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Comments 19

glioncourt December 29 2011, 15:45:20 UTC
What!? We can edit comments without a paid account!? That's great!!! And just now that I started using the app on iPhone! I don't see that option on the app, though! :( but it will come in handy with all the typos I make on this tiny keyboard...

I haven't really stopped to appreciate the change yet because I've been online mostly on my phone.

Should I have a dreamwidth account?

Also, i can only think as transgenders in the "other" gender category. Sexual orientation can't be confused with gender... They're different things.


turkmikari December 29 2011, 19:28:46 UTC
Only if the comment has not been replied to, but it's still something.

If you want another LJ you can get a DW, it's basically the same thing as LJ.


glioncourt December 30 2011, 16:15:35 UTC
Hmmm I'll check it out but I don't think I have the time for another journal.


turkmikari December 30 2011, 20:48:58 UTC
there's nothing particularly special about it really, just another LJ... though they do allow 15 icons for a free account, which in LJ is I think an ad sponsored account? I don't know I block all ads anyway so I have no idea if DW even has them. It's like the other day we were listening to some music at the office and I'm like "you tube has video ads right before the actual music video starts?" It was all news to me. XD


snow_rayjah December 29 2011, 16:42:43 UTC
What is this dreamwidth thing? Should I have one? o.O;;

Also, Lightning Layout looks pretty cool. :3


turkmikari December 29 2011, 19:26:09 UTC
It's like another live journal http://mikaristar.dreamwidth.org


snow_rayjah December 29 2011, 19:43:47 UTC
Oh I see! I don't need another livejournal, do I?

I do have a new writing blog though: http://piratesboard.net/butterfly/


turkmikari December 29 2011, 19:52:54 UTC
Probably not XD I only made a DW because a comm I'm in made another comm there and a bunch of people moved so this way I can keep up with everyone.


waterpriestess December 29 2011, 17:56:46 UTC
Looks good Mikari!


turkmikari December 29 2011, 19:25:41 UTC
thankies ^^


reikane December 30 2011, 13:53:20 UTC
Without getting into the variety of orientations that there are in the world, as far as I know, there are only two genders. It made me laugh about how "politically correct" they're trying to be.

Erm, not to argue with you, since it certainly isn't my place to speak for others, but there are indeed many people who do not like to be classified by the two genders. What Dreamwidth (and I guess LJ?) is doing is respecting their identification. Here's some information you can read at wikipedia.


turkmikari December 30 2011, 20:45:54 UTC
The world is changing indeed, though I don't really get it, it can get confusing with the conceptual not necessarily visible interpretations. I mean some people may not identify with what they were born with but asexual and genderless are quite different. Maybe it's just because though I've met people of different orientations and even some who "felt sure" of who attracted them and changed their minds later anyway (hence why I think there is an amount of "situational choice" though not necessarily "free choice" in the matter), I haven't met anyone yet who doesn't lean to either masculine or feminine. I view the "undecided" as people who are still figuring it out and will eventually (though it might take time) form a preference, rather than "undecided" as a "permanent" choice. I tend to see those aspects as more related to orientation as they come from the mind rather than the physical body. I was just amused by the surprising changes in the world in an area that in the past appeared to be already "fully defined" in a simpler way.


reikane December 30 2011, 21:51:09 UTC
The world certainly is complicated, but it's not always a bad thing though. XD The change is not so much the increase of genderqueer individuals, but more of the awareness of their existence that people are finally picking up. I'm not sure if I would compare it to simple preference - some people simply don't identify with either gender (and rigid gender roles make it even more difficult); some resolve with certain methods like surgery, others simply prefer to be out of the range entirely. I don't think it's wise to assume anything though; there are plenty such individuals on Livejournal that maybe you can see and talk with and understand.

You know Persona 4, right? Well, Naoto may be considered genderqueer. Here's an interesting discussion regarding her status, and a good idea of describes how broad it is.


turkmikari December 31 2011, 00:35:43 UTC
I haven't played Persona 4 but I've read up some info on Naoto from shrines. Interesting, I had gotten the impression that Naoto was dissatisfied with women's stereotypical roles rather than with being a woman. Like an issue with the way society interprets things influencing her, rather then a self interpretation being the source. But I'm certainly not an expert on the character, I'm curious so I'll check out more info later.


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