
Jun 04, 2022 22:59

One of those strange weeks where a national celebration leaves people like me utterly alienated. How are you supposed to celebrate 70 years of a monarch's reign when you think the institution is an insult to democracy, and the apparent 'stability' it provides really means maintaining the class system that locks society into the privilege and ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

bluehorse July 5 2022, 01:25:14 UTC

I admit, I'm NOT one of those Americans fascinated by British royalty. I sort of think of them as your version of Disney: an overpriced, over-hyped tourist attraction that's getting a bit long in the tooth. What does interest me is how others react to them. Why do they do this? Is it the idea of tradition, or the history of it? An excuse to throw a big party and get roaring drunk, secure in the knowledge that others will approve because of the reason for it?

I think I'd want to hide too, frankly.

I also think it's very good of you to remind those players that the world has changed, and their jokes are not cool in the least.


turk_diddler July 14 2022, 22:47:09 UTC
Why have the street party? I honestly don't know, possibly boredom, Fear Of Missing Out is a pretty big deal too these days. It could just be they're weirdos who enjoy socialising, the world is full of them.

I know some very successful people who get deeply offended by any word said against the Queen. It makes it conceivable to me that living a life of unquestioning conformity that pretends capitalism, consumerism, nationalism and, in this case, monarchy, isn't some form of mass insanity is precisely the way to get ahead ih the world.


bluehorse July 28 2022, 21:30:37 UTC
Re that party...it might also be a reaction to the pandemic lockdowns? Like releasing a loaded spring? Whatever, I still would have avoided the whole thing ( ... )


bluehorse July 30 2022, 02:15:33 UTC
I was thinking a little more about this. I wonder how much of this adoration of the Queen is about her, or the monarchy in general. Does Prince Charles engender this kind of emotion? Could it be a cult of personality? Or that she's been there for so long, and through so much difficult history, that she's a kind of "good mother" figure for many? That might explain why so many get offended by those less than enchanted.

Does any of that make any sense?


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