In the words of my Shi-chan, this month SUCKS.

Oct 12, 2011 15:45

So, it's been a busy couple of weeks.

Last Monday, I was woken up at 6:30am to my Shi-chan apologizing and explaining that the water heater exploded (No, not literally. Just leaking everywhere.), and would I please come help her move furniture before everything was ruined? We called the 'emergency' maintenance line, and ended up sitting around on the couch, which was one of the few things we couldn't move out onto the patio, until the office opened at 9:00am, waiting and taking pictures of how bad the damage was. The living room carpet was literally a giant puddle, which lead into the hallway and under the kitchen into the bedroom closet.

Needless to say, we were both extremely Not Happy.

In the end, she lost one bookcase and a decorative box, although the items inside them both were thankfully safe. We have new carpet in the living room and hallway, and new padding in the closet, which is YAY!, but my roommate had to call out for work twice to deal with all this. On the upside, we now have two new bookcases, everything has officially been dusted and/or cleaned, and we rearranged the living room into a much better layout.

On the day of the flooding, I got a call from Social Services right as we were leaving the house, asking if they could set up an interview to see about getting me food stamps and health insurance. I jokingly made a comment about 'well, technically I could come right now'. The next thing I know, we're spending four hours hanging around at their building, getting me interviewed, ID'd, and fingerprinted. (Very filthy building. Lots of screaming, bored, and unhappy children. -Twitches-)

Unfortunately, I was denied for Medi-Cal, but given information so I can apply for MSI instead. As for food stamps, first I need to get a letter of termination of benefits from Arizona, so that they'll stop providing me with them and to make sure I'm only in one system at a time. The downside? Arizona apparently does not know how to stop giving people money.

No, seriously. My caseworker tried three times while we were sitting there. Thanks to the flooding and phone issues, I finally managed to try calling the last phone number they'd given him yesterday. I ended up making four different calls, only to always be told this wasn't the right number. One of them was actually the one listed on their website as being the number to call for terminating benefits. I'm still trying to convince myself to suck it up and try again today, because I have to have all this done by Friday or I get to reapply for everything. >.<+++

In the time between today and the flooding, Shi-chan and I went bookcase hunting and tried to find me a new pre-paid phone, so I could get a local phone number. After checking Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and Target, we ended up using the 10% off coupon the postal service gave me for changing my address to get a phone from Best Buy. We also found some $5 DVDs, which means now I have one of my favorite movies, Hook on DVD and can get rid of my old VHS copy. ^_^V

As for the bookcase, Staples SUCKS.

Not the stores. We went to one of their stores and found a 50% off sale on the manufacturer she favors. We were able to get a two-shelf bookcase, but unfortunately they didn't have the finish she wanted for the three-shelf. So, we ordered it. Awesome Manager who is Awesome that told us we'd need to order before 3:00pm if we wanted it delivered on Monday, so he rushed over to ring us up on another register just to make sure we'd get it in time. We came home, Shi-chan set up the two-shelf, and all was well.

Monday came. The bookcase did not. And I'm home alone all day, so I can be certain of this. I spent the entire time in the living room just to make sure I wouldn't miss them. When the bookcase *did* come, it was Tuesday, and it was in the wrong color. The guy who delivered it pretty much handed it to me, asked it I had it, and walked off before I even got the chance to get a good enough look to make sure it was the right one. By the time I realized it wasn't, he was long gone.

Shi-chan called customer service to complain. Eventually, they finally told her they'll send a coupon for her trouble (next week -Rolls eyes-), but we'd have to go and exchange the bookcase at one of their stores *ourselves*. It took arguing to even get them to do the calling to find which store at the right bookcase for her.

In the end, we now have the bookcase in the right size and color. But the drama ... -Mutters- Doesn't help that Shi-chan's back does not allow her to lift heavy objects, and I'm still having issues with my joins. After all the furniture moving last week and now bookcases? My body *hates* me ... Almost as much as hers hates *her*. -_-;;;

Shi-chan also texted me earlier today to let me know that there was a gas leak at her work. Everyone's fine and it's all dealt with, but yeah.

Essentially, all this drama means I have been playing lots of Sims. I now have the Kingdom of Slytherin, which is ruled by the eloquent and greedy Lord Voldemort, who sentences people to the stocks when they don't sleep with him.

I have also (amazingly) been writing! -Beams- I was reading over something and making pretty pictures the day before yesterday, and the next thing I know, I've got almost a full chapter. Last night I managed to write over 1700 words in *two hours*. Considering I only wrote 2600 for the *month* of September? -Bounces excitedly- I WANTS TO WRITE MORE!!!! ♥

As for what I've been writing ...

-Looks innocent-

Also, much love and adoration for realmenlikeboys's Cold of Autumn, which totally made my day yesterday by melting me into a puddle of goo. Go read it; it's beautiful. ♥

darkness calling pictures, fanfiction, rants, heart family, ftd

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