You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You (Six)

Aug 15, 2011 02:04

Title: You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You
Authors: turnthepageover and americanaffair
Rating: NC-17 Overall.
Pairing: Eventual Jalex.
Point of View: Third.
Summary: "You think this is fucking funny?! You're sick, Alex! I'm not some animal! I'm not something you can just keep for your entertainment! Come the fuck down here!"
Disclaimer: We don't own them, as much as Bridjet wishes she does, haha ; ) Story title comes from Poison by All Time Low.
Warning: Violence.


Jack stared at Alex, the elder standing in the doorway for a second before crossing the room and moving towards the bed.

"What's with all the noise?" Alex asked, and Jack raised a shaking hand, extending it towards Alex.

"What about me?" Alex asks, stepping outward and closing the door behind him.

Jack grabbed his hand, pulling him closer and sitting him down on the bed. He tried to ignore the queasiness he felt in his stomach. He sat next to Alex, impossibly close as he hitched his legs up onto Alex's lap.

"What is this?" Alex questioned, raising a dark, thick eyebrow.

Continuing on, Jack didn't speak. He folded his lips in on themselves, then let them push back to their regular position, sliding his tongue across to wet them. His breath came slow, and inside his heart was a painful sting building up steadily.

"Jack?" Alex tried once more, staring into his eyes in a desperate search for an answer. An answer which he could not find.

Jack took a deep breath, slowly moving his hand forward, slowly sliding it down Alex's side. He ghosted his fingers over the fabric of his shirt, pushing his fingers underneath it and touching the calloused pads of his fingertips against Alex's smooth stomach. He curled his fingers over Alex's hip bone, pressing his chest to the older male’s.


Alex's question, which he really didn't want to ask, but felt like he had to, was shut off my Jack pressing his lips carefully against Alex's. His eyes shot open, confused and shocked, but closed just as quickly. He moved into the kiss, cupping Jack's cheek and gliding his tongue across the other boy's chapped lips.

Jack's kiss was needy, pressing too hard and too fast. His tongue quickly pushed into Alex's mouth, fighting for dominance against Alex's. Alex didn't like that. He was the dominant one. He was not submissive. He would not be dominated.

Alex's other hand was on Jack's bony shoulder fast, pressing down hard enough that Jack gasped. Which, in turn, let Alex bite on his tongue lightly and suck. If Jack was planning on playing dirty, then Alex would play dirty too.

Jack dug his short nails into Alex' skin, trying to draw blood through crescent shaped wounds. He continued to kiss Alex, clenching his eyes shut and trying to pretend that he wasn't doing this.

Alex's hand smothered Jack's, forcing his fingers to interlock between Jack's. In response, the younger clawed impossibly harder. Alex persisted, attempting in vain to guide Jack's hand further south.

Jack wrenched his hand away, struggling to straddle Alex's hips. He forced Alex back on the bed, breaking the kiss in the process. He panted, looking down into Alex's eyes. His honey brown eyes looked different, and Alex glared back at him.

"You don't fucking get me on my back," Alex hissed, reaching his hand forward with the velocity of a striking cobra. His fingers automatically twisted into Jack's black hair, yanking the younger boy down and shoving him onto the bed.

Alex's body twisted sideways, leaving him sitting up while Jack struggled face down on the bed. He bent, licking the shell of his ear and slipping downwards with hideous finesse to bite and suck along Jack's neck.

He held Jack down with more strength than Jack had realized he had. Jack struggled, whimpering as Alex bit his shoulder roughly.

"Oh, I see. You wanna play games, and try to have the upper hand. But you can't take what you dish, huh, Jack?" Alex questioned, sucking on his ear lobe, tasting the metal of the stud pierced through it. "Don't fuck with me, Barakat."

He grabbed a hold of Jack's face, crushing his jaw between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand.

Jack cried out in pain, as though his voice would wave a white flag. And even then, nothing would stop Alex at this point.

"Nobody can fucking hear you, Jack. And I'm not listening, unless you say something interesting to hear." He twisted Jack's jaw until their eyes were aligned. "Do you?"

"I love you," Jack mumbled, and Alex's eyes slitted.

"Fuck you," he spat, shoving Jack's face away from him. "Fuck you!"

Alex reared his hand back, snapping it forward and backhanding Jack across the cheek, hitting the already deep purple bruise.

"You fucking listen to me: I love you! I. Love. You," Alex said, tears shining in his deep brown eyes. "Don't fuck with my emotions."

Jack's body became stiff under Alex's touch, every fiber on high alert. He gasped audibly, each breath Jack drew in came short. The obvious "pre-cry breaths".

But underneath him, Alex let him cry. Alex looked at him, but didn't see anything other than the mass of raven hair. And when he was positive that Jack was a wreck, he wound every finger through that thicket of hair, giving a strong jerk to pull his head up.

He leaned in close, so close that hot air was puffing onto Jack's ear just from the exhales. Then he quickly grabbed Jack's cheeks, pressing his fingers in so deep he could feel teeth. And he kissed Jack, kissed him so hard his lip bled. "I've always loved you."

Jack gripped onto Alex tightly, feeling the need to just be close to somebody. He kept his eyes away from Alex's face, pretending it was someone else. Someone else in his arms. Someone else stroking his hair and littering loving kisses along his bruised face. He swallowed hard, trying to keep the tears at bay.

Alex held him tightly. Painfully, almost. Close, but not completely. It was the kind of pain they understood. The kind of misfortune Jack and Alex had, in separate terms, come to know. Jack felt crushed, suffocated. Alex's tight grip being a physical metaphor for everything that was so, so, so wrong but still happening.

"I-I'm sorry," Alex choked after a few minutes of silence. "I'm so sorry."

He let go of Jack, making him feel cold and alone. He went up the stairs, and Jack bit his lip, eyes welling up with tears as he quickly pulled the warm comforter over his shaking body.

After a few minutes he heard the heavy footsteps of feet, and he looked up at Alex, seeing a pile of things in his hand. Alex moved closer, setting the pile of what Jack recognized to be clothing down. Alex picked up one of the wet wash cloths, pulling the blanket away from Jack.

"I," Alex bit the inside of his lip. "I need to see what's underneath."

Jack shook his head no, but otherwise said nothing.

"Jack! I don't want to! But I need to see what's underneath," Alex was begging. He didn't. He couldn't. He wasn't sure if his brain could handle seeing the destruction he'd caused, already Jack's beautiful face was maimed. But he had to, a little voice kept yelling at him. He had to.

Jack's shaking hands removed the blanket, and Alex's lip trembled as he looked at Jack's beautiful face. The beautiful face that Alex had caused so much pain to. He picked up the cloth still laying on the bed, gently laying it onto Jack's face. Jack held it in place with his own hand, the cool substance feeling excellent on his aching skin.

Jack twisted to sit up, rolling his neck and hearing a painful sounding, but oh-so good feeling crack. He saw Alex stare at him, desperate but hungry. Jack chose to block those eyes from his mind. Instead, he slipped off his own shirt and moved to reach for his own.

Alex waited patiently, giving Jack a pair of sweatpants in replace of his boxers. After he was dressed, Alex bit his lip, looking down at his hands.

"J-Jack, I-" He stopped, licking his lips. He felt awful. He wanted to make it up to him. "Do- do you want to come upstairs?"
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