Title: The Six Degrees of Pleasant Surprise
Fandoms: BtVS, Gilmore Girls, Anita Blake, Harry Potter, Highlander, Batman, and then BtVS (again).
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Six unexpected, but not unpleasant, things.
Surprise Reunion )
Comments 5
I'd love to see more of "Ssssurprisssing Coincsssidence". Where is this in Melanie's timeline? Before JC or after JC. It's just with the Master Planner and Schemer that Jean Claude is, I'm sure he would use Melanie's new friend Harry Potter for his own ends as well. Which could be an interesting AU...
Loved Hermione yelling at Methos. Does he know what he's getting into taking Hermione on as a student? That would also be fun to see.
The last one was very creepy.
Enjoyed these.
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