Happy Thanksgiving (Standalone)

Nov 25, 2011 00:02

Title: Touchdown Boy

Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Third
Summary: Really, those are the four things he loves most in his life. Family, food, football, and sex.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.

Thanksgiving, in Alex’s honest opinion, is the best Thursday of the entire year. The other fifty-one just don’t compare to it. On what other Thursday can Alex spend time with family, stuff himself with food, and watch football all day long? None. And the one thing that makes the holiday that much better? The night full of delicious sex he is anticipating from his boyfriend.

Really, those are the four things he loves most in his life. Family, food, football, and sex. All that’s missing is his fans. If he could find a way to wrap all of those things in one, he’d be in heaven. Well, except for family, maybe. That could get weird.

“Alex,” Jack breathed, giggling as Alex nibbled gently on his ear.

“I think I’m ready to head home,” he told Jack, intertwining their fingers together. Jack frowned, looking into his boyfriend’s eyes.

“Already?” he asked, and the elder chuckled, kissing his boyfriend’s pouting lips.

“Don’t act so sad, baby,” he answered, bumping his nose against the other boy’s. “I was just about to ask if you wanted to stay the night.”

Alex saw a spark ignite in Jack’s dark eyes, and the younger quickly nodded his head. Alex laughed at his excitement, wrapping his arms around the slightly taller boy’s skinny waist and laying his head on his shoulder. Jack buried his nose in his boyfriend’s hair, kissing his scalp.

“Ugh, get out of here with your cutesy cuddling,” they heard a voice say. They separated, seeing May pretending to stick her finger down her throat in mock-disgust. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”

“Shut up, May,” Jack said, smirking at his sister. He held firm to his boyfriend’s hips, and Alex glanced over his shoulder to look at the smaller girl. He could see the smile and her eyes, and it made his heart leap. He loved how accepting and delighted Jack’s family was with their relationship. It made being with the boy that much more special.

She chuckled, grabbing a cookie and a beer before walking back out to the living room.

“I’m gonna grab some clothes and stuff and then I’ll be over, okay?” Jack told him, and he nodded.

“Okay,” Alex told him, kissing his lips before pulling away.

“I’ll see you in a couple minutes,” Jack told him, before walking out of the room to go up the stairs.

Alex drank the rest of his wine, setting the glass down in the sink. He walked into the living room, moving towards the front door.

“Alex, are you leaving already, sweetheart?” Joyce asked, looking up at him.

“Yeah,” he said, giving a yawn. “It’s been a long day.”

“Oh, alright,” she said, standing up. She leaned forward, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you later. Drive safe.”

“I will. Thank you for dinner,” he told her.

“It’s not problem, dear. That’s what family’s for,” she answered, holding his hands in her own for a second and smiling at him before letting go. He smiled down at her, nodding.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Mama B,” he said, kissing her cheek.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” she answered.

He grabbed his coat and hat, pulling them on. He left the house, feeling in his pockets for his car keys. A fresh white sheet of snow covered the ground, causing the boy to shiver and pull his coat tighter around him. He got to his car, hitting the unlock button before opening the door and sliding in.

He started the car up, quickly turning the heat on full blast and turning the music up just slightly. He messed with the knob, searching for a channel. He finally settled on a channel with popular pop songs playing. He put the car in reverse, backing out of the driveway, switching to drive, and speeding off towards his house.


Alex walked in the door of his house, closing the door roughly as the wind began to blow. He kicked his shoes off haphazardly, knowing Rian was out of town and wouldn’t be there to lecture him about keeping the house clean. He acted too much like Alex’s mom sometimes. Alex found it disturbing.

He shrugged his jacket off, hanging it up on the coat hanger. He walked over to the thermostat, turning the heat up a few notches before moving into the kitchen. He figured he should be a sweet boyfriend and surprise Jack with something warm to drink when he got there.

Opening the cupboard, he searched around for the packets of hot cocoa he had bought awhile ago. He couldn’t find them, and he wondered if he and Jack had already drank them. He sighed, shutting the cupboard door and turning around. He could always just make coffee for them, but that sounded too boring.

