Friends Only!

Jan 01, 2025 19:48

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semi-friends only

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Comments 82

koshifuri January 26 2007, 02:10:39 UTC
2025... welp. There goes the flist.


tsumetaitsubasa January 26 2007, 22:34:12 UTC
Whoo... O_O I forgot about that. *kicks self*


pinksnow1986 January 26 2007, 17:39:32 UTC
don't worry, Ryoma won't kill you!! pretty colours!! ^___^


tsumetaitsubasa January 26 2007, 22:41:37 UTC
Yay, he won't kill me!


pinksnow1986 February 22 2007, 17:27:58 UTC
i remember this new pic!! *you did it in charcoal, right?*

looking great!! ^_____^


tsumetaitsubasa February 23 2007, 00:49:08 UTC
Yeah. :DDD I just darkened it.



a_lighter_heart January 28 2007, 00:41:18 UTC
Hello there! I'd like to be friends! ^__^

You know who I am, just look at my user info and take a good guess. But... shhh... it's our little secret. ;)


tsumetaitsubasa January 28 2007, 01:36:42 UTC
O__O *spazzes* Sorry, I'm just going to spaz for a while...

Wow. Hi! And you're friended. ^^


a_lighter_heart January 28 2007, 01:41:33 UTC
Lol! I figured you would. ~__^ Just because you're so funny when you spaz... *HUGS*

Bwah ha ha!


tsumetaitsubasa January 28 2007, 01:43:54 UTC
x33 Thank you for the hug.

Bwahaha! Your plan to overtake LJ will wor--I mean, bwahaha! XD


Friends? tai_hime February 24 2007, 06:45:16 UTC
Um, hi! I am a lurker from who has read some of your wonderful fanfiction. When I saw you also had an LJ I about jumped for joy, so I'm hoping you wouldn't mind to much if I friend you? We also seem to like the same fandoms so and you know you can never have to many friends. Sadly my f-list is lacking so would it be to much of a problem? Please tell me if you want me to defriend you though. Anyway, thank you.


Re: Friends? tsumetaitsubasa February 24 2007, 16:59:56 UTC
Hi and I really don't mind. :D Actually, I'm pleased that someone from found me here. XD You're friended. ^-^


honest_shine February 25 2007, 13:16:52 UTC
WAAAAH! yeah, im getting the hang of it. its actually very easy :P


tsumetaitsubasa February 25 2007, 19:19:32 UTC
That's great! Eh, skip this post for the next 20 years alright? It's backdated into the future so it stays on top.


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