I've been meaning to write about this for awhile now... [NOTE : Donnamonya is a Kinki Kids' radio show]
It's Kinki's 10th Anniversary!
They talk about Kanjani!
It made me laugh.
And it's very short, heh.
From their letter segment =
Letter :
The other day, Nagase-san did a quiz on radio in which he had to answer the full names of the members of Kanjani
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and how come it's maru pervert? =_=; *yoko is even more* XD well, as long as Endli likes him but... PLEASE REMEMBER HIS NAME PROPERLY THEN!!!
... come to think of it, Maru IS a pervert haha~
thanks for that bit, arent KK suppose to be Eito's closest sempais for also being Osakajin?
Maru is a perv...they all are, really...
I think of them as equals but Arashi is their senpai no? But yeah, KK is definitely...or would it be NEWS?
NewS... is Arashi and KK's kohai! *Koyama, the old Arashi fangirl XD*
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