I've been meaning to write about this for awhile now... [NOTE : Donnamonya is a Kinki Kids' radio show]
It's Kinki's 10th Anniversary!
They talk about Kanjani!
It made me laugh.
And it's very short, heh.
From their letter segment =
Letter :
The other day, Nagase-san did a quiz on radio in which he had to answer the full names of the members of Kanjani
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Comments 30
and how come it's maru pervert? =_=; *yoko is even more* XD well, as long as Endli likes him but... PLEASE REMEMBER HIS NAME PROPERLY THEN!!!
... come to think of it, Maru IS a pervert haha~
thanks for that bit, arent KK suppose to be Eito's closest sempais for also being Osakajin?
Maru is a perv...they all are, really...
I think of them as equals but Arashi is their senpai no? But yeah, KK is definitely...or would it be NEWS?
NewS... is Arashi and KK's kohai! *Koyama, the old Arashi fangirl XD*
it's so sweet of tsuyoshi to know eito's names, well i guess it helped that they were in his show.
i wonder who tomoya nagase got...
That is nice that he got everyone's last names, yeah, this was probably after they filmed Shindoi, but still....eeee!
Ah, I looked it up, Nagase got Ryo.
Poor Maruyama, how many times do senpais get his name wrong? XDDD
and Yasuda Kei.. GAHAHAHAHA
Poor, poor Yasu...
I can't believe Nagase doesn't remember the name of the kid he bought a drum for!
Oh man, I'm so sorry...the "he only got Yoko" bit was my own comment...I'm gonna go edit that...I went and found a transcript of Nagase's show...he only got Ryo (then said Kame...wtf?)...then he got a list of their names or something and read them out and it seems like he knows who Yoko is...
Hahahahahahahaah, oh Okura!
Baka Koichi!! Ryo performed on ES wz you leh.. ==;; how could you forget that he's from 8?! *faint*
Maru = Pervert?!?! ne~ did tsuyoshi say 'hentai'? *giggle*
Yasuda... Yasuda Kei.. *continue to faint* Cos he looks like a girl so Tsuyo associated him wz Yasuda Kei?! @__@"
I know! And Yoko, Hina, and Subaru were on PIKAICHI with him!
Yes, that's the word he used, hahaahaha...
I don't know...I thought he picked Yasuda Kei cause it was another idol's name...hmmmm...now I'm kinda curious, ahahaha.
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