Friends Only!

Jan 01, 2025 19:48

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semi-friends only

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a_lighter_heart January 28 2007, 00:41:18 UTC
Hello there! I'd like to be friends! ^__^

You know who I am, just look at my user info and take a good guess. But... shhh... it's our little secret. ;)


tsumetaitsubasa January 28 2007, 01:36:42 UTC
O__O *spazzes* Sorry, I'm just going to spaz for a while...

Wow. Hi! And you're friended. ^^


a_lighter_heart January 28 2007, 01:41:33 UTC
Lol! I figured you would. ~__^ Just because you're so funny when you spaz... *HUGS*

Bwah ha ha!


tsumetaitsubasa January 28 2007, 01:43:54 UTC
x33 Thank you for the hug.

Bwahaha! Your plan to overtake LJ will wor--I mean, bwahaha! XD


a_lighter_heart January 28 2007, 01:46:24 UTC
Yes! The wor-- I mean LJ-- will be mine! All mine!!

I'll give you Japan though. ^__^


tsumetaitsubasa January 28 2007, 01:50:34 UTC
YES! *pumps arm in air*

XD I love your icon there too.


a_lighter_heart January 28 2007, 01:53:03 UTC
Thank you. =) It's so true though! With how much Ian is into his music, I might as well be dating music. @__@


tsumetaitsubasa January 29 2007, 01:04:39 UTC
Really? Wow... Music... as a person... > o < !


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