title: The Kissing Test
word count: 100
fandom: Bones
disclaimer: I own nothing to do with either fandom, I’m merely playing.
pairing: Spike/Booth
challenge: # 70 double trouble
rating: Pg-13
summary: Angel and Booth aren’t sure what to do, Spike gets bored.
From the moment Angel lays eyes on the other man he feels stupid, can’t move. For a moment he wonders is Angelus has been pulled from him and made real. It’s a long enough pause that Spike gets bored. He pokes Angel. Angel’s eyes snap around to Spike, then back to the man staring at him.
Spike rolls his eyes, steps forward and with a smirk kisses the man.
“Nope, not evil,” Spike decides.
Grabbing Spike by the back of his collar and pulling him away Angel tries to repair the damage, “I’m sorry, that’s Spike. I’m Angel…”
“Seeley Booth.”