All For You (Twenty-Eight)

Aug 19, 2011 00:30

Title: All For You
Author: turnthepageover
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Jack
Summary:Jack loves Alex. Alex loves Jack. But they have to keep their relationship secret from Alex's parents. What will they do when Jack finds out he's pregnant?
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: This is an mpreg. So if you're no into that sort of thing, I would suggest you don't read it.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

I groaned as I walked inside, stripping my shirt off.

“I am not leaving the house again,” I whined, fanning off my sticky body. “I feel like I just had crazy hot sex.”

“That doesn’t sound bad at all,” May said, and I shook my head.

“No. Not when you’re eight months pregnant,” I told her. “There’s not much worse than being pregnant and hot.”

“I think you’re being dramatic, again, Jack,” she said, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Really?! So please, inform me of something worse than being bloated, constipated, and light-head all the time. And not being able to wear any of your favorite shoes because your feet are so swollen. And not sleeping all night. And not being able to sit still because of cramping muscles and Braxton Hicks. Along with a child practically beating the shit out of you from the inside out. And then add sweating like a pig on top of that. Anything?!" I demanded, and her eyes widened. “That’s what I thought.”

“Calm down, baby,” Alex said, putting his hand on my back.

I sighed, kicking my shoes off. My feet ached, and I walked away, throwing my shirt into the laundry room. Alex followed behind me, carrying the bags of stuff we had bought for the baby. I walked up the stairs slowly, keeping one on my stomach as I held onto the rail with the other.

“I’m about to start sleeping in the guest room downstairs,” I told Alex. “These stairs are getting ridiculous.”

“Is the bed big enough for both of us?” he asked.

“It’s a queen,” I answered, finally getting to the top step. “And it’s own bathroom.”

“Why have I never been in there?” Alex asked, and I shook my head. I inhaled deeply, trying to catch my breath again.

“My mom doesn’t like people going in there so it’s clean for when guests actually do come over,” I told him. “But I’m pretty sure she’ll understand that I need it.”

“I’m sure she will,” he said, and we walked towards our room. He opened the door and we went inside. I laid
down on the bed, putting my feet up and sighing. Alex put the bag down next to me, sitting down by my feet. He grabbed one foot, feeling it. “I’m gonna go grab you a water bottle. Be right back.”

I watched him get up and walk towards the door, leaving the room.

I sat up carefully, leaning against the wall. I picked up the bag, opening it and looking inside. I looked at the clips we had brought, along with headbands with flowers and bows. I smiled, wondering if the doctor will be correct about how much hair she had. And whether her hair will be blonde or black. I rubbed my stomach gently, tracing my fingers around my belly button. It was starting to protrude outward, and I pushed on it slightly.

The door opened, and I looked up to see Alex walking in with a water bottle and a bowl of orange slices.

“Thanks, babe,” I said as he handed both items to me.

“Welcome, love,” he answered.

He tapped one of my toes and I stretched my foot out towards him. He took it in his hands, beginning to massage it gently.

“Mm,” I groaned, feeling the tension begin to melt away. I took a bite of the orange, rubbing my stomach. I could feel Josie moving around. She loved oranges. “I want a big piece of peanut butter pie.”

Alex chuckled, switching to the other foot.

“You want me to go find you some peanut butter pie?” he asked.

“Later,” I answered. “I’m enjoying this foot rub.”

“I would imagine. Your poor feet are super swollen,” he told me and I nodded.

“Look at my fingers. They’re like sausages,” I told him. He kissed the tip of one as I held them out for him to see, and I smiled.

“Drink your water, babe. That’ll help with the swelling,” he told me.

“Yes, Dr. Alex,” I said, smirking.

“Nurse, Alex,” he corrected, and I smirked even more.

“Yes, sir. Can you wear one of those sexy nurse’s outfits? Like Enema of the State?” I asked, and he laughed.

“Whatever you want, baby,” he answered, rolling his eyes.

“Ooh, baby,” I purred. “I’m so excited.”

“I’m gonna go see if I can find you that peanut butter pie, okay, babe?” he said, letting go of my feet and standing up.

“Mhm,” I said. “Find me a big piece.”

“A huge piece,” he answered, leaning down to kiss me before he left the room. I licked my lips, looking at the ceiling for a few minutes before I felt my leg beginning to cramp. I groaned, sitting up and getting off the bed. I walked out of my room, going towards the stairs. I slowly made my way down them, holding onto the railing tightly for support. Once I got to the bottom I turned, going into the living room.