Then his eyes fell on the cupboard he kept stocked with liquor, and an idea dawned upon him. He opened the door, searching for the bottle he had in mind.

“Yes!” he cheered, grabbing the bottle of Bailey’s off the shelf. He brought it out with him, setting it on the counter next to his coffee machine. He turned the coffee maker on, starting it up and setting two glasses down in front of it. Perfect.

He looked around the room, rubbing his bloated stomach. He needed to be in more comfortable clothes. He started for the stairs, moving into his room to find a pair of sweat pants. Any other time he would worry about looking good for his boyfriend, but right now he didn’t care. Jack already knew he wanted sex. Sweat pants would just be easier to get the boy out of than his painted-on skinny jeans.

“Ale-Alejandro, Ale-Alejandro,” Alex heard a voice calling as he walked down the stairs, and he grinned when he found Jack standing inside his dining room. His hands quickly found their way to the smaller boy’s hips, and he pulled him in for a warm kiss. “Mmm.”

Jack hummed as Alex kissed him, delving his tongue into the sweet pit that was Jack’s mouth. Jack squeezed Alex’s ass in his hand, the other finding purchase on Alex's barely-there love handles. Jack giggled into Alex’s mouth, making Alex pull away.

“What?” Alex asked, hooking his fingers in Jack’s belt lips and knocking their hips together as. He attached his lips to Jack’s collarbone, continuing his way down, despite Jack's shirt, so his lips kissed along the Jack Skellington tattoo on his chest.

“You too thick, baby,” Jack said, trying his best ‘hood’ impression.

Alex pulled away, raising his eyebrows and frowning.

“Don’t ever do that again,” he answered, before pressing his lips back to Jack’s neck. The younger giggled, mewling softly as Alex’s teeth nibbled on a sweet spot.

“Mmm, Alex,” Jack hummed, licking his lips and feeling blood begin to surge to his dick. He dug his fingers into Alex’s shoulder blades, gasping gently.

Alex pulled away from him, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the kitchen.

“I have coffee and Bailey’s,” he told Jack, and the boy grinned.

“Yum!” Jack grinned. “Pass me a cup!”

Alex chuckled at his boyfriend, pouring some coffee into a cup and topping it off with the Bailey’s. He handed it to Jack, who took it eagerly.

“Don’t burn yourself, baby,” he said.

Jack nodded, watching Alex make himself a cup. He picked his own up, turning to Jack and smiling at him.

“You know what I wanna do?” he asked Jack, raising an eyebrow.


“Go up and get all of the blankets and pillows from upstairs, and spread them out in front of the fireplace.”

Jack grinned, nodding his head.

“I’ll be right back,” Alex said, setting his cup down.

He returned about ten minutes later, finding Jack sitting on the couch, with his cup in between his hands. The game was playing on the television, and Alex noted that it was the fourth quarter.

He tossed the blankets down, going to work on laying them out in front of the small fireplace. After he had them laid out how he wanted, he tossed pillows down and went to the kitchen to grab his drink. He picked it up, carrying it back to the living room.

“Baby,” he whined, sitting down on the blankets. Jack glanced at him, before looking back at the television. Alex frowned, looking up at the screen. There was two minutes left, and Alex decided to swallow his pride and allow Jack to ignore him for the next two minutes.

But, if there’s one thing Alex knows, two minutes in football can feel like twenty minutes. Alex huffed, watching the time dwindle down slowly. Normally, Alex would be right next to Jack, into the game. He loved his Ravens, he really did; but he loved sex with Jack more. And at the moment that’s all his mind was really concerned with.

“Jaaaaack,” Alex whined, but his boyfriend didn’t answer him. He made a face, taking a long sip of the drink and pouting. How could Jack even ignore him now? He was sprawled out on a pile of blankets and pillows, wearing nothing but sweatpants that were riding so dangerously low on his hips. And there was fireplace next to him! What more of an invitation did Jack need?! Alex’s cock on a fucking platter?

