Grateful catch up post

Aug 15, 2011 17:40

Grateful I was able to hold my temper today. Three idiotic encounters with family/pts.

1- pt too busy texting her mum, to pay attention to what she needs to do while I am there. Woman is home all day so of course must do this in the half hour I am at her home to do care.

2- Dtr of patient tells me several times "I'm a germophobe" as a her reasons to make requests- ie that I don't keep chart in fridge. We do that in cluttered homes so that we can find the damn thing. Umm, and I am pro spreading germs? Just in case you didn't understand, I am a Registered Nurse, handwashing and aseptic technique are as natural to me as breathing, or in your case being an annoying twit. She is obviously not using what few cells she hasn't destroyed with booze. I am hoping to figure out when dtr is not home in order to keep my sanity over the next 4-6 weeks.

3-Pt picks up cigarette and starts to smoke as I enter home- trailer btw -she then asks me to remove shoes. I explain that she can't smoke while I'm there and then realise that the trailer is not only a pigsty, but reeks of smoke. I request that we do visit on the deck. She then proceeds to pick up a broom and sweep said deck, start picking up dirty dishes from deck. Once I reviewed chart, I had to ask her to sit down. Another home where I use alcohol handwash rather than make my hands dirtier by using her facilities.

4- Office fail- in so many ways.

Also, thankful for the generosity of the SS/HG exchange mods. Am now on extended extension. Hoping that I am not one of the two annoying peeps. Damn migraines stole almost a full week from me, and now I have to focus on Medieval Feast I am holding in two weeks time to fundraise for Stevie Ray. Donations have slowed, we are now at $2,758. A check for $2,500 has been given to the school. Sister will be posting a scan of check.

Grateful I was able to get home and bring laundry in before total downpour.

work, nursing, gratitude meme, stevie ray fund

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