Title: Better Characters: Superboy, Catwoman Rating: G Word Count: 1,820 Summary: While on a stakeout, Catwoman is interrupted by a certain superhero. Disclaimer: DC owns all, not I Author's Notes/Warnings: Written for
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Title: That's Friendship Fandom: Teen Titans Claim: Supporting Characters, Bart/Tim. Characters: Bernard/Kon, Bart/Tim, Nina Dowd. Prompt:fanfic100: 78. Where? dcu_freeforall: 2. Flight. Word Count: 2780 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Bernard and Kon meet at Tim's birthday. Tim does not approve. Author's Notes: Thanks to julius12 for the beta! This is from the Random-Verse Slash
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Title: Unfortunate Strangers Rating: PG13-ish? Warnings: Not really anything descriptive, but it may hurt your brain a lot. As in, A lot. Summary: Kon sneaks away to Metropolis to go clubbing one night. He hooks up, and finds out out why you should introduce yourself before doing so. A/N: Written for the Kon in a New and Interesting Pairing Challenge.
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