Alex cringed at the thought, patting his dick affectionately. He glared at Jack, who was acting completely oblivious to him.

“You’re ruining Thanksgiving,” he told Jack, throwing one of the smaller pillows at him.

It had cut to commercial, and Jack looked down at him.

“What was that for?” he asked, picking up the pillow.

“I’m trying to seduce you and you’re ignoring me,” Alex said, frowning.

Jack chuckled, setting his cup down before getting onto the floor and crawling over to his boyfriend. He stopped when his face was hovering over Alex’s, and he smiled down at the older boy.

“Showing me your boogers is not making me any less upset with you,” Alex told him, and Jack giggled. He leaned down, pressing his lips against Alex’s.

It was an awkward kiss. The position was all wrong. Jack’s nose kept bumping Alex’s chin, bangs ticking Alex’s neck and making him squirm slightly. It just got weirder when Jack slipped his tongue into Alex’s mouth. He started giggling after a minute, pulling away and looking down into Alex’s honey brown eyes.

“Spiderman makes it look so easy,” Jack mumbled, and Alex couldn’t help but crack a grin.

“Shut up and come snuggle me,” the older demanded, and Jack smirked. He maneuvered his body, laying down next to Alex and laying his head on his chest. He looked over at the fireplace, watching the flames lick up over the wood.

“I just wanna roast marshmallows in there,” Jack told him, and Alex made a face.

“That would be sort of hard, considering it’s electric.”

“I know,” he said. “It just looks so real.”

Jack continued to watch the fire, and Alex kept his eyes on Jack. He played with the boy’s dark hair, watching the way the fire danced in the reflection of Jack’s dark brown eyes.

“I love you,” Alex mumbled, and Jack looked down at him.

“I love you, too,” Jack answered.

“Can we just stay here forever?” Alex asked, and Jack leaned forward, resting his forehead against his boyfriend’s. “You and me? In this moment?”

“Baby, if it were up to me,” Jack started, touching his nose to Alex. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Alex connected their lips, hooking his arms around Jack’s neck and pulling him down. He let his eyes slip shut as Jack kissed him slowly, fingers idly playing with the hair at the back of his neck.

It felt like everything around them stopped. The world stopped spinning, the room melted away. Only two things existed; Alex and Jack.

“Jack,” Alex sighed, feeling his teeth nip at the tattoo behind his ear. Jack’s hands roamed around his body, feeling every bit of skin he could. Alex’s fingers remained intertwined in Jack’s hair, pulling on his scalp gently. Every time he did, he could hear soft noises leaving Jack’s throat, little whines of both pain and pleasure.

“Fuck, baby,” Jack mumbled, scratching his short nails again Alex’s chest. The action made the elder’s back arch, toes curling slightly as Jack straddled him.

Alex flipped them over, settling himself in between Jack’s thighs.

“You ready?” Alex panted questioned in Jack’s ear, licking the shell of it. Jack gasped, squeezing his thighs around Alex just slightly.

“Y-yeah,” he answered, and Alex pulled back. He fumbled with one of the pillow, sticking his hand into the case and searching. He pulled out a bottle of lube, laying it next to Jack’s head.

He kissed his boyfriend, reaching down and unbuttoning his pants. He undid the zipper, grabbing a hold of the waistband and yanking them down. Jack wiggled his hips to help his boyfriend pull of his pants. Alex tossed them towards the couch after they were off, watching as the younger peeled off his shirt. He stripped off his sweatpants, shoving all clothes to the side before kneeling over his boyfriend.

He grabbed the bottle again, popping it open and pouring some in his hands. He smeared it over his fingers, looking down into Jack’s eyes.

They’d been doing this for so long now, so many times that Jack just watched calmly as he coated his fingers, spreading his knees to give Alex better access.

The first finger always felt strange, but it didn’t hurt anymore. Alex went straight to adding a second finger, watching the boy’s face. There was the burn of the stretch for a few seconds, and then it disappeared. Jack licked his lips, letting out a sigh as he arched his back. Alex then went for the third finger, leaning forward to kiss the younger as he pushed it in.

