I'll be posting the next challenge here in a bit, but before I do that, I have an announcement to make. Since
tthdrabbles tends to be a little slow in the winter, I'm going to throw the comm's second annual fic fest, complete with prizes.
The rules are simple. Write as many drabbles for the challenges here as you can, between now and my birthday. That's March 10th, six weeks away. And for every author who writes six or more drabbles-- that's only one a week!-- I will write a minimum of 1,000 words of fiction in my fandoms, crossover or not, centered on any character you choose.
And there's more. For every drabble you write over the six-drabble limit, I will add 100 words to that minimum value. Which means if you were crazy enough to write fifty, like
az_anneliese did last year, I'd have to give you at least 5,400 words of fic.
Just FYI, fandoms I'm willing to write (or cross) for this competition include at a minimum B:tVS, A:tS, Firefly/Serenity, Harry Potter, Jane Austen, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and almost any other fandoms you might find in my
fic list.
Is that motivation enough? Get writing, and then make me write for you! *grin*