and making it clatter again the counter.

“Damnit,” I mumbled, hearing Josie raise an octave. “I know, baby. I’m trying.”

I turned on the water, allowing it to heat up as I scooped formula into the bottle. I checked the water with my finger. I turned the hot knob down a little bit, checking it again. It felt alright, so I filled the bottle with it. I cradled her carefully as I screwed th lid on, shaking the bottle to mix the formula up. Josie was still whimpering and crying, and I tried to rock her gently as I squeezed the bag to get all of the air out of the bottle. A few droplets of milk squirted out, so I knew the air was all out. I tested it on my arm, nodding in approval of the temperature.

“Okay, here we go,” I said, situating Josie. I pressed the nipple of the bottle to the corner of her mouth, and she turned her head, closing her lips around it. Her cries quickly began to subside, faltering down to small whimpers. “There. All better.”

I leaned my face down, kissing her forehead gently as she drank. I carried her back towards the bedroom, creaking the door open quietly as I walked inside. I sat down on the bed, rocking her gently as I glanced down at Jack. He was fast asleep, curled underneath the blanket. His lips were parted just slightly, hair sticking up. I grinned, looking back down at Josie. She stared up at me through heavy-lidded eyes, suckling the formula down. I smiled, feeling m heart expand even more. She was going to have Jack’s eyes, I just knew it.

I continued to rock awkwardly on the bed, making a note to myself to bring the rocking chair down here until we moved back upstairs. Her eyes drooped shut, and I glanced down at the bottle, seeing it was almost empty.

She continued to suck even after the bottle was empty. I wiggled the nipple out of her mouth, making her eyes pop open as she startled. I held her tightly, rocking and watching as she quickly fell back to sleep. I set the bottle down on the bed, standing up and carrying her back to the bassinet next to Jack’s side of the bed. I laid her down, covering her with a blanket.

I turned away, yawning as I walked to the bed. I climbed into it, crawling under the covers and cuddling up to Jack. He snuggled his face into my shoulder, wrapping his arm around me and spooning.

I closed my eyes, falling asleep to the sound of his even breath against my neck. I was slowly drifting off to sleep, almost gone when the alarm went off.

“Shit,” I mumbled, scrambling to turn it off. I lurched forward, trying to find the snooze button. I smacked it, holding my breath and looking over at Jack. He had one eye open, looking back at me. I could tell he was probably holding his breath too.

I clicked the off button, sitting up slowly and looking over at Josie’s bassinet. Jack closed his eyes again, and I listened as a small noise started.

“Shh,” Jack mumbled, softly.

I sat still, waiting. It only took a few minutes for Josie’s loud cry to start up.

“Damnit,” Jack groaned, rolling out of bed slowly. He moved over to the bassinet, running his fingers through his disheveled hair.

“I’m sorry, babe,” I said, watching him pick her up.

“It’s okay,” he mumbled.

“I didn’t mean to wake her up,” I said, standing up. I walked over to him.

“You didn’t,” he said. “It’s not a big deal. She usually wakes up, like, fifteen or so minutes after you leave anyway.”

“I just rocked her to sleep though,” I said, touching her head.

“She just wants to say goodbye before you leave,” he said, giving me a kiss. I smiled, kissing her forehead.

“I’m gonna take a shower,” I said, and he nodded.

“I wish I could join you,” he teased, and I laughed.

“Me too, baby.”

I opened the door, stepping out into the dark hallway again. I walked down to the bathroom, turning on the light as I walked inside. I took a quick shower, relishing in the head of the water. I dried myself off quickly when I stepped out, wrapping the towel around my waist. There was a light on in the living room, and I could hear the soft noises of the television, so I figured Jack had taken Josie out there.

I walked into our room, finding my suspicion to be correct as the bed was empty. I grabbed a t-shirt and jeans out of the closet, drying myself off completely before pulling them on. I ran my fingers through my hair, looking in the mirror and making a face. Not really in the mood to try and do anything with my hair, I grabbed a gray beanie off my dresser, pulling it on.

I picked my wallet up off the dresser, turning the light off and leaving our room. Jack was in the kitchen messing with the coffee pot, so I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Where’s Josie?” I asked, face buried into his naked shoulder.

“In the swing. She’s fascinated by the mobile,” he said, and I smiled.

“Did you turn it on for her?”

“No. She got fussy if it was on. So I just turned it off and let it sit there. She won’t take her eyes off the little teddy bears.”

“I didn’t think she would be focusing on something like that so early.”

“It plays music,” he pointed out. “She likes music.”

I nodded in agreement, watching him hit the button to start the coffee maker. He shifted his weight back, leaning into me.

“I’m tired,” he groaned, and I kissed his ear.

“At least you don’t have to go to school,” I told him, sliding my fingers in between his.

“Nope. I just get to sit in the house all day,” he said, sarcasm edging his voice.

“I would love to stay home and watch Josie all day,” I told him.

“Of course. I love spending time with Josie. Sitting in the house all day, everyday gets boring though,” he said, and I nodded.

“Take her for walks,” I said. “The strollers in the back room.

“I could. I was just nervous ‘cause it’s been kinda cold,” he told me.

“Put a hat on her and wrap her in her blanket,” I said, and he nodded.

He took a deep breath, squeezing my fingers before pulling away. He walked over to the cupboard, taking a poptart out of it. He turned around, smiling at me.

“Hey, cutie,” he grinned, walking closer and kissing my lips gently.

“Hey,” I chuckled, laying my hand on his hips. He put his fingers on the bottom of my beanie, pulling on it slightly and kissing me again. He slid his tongue across my lips, parting them and pressing it into my mouth.

He pulled away after a minute, and I grinned.

“Good morning,” I said, licking my lips.

“That did wake me up. I think I need that every morning,” he said, walking away into the living room. I grabbed my coffee cup, pouring some coffee into it. I added everything I wanted, putting the lid on it and walking into the living room.

“I’ll see you in a couple hours,” I said, leaning down to kiss Jack. I wiped away the poptart crumbs from my mouth, laughing.

“Later, babe. I love you,” he said.

“I love you, too,” I said, before turning and walking over to Josie. “Bye, baby girl.”

I kissed her forehead gently, running my fingers over her soft hair.

I stood back up, picking my bag up and pulling I onto my shoulder. I grabbed my keys, walking out of th door and to my car.


I parked my car, hanging the pass the pass on the rearview mirror. I got out, locking the doors and heading towards my first class. I filed in with the rest of the students, taking a seat in the middle section.

It took twenty minutes for me to be ready to fall asleep. I set my pencil on the paper, resting my chin in the palm of my other hand. I fought to keep my eyes open, taking a sip of my coffee.

“This class is enough to put you to sleep, huh?” I heard a voice say. I looked to my right, and the first thing that caught my eye was a mane of wild, orange hair. I looked down, seeing a boy my age sitting next to me. His ice blue eyes glanced between me and the professor, fingers playing with the small hooped pierced through his lip.

“Yeah, it is,” I mumbled.

“I don’t even know what he’s talking about anymore,” the boy muttered, and I cracked a smile.

“Some writer,” I answered, and he nodded, eyes widening in mock interest.

“Fun,” he said, and I laughed. “I’m Travis, by the way.”

“Alex,” I answered, and he glanced over at me, nodding.

“Nice to meet you, Alex,” he said.

“Nice to meet you.”

I feel like this chapter is short and filler-ish.
I'm sorry if this one seems so slow compared to the other story. It's gonna get better, I swear.
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