(no subject)

Jun 04, 2022 22:59

One of those strange weeks where a national celebration leaves people like me utterly alienated. How are you supposed to celebrate 70 years of a monarch's reign when you think the institution is an insult to democracy, and the apparent 'stability' it provides really means maintaining the class system that locks society into the privilege and poverty of the class system?
Our neighbours closed off our street for a jubilee party, leaving me with no other option but to spend an extra couple of hours at work in the hope they'd have packed in by the time I got home. Unfortunately it was still in full swing when I arrived back, and after a briefly giving the excuse I'd had a long day already I was left like a prisoner waiting for it to die down before we could go out again. I just couldn't stand the idea of going out there to socialise with them in amongst the union flags, plastic bunting and paper plates with the Queen's head printed on. It's not only that believers in royalty are brainwashed idiots who remind me of how much bullshit received wisdom rules our culture, it's that they have to make it so fucking tacky too.

Got a tricky situation I'll have to deal with later this week. I'm on the committee of our table tennis club these days, and I stood by a little too long as the other guys makes more and more homophobic jokes about a couple of the players who are always the last in the showers. I don't think they hate gay people exactly, but for whatever reason they find it's something to make crude jokes about. Anyway, other players are beginning to overhear, so I'm going to have to find a way to remind them we're an inclusive club and gay players hearing their banter might think about playing elsewhere. It's strange to me in this day and age they haven't any notion of how what they say might affect others. This is why schools, workplaces, etc have to keep banging the diversity drum, however much people think the job is done already.

I don't know. I don't go about thrusting my principles in people's faces, it's exhausting enough just living in this thoughtless world.
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