“Just see if they’re still there,” I heard my mom say, and I looked to see her giving Alex money.

“Alright. I’ll be back in a little bit,” Alex told her before going over to the door. I walked in the room as he was slipping his shoes on.

“See you soon, babe,” I said, and he nodded at m.

“I’ll be right back,” he answered, opening the door and stepping out of it.

I sat down in the armchair, putting my hand over my belly.

“Hey, mama,” I said, and she looked up at me.

“Yes, Jack?” she answered, and I saw my dad glance over also.

“I was wondering it if would be okay if Alex and I moved down to the guest room. Just until Josie’s born. It’s getting to be really rough going up and down those stairs,” I told her.

“I was meaning to talk to you about that, actually,” she told me. “I was going to see if you wanted to stay in there after your surgery, because the doctor’s normally tell you not to talk up the stairs the first few weeks.”

“You won’t even want to go near them when you come home, anyway,” my dad told me, and I nodded.

“Okay. That works out then. We’ll just use that as our room for a couple of months,” I told her.

“Alright. When Alex gets home we’ll tell him to start bringing some of your clothes down and put them in the guest room,” Mom said. “And we’ll have to bring the bassinet down and put it in there too.”

I smiled, rubbing my stomach. I felt Josie push up against my hand and I cringed.

“She pretty active, isn’t she?” Dad asked, and I looked up at him, nodding.

“She moves all the time. Especially when Alex is around. The only time I get any peace is when she sleeps. And unfortunately that’s usually not when I’m trying to sleep.”

“That’s how you were. You were always super active,” Mom said, smiling at me.

“Oh god. I hope she isn’t just like me,” I groaned, and she laughed.

“You’re a great kid, Jack,” she told me.

“I’m glad you think so.”


“Where the hell did you go? Mars?” I asked Alex, kissing him as he walked into the kitchen. “I was getting ready to call the Men In Black to go find you.”

“I got your pie,” he answered, setting it down on the table.

“Thank you,” I said, looking down at a box tucked under his arm. “What’s that?”

“A pool,” he answered, setting it down on the table.

“You just went out and bought a pool?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Your mom told me to,” he answered, and I gave him a confused look.

Mom walked in at that moment, looking at the box.

“You found one,” she observed.

“Why did you tell him to go buy a pool?” I asked her.

“Your sister told me how miserable you are in this heat. I figured a pool will be nice to help you cool down,” she said. “Plus it’s just a blow up pool, so we can take it down in the winter. And it’s only three feet deep, so it’ll be a little more size appropriate for Josie when she’s a toddler.”

“Wow. T-that’s cool,” I said, glancing over at Alex.

“I’ll go put on my trunks and set it up so we can take a dip later,” Alex said, giving me a kiss. “Alright, babe?”

“Alright,” I answered.

“Eat a piece of pie,” he told me, smacking my butt as he walked towards the stairs.

“Do you like the idea of the pool?” Mom asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah I do. I was just surprised. I asked him to go get me a piece of peanut butter pie and he comes back with a pool,” I said.

“And a whole pie,” Mom added, taking the pie out of the bag.

“He’s so awesome,” I smiled, taking the pie from her hands. I took the lid off of it, turning around to get a plate.

“He takes god care of you,” Mom said, patting my stomach as I cut myself a piece of pie. “You couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend.”

“I knew I picked him for a reason,” I said, taking a bite. “Mm, this is delicious.”

“I don’t think you picked him at fifteen because you thought he would make a good father,” she said, eyes twinkling.

“You’ve known we were together since we got together, haven’t you?” I asked, smiling at her.

“A mother knows, Jack,” she said. “You notice a lot more when you actually pay attention, too.”

“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” I asked her, taking another bite of the pie.

“I figured you’d tell me when you wanted me to know,” she said. “Plus I knew how… close-minded Alex’s parents were.”

“Are,” I corrected, rolling my eyes.

“It’s their loss, Jack, not yours. You and Alex get to appreciate your beautiful baby girl and they don’t. That was their choice.”

“I just feel bad for Alex,” I told her. “Our family is so close, and you guys are all here for me. He has no family to be there for him.”

“We’re his family, and we’re all here for both of you,” she told me. She stood on her toes and I leaned down, feeling her kiss my forehead. I grinned, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“I love you, mom,” I told her, giving her an awkward hug.

“I love you, too, baby,” she said. “I love all three of you.

She looked out the window and finished my pie, putting my late in the sink.

“Now go put your swimming trunks on and enjoy that pool your boyfriend is working so hard to put up for you.”
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