Title: Recon
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bring It On Again
Challenge: #70 Double Trouble
Disclaimer: I don't own them
Vi glared at her phone and contemplated smashing it into the wall.
"Come on Vi it’s not that bad." Xander’s voice came over the phone.
"Not that bad! What ever happened to no slayer ever needing to be alone again? Slayer teams? Reinforcements? Andrew for God’s sake?" Vi tried not to screech in her phone.
Xander tried not to laugh, "You can handle it Vi. It’s just recon." He paused for a couple seconds. "And no we couldn’t have sent Kennedy."
“Penelope come on girl!”
"Crap, I have to go." Vi hung up her phone before grabbing her pom poms.
Title: Valley Girls
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bring It On
Challenge: #70 Double Trouble
Disclaimer: Don't own
Glorificus smiled as she shed her counterpart. She was in a male restroom; she could hear cheering and loud music. She glanced around as she left the restroom. She was surrounded by people. This was the perfect place for a pick-me-up. This music was driving her crazy.
“Courtney! Like what are you doing? And eeewwww what are you wearing?” An Asian cheerleader said.
“Excuse me?”
“Whitney-” A girl that could be Glorificus’s twin appeared. “Like OMG, you stole my face!”
Glorificus grimaced in pain and quickly braindrained both girls. “I like totally hate valley girls. OMG I’ve been infected.”