I am very seriously considering changing my legal surname.
My Mom is very seriously disagreeing with my decision.
I could understand, perhaps, if I had no reasons. But I do. I have not seen my father for ten years, and I am suffering from it. I want nothing more to do with him. That surname has bad connotations for me and I want to be rid of them.
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Comments 3
I think my Mom is warming up to the idea now and I'm researching the processes involved after I have it legally changed, like who has to be informed and how - Not everyone finds a photocopy of a legal document to be enough, it seems ¬_¬ Oh and by the way did the deed poll people mention that the additional legal copies you send off to these people cost an additional £13 for the service plus £1 for every copy? Sheesh. Still, overall it's a very cheap thing, and it's a small price to pay for something so important to me.
I am pretty sure in my decision, but I am going to wait a week or so just to make sure this is the right thing for me. I'm very confident that it is and that it will make me happy, but it's a big scary grown-up decision and I want to make sure it's right **Nods**
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