Round 14: Themes

Aug 30, 2014 09:21

We are having another quick fire round which means you will only need to make six icons, one for each of the following themes.

01. T is for TEXTURE: There are 26 textures given below. You must use the texture that corresponds to your chosen letter of the alphabet in your icon.

[You will find the texture you need behind this cut.]
A by chodingdinoB by preferthemossC by lemonpunchD by spud66catE by mm3butterflyF by sarisafari

G by preferthemossH by rebelI by raiindustJ by lookslikerainK by tinebrellaL by raiindust

M by northerndawnN by midnight_roadO by innocent_lexysP by i_rise_insideQ by pandavirusR by tinebrella

S by accio-glowT by lemonpunchU by maeappleseedV by innocent_lexysW by fourouxX by erzsebet

Y by midnight_roadZ by rebel

02. R is for RAINBOW: You must create an icon using a color the begins with your chosen letter. The color must be the most prominent in your icon.

fancifull 'G is for green' | mm3butterfly 'O is for orange' | youwatchusrun 'P is for pink' | superjesster 'B is for brown'

03. N is for NOUN: The subject of your icon must begin with your chosen letter.

drankmywar 'S is for Sarah' | meivocis 'T is for Trio' | _jems_ 'V is for Veronica' | lemonrocket 'M is for McCoy'

04. C is for CROP: If your chosen letter is from the first half of the alphabet (a-m), you must make an icon with a CLOSE CROP. If your icon is from the last half of the alphabet (n-z), you must make an icon with a WIDE CROP.

CLOSE CROP (pull in close to subject, subject should fill up icon canvas)

reebeecaa | delorentoes | afeastforme | vetica

WIDE CROP (full character + scenery, no empty backgrounds allowed)

jokermary | petite_tomate | lu_hesperia | cool-spectrum

05. O is for OBJECT: You must showcase an object in your icon that begins with your chosen letter.

theskyinside 'C is for car' | nyaza 'W is for wings' | daleksaresexy 'T is for TARDIS' | cent 'H is for hook'

06. L is for LETTER: You must include your chosen letter visibly somewhere in the icon.

dashberlin (letter 'B') | john_scorpy (letter 'X') | myneonhearts (letter 'F') | applepips16 (letter 'I')


If you have any questions concerning any of the themes, simply reply here and a mod will answer the question as soon as possible. If you have a sudden sinking feeling in your stomach because you regret your choice of letter then you'll want this thread only; I'll put the alphabet into a randomizer, and you'll receive the first two letters it spits out to choose from as a replacement. You may make use of this feature only once.

Links: General Rules & Information | Questions | Round 14 Sign-Ups | Round 14 Schedule | Round 14 Submission | Countdown Clock

-round 14, !themes

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