Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger... MUSHROOM... MUSHROOM... Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger...
Okay, we get it. :D And now I need to work on Photoshop to make a sig.
What's the deal with Trolling, anyway? FMA fans would probably have heard this a bazillion times today already... )
Comments 6
its insulting, thought, when those stupid people can't respect other people's ideas. like i said, lots of stupid people in the world....
way too damn many. -_-;
But Trolls are just... stupid. And I wish they'd keep their stupidity to themselves, but I guess we don't have that much luck.
eh. some people are weak and simple minded. *shrugs* all we can do is try to educate them, and if we can't...*cough* kill them *cough*...leave them alone! XD
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