
Feb 08, 2015 23:30

While it's cold outside, it's cozy and warm inside. It took a week for the house to recover from JSG messing with the heating system. Buildings take time to warm up. I had forgotten that in all the stress of the last few weeks. So relieved. I've been able to turn the propane fireplace/fan system down as equilibrium has been reached, the house was ( Read more... )

tenant, home, don't mess with darwin, rant, rl

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Comments 4

shiv5468 February 9 2015, 06:42:10 UTC
Glad it's warmed up for you.

Otoh bras do mean there are fewer tripping accidents as you don't fall over your own nipples. People are bonkers


dickgloucester February 9 2015, 07:38:24 UTC
I'm glad things are settling down now. *hugs* I hope the GP can help with the pain and the other meds.


dreamy_dragon73 February 9 2015, 19:27:58 UTC
I'm glad things have calmed down a bit. Hope the GP will have an idea about your pain issues.


mazzy2121 February 10 2015, 21:11:59 UTC
~le sigh~ Everyone thinks they are a doctor these days. The worst offenders tend to be people who took one semester of anatomy or biology, once, ten years ago. lol


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