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Comments 6

realmenlikeboys October 12 2011, 23:32:07 UTC
Gah thank you so much for the shout out! I hope your month turns out better and that things start looking up. Huzzah for writing more! I know sometimes that it comes and goes, for me it does anyway - what a teaser! Eee gasp I think that teaser picture gave me a fit of awesome! Definitely link to me when you get writing what you're writing? I'm super intrigued and it looks amazing! Like my brain can't grasp the awesome! In a smaller note, I've posted a couple other fics - I'm taking a bit of a hiatus but I've stopped the PR slash spam for the moment. More Carter/Ryan too - and I owe mostly both of those due to your encouragement and awesome review! Anyway I'll stop rambling! Good look to you and yours and here's for the month looking up.


tsukino_akume October 13 2011, 00:25:05 UTC
Thanks for the support! I appreciate it. ^_^ And I'm always glad to help plug new stories, especially when they're as sweet as yours! ♥

-Grins- The picture is actually to inspire me for the rewrite of an older story - of which this is rewrite #3. ¬_¬ The first edition isn't online at the moment, but I'm planning to add it to my website. In the meantime you can always read version two here: Fade to Darkness: Darkness Calling. But the new version is already *much* better. I promise to let you know when I start posting it. ^_~V

I saw your newest fics! I shall leave more gushiness at their awesome tomorrow. And LIES! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PR SLASH SPAM.


dj_rocca October 13 2011, 01:03:56 UTC

I'm SO sorry. I hope it turns around for you soon.


tsukino_akume October 13 2011, 23:19:16 UTC
-Snuggles- Thank you! ♥


psyco_chick32 October 13 2011, 04:50:15 UTC
*giggles at your music choice* IT IS SUCH A JUSTIN!SONG.

Yay writing! Can't wait to see more :D

Major bummer with the Arizona issues. Why were you denied for Medi-Cal? (Obviously you don't have to tell me; I'm just interested.)

Sims: Medieval is the best. Also, Pirates and Nobles - do you have it? I keep throwing rich snobs into the Pit.

*hugs* I wish you could go see a Rheumatologist!


tsukino_akume October 13 2011, 23:24:35 UTC
*giggles at your music choice* IT IS SUCH A JUSTIN!SONG.


Yay writing! Can't wait to see more :D

Me either! So far I'm working on my new chapter four. It's already *much* darker than before. -Grins wickedly-

Why were you denied for Medi-Cal?
Oh, I don't mind telling. Medi-Cal is only for people younger than 21, older than 60, or disabled. I'm unfortunately none of these. But now I have the denial letter I'll need to apply for MSI, which is essentially the same thing but for the people who don't qualify for Medi-Cal.

Sims: Medieval is the best. Also, Pirates and Nobles - do you have it?

IT IS! ♥ Sadly, I do not have Pirates and Nobles for my very own. -Sulks- I am poor. I'm hoping someone will get it for me for my birthday next month.

I keep throwing rich snobs into the Pit.


*hugs* I wish you could go see a Rheumatologist!

Me too! ;_;

-Snuggles you lots- I hope you have more updates on your new job soon! ♥


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