Jack cringed slightly at the stinging feeling, grabbing a hold of the blanket underneath him. Alex continued to swirl his tongue in Jack’s mouth, switching the angle of his fingers.

“O-oh!” Jack moaned, breaking away from Alex’s mouth. His back arched, mouth forming the perfect O shape as the pads of Alex’s fingertips brushed his prostate. “Alex.”

Alex smirked, kissing Jack’s neck and sucking on his pulse. Jack whined, biting his lip.

“F-fuck, babe,” he moaned. “C-come on, Alex.”

Alex pulled away from his neck, smirking at the pink blossom that was there. He kissed it before pulling away completely. He pulled his fingers out of Jack, hearing the boy whimper. He picked the lube back up, pouring it into his hand and smearing it over his dick. He pumped himself a few times, bringing himself to full size. He tossed the lube to the side, hovering over Jack. He kissed him lovingly, pressing in slowly.

Jack gasped, mouth opening wide. He sunk his nails into Alex’s back, groaning and squeezing his thighs around him.

“F-fuck,” he grunted, panting.

“Oh, Jack,” Alex groaned, resting his head on Jack’s shoulder.

“Alex,” Jack whined, bucking his hips. “Move.”

Alex straightened up, grabbing a hold of Jack’s hips and pulling almost all the way out, and then pushing back in.

“A-ah, shit,” Jack groaned, arching his back. Alex started up a rhythm, adjusting his hips to find that one spot that made Jack go crazy. “Oh, jesus! Alex!”

“Mmm, fuck yeah,” Alex grunted, groaning in Jack’s ear. He sucked the lobe into his mouth, rolling the sensitive skin between his teeth as he moved his hips. “Uh-uhn. You’re so good.”

“Mmm, unf.”

Alex rocked his hips down into Jack’s prostate, admiring the noises that slipped from his boyfriend’s mouth. He loved the sounds Jack made during sex. There was nothing he loved more in the world, except for maybe the faces he made.

“G-god,” Jack panted, pulling Alex’s hair. “A-Alex. Alex, baby.”

“Mm, Jack. I know,” Alex murmured, kissing his throat. “Cum for me, baby.”

“A-ah,” Jack groaned, toes curling and a sheer of sweat covering his body. “O-oh.”

“Come on, baby,” Alex whispered in his ear, panting in it and making the fire burn hotter in Jack’s stomach. “Give it to me.”

“F-ff-fuck, Alex,” he whined, squeezing his thighs around him. He arched his back, throwing his head back and allowing Alex to attack his neck. His body shuddered as he climaxed, and he gripped onto Alex tightly. The constriction as Jack’s muscles clamped around Alex was enough to push him over the edge too. He moaned, burying himself inside of Jack and leaning his face into his neck as he let go.

They collapsed down, a mess of sweaty, tangled limps.

Jack panted, and Alex pressed gentle kisses along his jaw line.

“Fuckin’, I love you,” Jack gasped, shoving his nose in Alex’s sweaty hair.

“I love you, too,” Alex answered, laying his head on Jack’s chest.

After a few minutes he pulled out of Jack, rolling over and cuddling up to his side. Jack kissed his nose, feeling his eyes growing heavy.

“You should move in,” Alex mumbled. “So we can do that all the time.”

Jack chuckled, nuzzling him. “I think Rian would hate us.”

“Rian’s already gonna be pissed. We’re laying on his blanket,” Alex said, giggling and kissing Jack’s lips.

“Just blame it on Cassadee,” Jack told him.

“So is that a yes?” Alex questioned.


“Are you moving in with me?”

Jack thought for a second, making a face. Alex frowned, biting his lip. “Yeah.”

“Yeah?” Alex asked, making sure he heard right.

“Yeah,” Jack answered, smiling. Alex’s face broke out into a grin, grabbing a hold of Jack and squeezing him tightly. “Happy Thanksgiving, baby.”

"Happy Thansgiving."
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